
Silverlight 3 Toolkit Installation Issues

After reading a few of the forum comments on the site, I decided to try to learn Silverlight 3 for the first time (No particular reason, I just like to torture myself learning new API's). So I went to link text And clicked the Big Green button called "Get the Microsoft Web Platform". Big Mistake...At least in terms of what I expected ...

How to pack two msi files and run a condition between them?

Hi, I need to pack two msi files in one setup.exe file (via bootstrapper) and run only one of them depending on condition (machine is x64 or x86). Is there a way to do that? ...

How to install and start a Windows Service using WiX

I tried to use the codes below in Wix. But when installing, the installer was freezing for like 3 minutes on status: Starting services, then I got this message "Service Jobservice failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services". Is there any wrong in my codes? And can I ask the user to input the win...

How properly bundle&install python to windows users

I need to redistribute Python 2.6 for my users. Currently, I execute the silent instalation for the msi installer from, but I have some problems, like if other version of python is installed this not get the default. In the other hand, despite this could be rare, if a user have already python and I insta...

Installshield Setup/Patch/Upgrade question.

Hi! I hope someone can answer my questions. I made an installer using Installshield. Then also about 5 patches because of some bugs and everything. Now here are my questions: Is it possible to make new installer based on the previous one, like an upgrade, but with the patched file on it and not the original files? Supposed that questio...

Stop service at uninstall on Win 7 with UAC on from WIX

Hi, How can i stop my service at uninstall in Win7 or Vista with UAC on from WIX? When i uninstall my service from Control Panel in Win7 or Vista with UAC on I always get "File is in use message". How can i stop it so that message won't appear? I have this code in Wix: <ServiceInstall Id='MyServiceInstall' DisplayName='OnPremises ...

How to launch Maintenance mode--"Change, Repair, or Remove installation" dialog in WIX

Hi all, I have changed the wix tutorial codes from here to make my own installer. There is no problem when I run the installer to setup my application. But when I run the the installer again, a window jumped out said "Another version of this prodcut is already installed..." But in the sample, there s...

Install a pfx certificate in a users store in Windows using WiX

Please, can someone provide me with a WiX snippet or solution for the mentioned scenario. I need to include the pfx file in the WiX msi and the user will download my msi to his machine via the internet explorer and Click install and I need also the certificate to be installed on his machine. ...

Which install system to pick when deploying to Windows and Linux?

My company is thinking of dumping InstallShield and move to something else, mainly because of the poor experience it had with it, mostly on Linux. Our product is a C++ application (binaries, shared libraries) targeted at Windows and Linux (Red Hat). The installer itself isn't required to do anything special, just dump some binaries and...

How to install DirectX in quiet mode?

Hi, I want to install the DirectX 9c user package in quiet mode. Is there any option like /quiet /q /qb etc. None of these worked. Note: With this file DXSETUP.exe /q not the extractor file directx_9c_redist.exe /q ( this works fine.) ...

How to silent run an installer of another program(PostgreSQL) during the installation in WIX?

Hello All, My company is developing an application that has a dependency on PostgreSQL, we are developping the installer by using WIX. How can we make the PostgreSQL installer (which is also a msi file) run automatically when installing our application? What do we need to set in Wix? If you happen to know any webpage explains this, plea...

How do I open the program files folder for the application I just installed?

Hello, Creating a C# install package and I'd like on completed install for the "Program Files/My Application" folder to open. Any way to do this? Thanks! ...

InstallShield 2010 Premiere: 64 bit & 32 bit driver installation

Hello, I'm using InstallShield 2010 Premiere. I have a basic MSI project that install an application and a 32 bit driver using the Driver wizard and DifxApp. I'm trying to add a 64 bit driver that will be installed if the system is 64 bit. However, when adding this 64 bit driver, the installation (On a 32 bit system) fails, and the on...

Custom Action executing as Nt Authority/System not as current user

I'm developing a setup project in VS 2008 SP1 that just creates an Active Directory OU and 2 Security Groups. My problem is that the Custom Action Installer class is running after the setup project is running as "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" not as the current user. I running, W2K3 EE SP2, my domain account is in the local administrators grou...

Multi-Environment WebConfigs for One WCF Installer (MSI)

I've created a working Visual Studio 2008 "web setup project" that builds an MSI for my WCF web service. I would like to provide 4 different web.config files, one for each of four environments (Dev, QA, Staging, Prod). In other words, I know what the connection strings and our other web services should be in each of those environments...

VS setup project - is there drawbacks?

Taking into account that some Windows Installer products from independent vendors (for example IstallShield) are rather expensive we can say that using a setup project in Visual Studio for building Installation packages has some drawbacks. Otherwise why developers should buy something else. For what reasons developers could use somethin...

Good software packager other than InstallShiled

Does anyone know any good software packager other than InstallShield? What software did MS use to create the Visual Studio 2005/2008 installers? Also, does it make sense to just use a "general purpose" language like C# to create an installer rather than using software packagers? Thanks! ...

Custom Installer : Detect Ajax Framework

Hi one and all, i am building a custom installer for a site, and am wanting to find out, how do i detect for certain system requirements, ie my site uses ajax, so how do i check if ajax is installed, if not install it? Can i do the same for sql express? An idea that would also be great is to maybe as the user if they would like to ins...

WiX installer design options for bootstrapper and seamless updating

I have an app that on first installer run needs a boostrapper where you can choose the language of the installed app, install .net framework if it's not there yet and some other prerequisites. I've taken a look at the WiX How To: Install the .NET Framework Using a Bootstrapper but I don't see how to use this for other custom prerequ...

Windows Installer msi package

I have a windows installer msi package with the setup.exe bootstrap. Works fine everywhere. However the client has supposedly uninstalled the application and then tried to run the setup.exe again and gets the following error in the log file: Launching Application. Error: Unable to locate application file 'xyz.msi'. Now the setup.exe a...