
Is it safe to delete the .gem directory for a RubyGem I installed in the wrong place?

Hi, I wanted to install open4 so I typed gem install open4 which gave me the following warnings: WARNING: Installing to ~/.gem since /var/lib/gems/1.8 and /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin aren't both writable. WARNING: You don't have /home/myname/.gem/ruby/1.8/bin in your PATH, gem executables will not run...

How to install and setup a database with .NET?

I am currently working on a project that include the use of SQLServer. I would like to know what strategy I should use when I install the software to build the database? I need to set up the tables, the stored procedures and the users. Does my software need to make a check on start up to see if the database exist and then if it doesn't...

Problem installing haskell-platform

I'm trying to install Haskell (for the first time). Following the instructions on the website, I downloaded: ghc-6.10.4-i386-unknown-linux-n.tar.bz2 haskell-platform-2009.2.0.2.tar.gz I unpacked the ghc package, and installed it without problems. Then I unpacked haskell-platform and run the following: ./configure --prefix=/usr mak...

Rails 3 can not find sqlite3-ruby

I am trying to learn rails3. I tried folowing the installation guide from, I installed sudo gem install rake rack-test rack-mount erubis mail sudo gem install tzinfo builder i18n memcache-client sudo gem install text-format thor And rails 3 via sudo gem install rails --pre Now I create a new app rails abc And...

Silverlight SQL Deployment

I'm about to write an application in either Adobe Air or Silverlight, to run standalone, offline, on the desktop. It's a simple enough application that allows the user to enter text data and will then print formatted documents based on that information. The obvious place to store all this relational data is in a database. I believe Air...

Proper location to install Android SDK on Mac

Hi, What is the best (most proper) location to install the Android SDK on Mac? I've seen in some posts that somewhere in the Home directory is advantageous. Some seem to have placed the SDK in the Applications directory. Thanks very much. Prembo. ...

iPhone application doesn't install from anywhere else other than the dev machine

Hi, I created an iPhone application. I am distributing it with the ad hoc method. It installs just fine from the iTunes installed on the machine where the app was created. Anywhere else the iTunes just gives the error 'Resources have been modified'. Please help. ...

Installing programs in different Linux machines with very limited acccess

Hi, I have to log into Linux servers from different customers and use there essential tools like SVN, etc. Most of the times I get no root access, and usually the administrator is on holidays :) so I have to get the way to use this tools there. Sometimes this is very straightforward process, just compile the code. But in some of the cas...

apk installation from web page

I'm looking for a sample web page (html code) with a link that will install an apk file directly on my phone by clicking on the link. ...

Installing Qt on Snow Leopard fails

Hi guys, I am having a hard time trying to get Qt running. I downloaded the 4.6.2 SDK-Installer and it completed successfully. Yet, when I try to compile any of the examples by Terminal and typing "qmake" I get errors like this Failure to read QMAKESPEC conf file /Users/xxx/mkspecs/macx-g++/qmake.conf. Error processing project file: /U...

Can I configure an MSI to install silently to a non-default directory?

I have a vendor supplied MSI file, and we want to automate the install to a couple thousand pcs/servers. Unfortunately, we would like to install it to our default apps directory, which is not c:\program files. Is there a way to do this easily? I'm experimenting with Orca, but I'd rather get a solid method on how to do this quickly and e...

iPhone: Application Install Fails With "Invalid Signer" Error

The iPhone is attached to a Mac runnning the latest iTunes version and I am 100% sure that her UDID is in the provisioning file. Her iPhone has not been jailbroken and we even restored it to factory settings. I am having trouble installing our development build on this one iPhone. The error is: the application "[Application Name]"...

EC2 .NET website installation error

I am trying to install my ASP.NET 3.5 website on EC2 windows instance and i get this error although i am running it under the admin user: "You do not have sufficient privileges to complete this installation for all users of the machine. Log on as administrator and then retry this installation." ...

silverlight -how to install

please I can't able to install the silverlight on vs2008.please tell me how to install silverlight on vs2008. give me step by step description otherwise any most preferable link for that I am going in correct way.& how the controls are to be in vs2008. & also me give a beginner example for that i can start to teach the silvelight. plea...

How to install a module for two perl-installations simultaneously?

Supposing I have one perl in /usr/bin (which came along with my os-distribution) and another one (build form the source) in /usr/local/bin – is there a simple way to make a module available to both perl-installations with only one cpan; install module-name? ...

What are the helpful online resources there for Python beginners?

Specifically for the ff: topics: Windows installation Using mod_wsgi/mod_python Python best practices Python security stuff Using Pylons Thanks ...

Automatic program update and Windows 7

Hi We have a suite of programs that check for new versions at startup, and then download new versions to run if required. This is obviously a problem in Windows 7, when it is locked down as a 'standard user', as they can't write to the c:\program files directory and below. Anyone seen a example of an application that gets around with is...

libgtk version problem on ubuntu

I installed gtk+2.0 version 2.18.3 but when i run command dpkg -i libgtk2.0-dev_2.18.3-1_i386.deb i have the next error but when i checked the /usr/lib/libgtk2.0-0 i found the version of the libgtk is 2.12.9 why the new installtion not override the pre one? and what i should do now? ----------------------------------------ERROR----...

Unable to install Android USB driver on Windows 7 Pro 64 bit

Unlike some others, my Android SDK setup went smoothly on my new Windows 7 Pro 64 bit machine. However, I am currently hung up on installing the android usb drivers. What is the current state of this issue? There has been some discussion of this problem on the web but no consensus is immediately apparent. ...

Installing a perl application along with the supporting modules onto a Windows PC that doesn't have a compiler

I'm building a perl application that interacts with a PostgreSQL database via the DBD::Pg module, and that uses Perl/Tk for it's GUI. It works fairly well on my system, but I'm designing it for a family member to use for their business. They don't have a c++ compiler and don't have a clue what CPAN is. The goal is to not bog them down by...