
Which algorithm does Neatimage use to denoise images?

Which kind of algorithm does Neatimage use to remove noise and grain from photos? I understand that this is proprietary software, but probably someone has an idea. References to publications or to similar algorithms are welcome. ...

Warp image animations on iPhone

Hi, just working up to building another app and we'd like to include the ability to animate regions of the screen in response to device shakes/touches etc. For example you could tap the screen and the device would animate a 'poke' into the image at that point (think this would be a lens type effect, like a weight on a trampoline) or you ...

How to manipulate an image at pixel level in C?

How do I read an image in C so that I can have direct control over its pixels (like we do in MATLAB)? I tried the old way: FILE *fp; fp = fopen("C:\\a.tif","r"); that just gives me the ascii form of the image file (I think). How can I get pixel level control over the image and do some basic operations like say, inverting the image? ...

How to write a downsampling function in Java

I'm trying to write a filtering function for an image, but I can't seem to wrap my head around (or remember) how to transfer all that math theory into code. Lets say I have the following function, where the ints inside the arrays are integers between 0 and 255 (pretty much grayscale pixels to keep it simple). private int[][] resample(i...

Convert float array image to a format usable for opencv

Hi, i wonder if there is a easy way to convert my float array image to iplimage, which can be handled by opencv. Of course i could create an empty iplimage with the same size and just copy ever pixel from my float array image to the emplty iplimage, but is there more elegant solution to this. Maybe a faster less memory consuming method,...

calling concurrently Graphics.Draw and new Bitmap from memory in thread take long time

Example1 public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); pro = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Producer)); con = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Consumer)); } private AutoResetEvent m_DataAvailableEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); Queue<Bitmap> queue = new Queue<Bitmap>(); ...

Face recognition in Java

Can any one suggest me an open source face recognition framework in Java? ...

cvCanny and float 32 bit (IPL_DEPTH_32F) problem.

I have some problems with OpenCVs cvCanny(...) and the Image data types it can handle. Well, maybe you guys/gals know a solution. I have a 32 bit float image and I want to perform cvCanny on it. The problem is cvCanny can only handle "IPL_DEPTH_8S" or U (signed / unsigned short), or at least that's what I suspect. The OpenCV manual doe...

python image recognition

hi, what I want to do is a image recognition for a simple app: given image (500 x 500) pxs ( 1 color background ) the image will have only 1 geometric figure (triangle or square or smaleyface :) ) of (50x50) pxs. python will do the recognition of the figure and display what geometric figure is. any links? any hints? any API? thxs :) ...

PHP Replace Colour in truecolorimage

Hi all, I need to find a colour within an image and replace it - if it is present. All I can find is information about replacing within an indexed image. Is there an easy way to do it with a true color image? Is it more efficient to convert a true color image to an indexed one and then replace the colour? Thanks, Mark ...

Writing an image processing application for analysis of satellite imagery

I have to start work on application for analysis of satellite imagery to identify some man made structure. I would like to use C or Java for this. For satellite I am planning to use Google Maps data. I have three questions here: What is best source for GIS data besides Google Maps/earth. Best language to write such an application con...

Mathematica Programming Graph Plot

I have a file with 40,000 data points. In Matlab I can use the plot command to draw the plot: aaa = Import('file Name'); plot(aaa,mesh) How do I do it in Mathematica? I tried: aaa = Import["File Name"] ListPlot3D[aaa] but it doesn't work. ...

Programmatically obtaining the number of colors used in an image

Question: Given an image in PNG format, what is the simplest way to programmatically obtain the number of colors used in the image? Constraints: The solution will be integreted into a shell script running under Linux, so any solution that fits in such an environment will do. Please note that the "color capacity of the image file" ...

image recognition: a box and randomly placed text

Hello, I was wondering if anyone would give me pointers to image rec packages that would help me recognize "text" (not OCR, just something that looks like text) and a black box frame. So, suppose: text +----------+ | | | text1 | | | | | +----------+ text How do I recognize that "text" boxes are text,...

Graphical Computing Problem: Signature Comparisons

As part of a college project, I'd like to deploy a system that compares signatures to check their similarities/validity. Questions: a)What algorithms are used on this branch of graphical computing (image comparison)? b)Are there any open-source projects from which I could learn/participate? c)Is there any commercial software availab...

Amazon S3 and Thumbnail generation... help?

I'm stuck for ideas on this one. I'm working on a CMS that uses a file-browser to store all media file in an S3 bucket. I have 4 options for thumbnail sizes which generate new thumbnail images from original image. If I'm doing this server-side in PHP it's fine - I'm just at loss as to how to do this if all the original files are s...

Edge Detection and transparency

Using images of articles of clothing taken against a consistent background, I would like to make all pixels in the image transparent except for the clothing. What is the best way to go about this? I have researched the algorithms that are common for this and the open source library opencv. Aside from rolling my own or using opencv is the...

Image format question

Hey there, I'm using an image loader (DevIL) for image loading. Im just wondering if the image format (the uncompressed format in memory) loaded from files (.jpg, .png, .bmp etc) is determined by the image loading program itself, or is some way contingent upon the actual image file. All of the images I have looked at so far seem to be...

How can I convert eps to jpg?

how can i convert eps image to jpg/png. any good application you can suggest. ...

How to divide an image into blocks in MATLAB?

I have a 256x256 image and I want to divide it into 4 blocks of 128x128 each and address them as A1 to A4. Now I want to call them separately and do some operations on them. I know this can be done using the blkproc function -- but how exactly? Do I call blkproc like this? B=blkproc(I,[4 4],?) What do I put in place of the "?", and h...