
Java JRE 64-bit download for Windows?

I'm working on a web site project with a Java component and am currently testing for cross-browser compatibility. Most is fine but the Java part won't load on 64-bit browsers. Looks like I need a 64-bit JRE to test. Where does one download the (off-line) 64-bit Java runtime installer for Windows? The official download page is here: http...

How to read the assemblyversion from assemblyInfo.cs??

Hii, there are many others had already post so many question about this..But here the scenario is different. I need to extract the first three digits ie. $(major).$(Minor).$(Build) from version number. how can i do this??..i tried AssemblyInfo Task..but that task is just for overwriting the version number.not to extract the version numb...

How to install a program to the non-volatile memory on Windows CE?

Hi All! I created a CAB setup for Windows CE using Visual Studio 2008. Everything was installed fine but all my files went to the volatile memory (\Program Files). Is there a way to install them to the non-volatile memory (\Hard Disk\Program Files)? I could write to the \Hard Disk\Program Files directly but I'm not sure whether this pat...

Launch one package from another

Hi, I'm using Apple's PackageMaker to deploy our software but one of the requirements of that software is a third-party driver which was given to us by the developer also as a package. Now while we could simply dump this on the user's desktop and ask them to run this, I was wondering how one can easily launch one package from within an...

vmime windows installer

Is there a Windows installer for VMIME? I'm on Ubuntu and don't want to waste too much time setting up a cross-compiler/Windows dev environment. Thanks! ...

what operating system has .NET 2 version built in?

What operating system has .NET 2 version built in? I plan to deploy a .NET application and wonder whether I should include a dotnetfx in the package. Where can I find such information? ...

Automatic driver installation in VS2008 setup project

Is there any way how to perform automatic driver installation during my C# app is being installed? I am using standard Setup project in VS2008 (MSI file). My application is communicating with a custom USB device, so the user must install the .NET app first and then manually connect the device to his PC and let Windows install the driver....

NSIS - How do I detect silent install?

If an NullSoft Install System installer is launched with the /S switch, how can I detect it from the script? Thanks! ...

Installing an application on a Windows system in a secured environment

One of the main advantages of web applications I often hear is that the deployment process is quick and painless, and that it even works in the most sealed off operating systems, as long as a browser is installed. I wonder if it is possible to make a lightweight installer for a thin client desktop application (for example written in C++)...

[windows] Why so many msvcp80.dll?

My computer have so many msvcp80.dll in different directory. and there are different versions: 8.00.50727.762 8.00.50727.1433 ... applications uses the version under their directory as Private Assemblies with advantages. And also I found a copy of msvcp80.dll under c:\windows\system32. Can I find out which application installed thi...

How a System.Configuration.Install.Installer instance can get the destination folder?

When my ProjectInstaller : System.Configuration.Install.Installer is called by the Setup project the current path is c:\windows\system32. How can I get the path where the application is being installed without hard coding this to the project ? (the destination path is something like c:\program files\[manufacturer]\[service name]) ...

Make Java GWT Web project installer?

I developed a GWT Web Project but I also want to distribute this product as installer to my customers. I needs some programs that make web installer. This installer will be exe. And when the user clicks this exe, it will install tomcat, run tomcat and deploy project war file. Have you any suggestions ? ...

Inno Setup - Conditional Parameters

Hi Folks, I'm trying to setup a situation in InnoSetup where it will do something by default, unless a parameter is specified to do things differently. I'm using Inno Setup Processor, and am looking at providing a #defines, but it cannot be compiled without it, and supplying a #defines parameter when one already exists keeps the origion...

Way to programmatically set Java options for Tomcat as a Windows Service

I am looking for a way to programmatically set Java Options for Tomcat 6.0 running as a Windows service. When using startup.bat and shutdown.bat, you can set these variables in a setenv.bat or catalina.bat file. However, for Tomcat running as a Windows Service, these options must be manually set in the Java Options section of the config...

Mac installer that runs a script

Hi, I need to create an installer for a Mac application that not only unpacks the information but executes an script before unpacking the information. Also I want an interactive application that asks for some parameters during installation. Do you know any tool to do that staff? Thanks! ...

Using <Condition> tag while installation of a component in WIX.

Hi, I am new to WIX. What I am trying to do: Windows registry maintains entries under Uninstall for my product. Now, when I upgrade to a later version it creates another entry there. So in upgraded version there are two entries under the Uninstall key. Things are fine till now. When I need to downgrade from upgraded version it should r...

Howto use configurable Merge Modules in Wix?

AFAIK it's done like this: Product: <Merge Id ="HelpInstaller" SourceFile="HelpInstaller.msm" Language="1033" DiskId="1"> <ConfigurationData Name="SurpressInstallation_Config" Value="&amp;HelpFeature"/> </Merge> Merge Module: <Property Id="SupressInstallation" Value='0' /> <Substitution ...

Wix Howto determine if a directory exists during installation?

Is their any chane in wix to determine if a certain directory exits when the installer is running? I guess i have to use some sort of custom action, unfortunatelly i don't know how! Furthermore i want to store the result of the costom action in a property and use this as an condition for calling another custom action. Is this possible? ...

Best Way To Create C# Installer

I use Visual C# 2008 Express Edition. I would like to be able to create an installer for a project I have. I can kind of do it with the Publish tool, but you get little to no control. Is there a free way to do this, or do I need to spring for the full-blown version of VS2008? -or- Do I just not know what I am doing when publishing? ...

Installing a custom project template with Visual Studio Installer project

Hi! I've created a custom project template, and now I need to deploy it together with my product (i.e., it should be installed by the same msi I use for the main installation). I'm using a Visual Studio Installer project. One option is to use a custom action and manually copy a template file included in the installation. Another is to c...