
creating an installer for a java spring mvc app

any good tutorials on creating an installer that will install a spring mvc web application, namely setting up tomcat and postgresql on someones desktop? ...

InnoSetup: How to automatically uninstall previous installed version?

I'm using InnoSetup to create installer. I want the installer to automatically uninstall the previous installed version, instead of overwriting it. How can I do that? ...

How to override the IIS virtual directory in an MSI install

I created an MSI to install a WCF web service. It's running fine, but when I run the MSI, it defaults to install as MyCompany.RCT.WCFWebServicesSetup instead of MyCompany.RCT.WCFWebServices. 1) I would prefer to force the name of the virtual directory, and not even let the user change it, or 2) I would at least like to provide the...

How to debug failure of a custom action in an MSI/Setup project

For a custom action, I'm setting to Name to XmlPreprocess.exe (a CodePlex utility) and arguments to: /x:"[SETTINGSFILE]" /i:"[TARGETDIR]web.config" /e:[ENVIRONMENTBUTTON] [CUSTOMSETTINGS] >[TARGETDIR]XmlPreProcess.log SETTINGSFILE is supposed to be coming from a custom form page I added, and ENVIRONMENTBUTTON is the value of one of my...

What is the wix 'KeyPath' attribute?

What is the Wix 'KeyPath' attribute? In particular, how does it apply to the following: <Component Id="ProgramMenuDir" Guid="BF266F76-192A-493E-B5C7-C54660E61D7D"> <RemoveFolder Id="ProgramMenuDir" On="uninstall" /> <RegistryValue Root="HKCU" Key="Software\CompName\AppName" Type="string" Value...

How to install and start a Windows Service under NetworkService account by using WiX?

Dear All, I am trying to create a wix installer to install and start a Windows Service under NetworkService account, but failed, what I got is "Service"() could not be installed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services." Please advice, my code is as below: <Component Id="service" Guid='myguid'> ...

Use Wix installer to add shortcut to subfolder in startmenu programs

I am trying to add my program shortcut to an existing folder in the start menu shortcuts. For example All Programs -> AppNameFolder -> AppNameVersionFolder -> AppShortcut In order to achieve this I added the extra lines: <Directory Id="ProgramMenuFolderApp" Name="App"> <Directory Id="ProgramMenuDir" Name="APP ...

Making sense out on .MSI verbose trace - running a CustomAction

Making sense out of an .MSI verbose trace. I created the .MSI using VisualStudio 2008. Here's the background on what I'm trying to do: The goal is to run a program called XmlPreprocess.exe similar to this: xmlpreprocess.exe /x:"SettingsFileGenerator.xml" /i:"web.config"...

Mac PackageMaker - Allow Relocation Issues

I have two issues with Allow Relocation (Package: Xxx, Components): It keeps getting turned on as if by magic. How can I avoid this? I need it off (sub-optimal, I know - see #2) If Allow Relocation is on, the Installer first places the .app into /Applications, but then relocates it, copying it on top of my original .app in my developme...

Mac PackageMaker - Random reset of owner/group/perms

While developing an install with PackageMaker (XCode 3.2.1 1613, for Snow Leopard), sometimes the permissions, owner, and group that I have set on most (if not all) of the files just vaporize. The result looks like I just added the files to PackageMaker, before setting the file perm/own/grp on each. What's weird, is that most of those x...

Start application non-elevated from NSIS installer

I have an NSIS installer, that gives the option "Run program now" when the installation has completed successfully. The installer runs elevated (as administrator) on Vista, but as a result, my installed program will also run elevated when started immediately from the installer. This gives a problem with certain 3rd party software I'm us...

Free install system with GUI

Hello. Is there any free install system with a GUI interface? I found one - Advanced Installer, but free edition is too limited, I even can't show EULA. Other free tools like NSIS, WiX... are scripting only. I got no extra time to dig into new scripting language, or whatever time consuming activities. Currently I'm using default Visual...

How To Install A Windows Service In .NET

I have created a console application in .Net 2.0 (C#) and want to create an installer that will install the application as a Windows Service. I have never created an installer before but I am reading a few articles on the subject. I would appreciate any suggestions or links from those with some experience in this area. Thanks. UPDATE...

Installer/packager for a Java application for Ubuntu and SuSE

I have a Java application complied to a collection of jars that I want to make installable on Ubuntu and SuSE. I Want the installer to be able to check for the JRE, register a file association and be able to load a website on un-install. I understand Ubuntu and SuSE are based on different architectures, so is there a consistent way to d...

Is it Possible to make installer experience like photosuru in wix??

hii, As we can make installer using SCE(Syndicated Client Experiences) kit like photosuru what i want is that change images on the progress of installation as u can see in the photosuru.i want the same in wix. it makes a better installer experience possible in wix...

what problems to expect when deploying net GUI application (on winxp/vista/7)

Hello all i like to build .net GUI application and to be able to deploy it on wide windows version as possible for non teachi persons , what should i be planning before i start to write the code like which minimum net version to compile which GUI to use ? include the .net framework in the installation or not ? to include net framework...

Doing an inplace update on software

I would like to be able to do an "inplace" update with my program. Basically, I want to be able to login remotely where the software is deployed, install it while other users are still using it (in a thin client way), and it update their program. Is this possible without too much of a hassle? I've looked into clickonce technology, but ...

Install adobe air application while preserving the file timestamp (thru command line)

i have a app.air file which has the files with different timestamp inside it, when i install it, it expands the .air file and reset all the timestamp of its files. is there a way to install the application and NOT change the timestamp? preferably thru a command line way too. Also, what exactly does the installation process do to the .a...

Visual Studio 2008 Release Installer packaging debug binaries

I've been maintaining a Windows forms application written in C# for some time now used in our company, and every now and again when I'm putting a new release out, the release build of the installer that I generate packages up a debug version of the class library that is part of the project. I've specified the release version of the prim...

How to upgrade via msi

I want to upgrade my product via msi setup. The Upgrade Code of both msi remains the same because it's the same product family. Even if I change Version/Product Code of the msi for updating it just tells me the product is already installed or asks me to repair it. it doesn't ever provide an update option that replaces the current instal...