
Intellij generate javadoc for methods and classes

Hi. Is it possible to set up Intellij to generate javadoc for methods and classes, automatically, with @author and @since date ? I had this feature in Eclipse. I know, that files have templates and also i can manually semi-automatically add javadoc to selected method/class. But i want the generation to be automatic for every generated ...

How to create two editor windows for the same file?

I usually have a vertical split with two editor windows next to each other. Is there a way to have the same file in both of these windows? I run version 8.1.4 of IntelliJ. ...

How to set the mouse wheel scrolling speed in IntelliJ?

Is there a way to set the mouse wheel scrolling speed for an editor window? I think it's too fast. I'm running IntelliJ IDEA 8.1.4 on Mac OS 10.6.2. ...

Runtime error when using StringUtils

Hi, I am using StringUtils in my Java code written in Intellij IDEA. My server is resin 3.1.9. I have no problem compiling the code but when I ran it, i get the following runtime exception: cannot find symbol symbol : method startsWithIgnoreCase(java.lang.String,java.lang.S...

Force code formatter in IntelliJ to join lines

Hi, I'm trying to force IntelliJ to reformat the code the way Eclipse does it. When I set a line width to e.g. 120 chars I would like IDE to join line that were broken up to multiple lines (e.g. because the line width was set to 80 chars). I want to go from here: int a = 1 + 2; To here: int a = 1 + 2 Is it possible in IntelliJ...

How to make use of Grails Dependencies in your IDE

Hi All, So I finally got my dependencies working with Grails. Now, how can my IDE, eg IntelliJ or Eclipse, take advantage of it? Or do I really have to manually manage what classes my IDE knows about at "development time"? If the BuildConfig.groovy script is setup right (see here), you will be able to code away with vi or your favorite...

Any way to get IntelliJ features for Javascript in Visual Studio?

IntelliJ is great for Javascript refactoring/expand/collapse/error reporting. Currently have Visual Studio 2008 SP1, ReSharper 4.5. Neither does what IntelliJ does [e.g. pointing out that a line is missing ';' at the end] Can VS w/ReSharper do that? Is there a specific setting? EDIT: I understand they are for different environments ...

How can I JSDK of Intellij on MacOSX

Hi, How can I JSDK of Intellij 9.0 on MacOSX? I want to set it to JDK 1.5 on MacOSX. I have tried reintall Intellij, but it somehow remember the JSDK of my previous installation. Can you please tell me how can I reset it? Thank you. ...

Is there any way to improve IDEA 9 Community Edition Look&Feel?

Earlier versions of IDEA had their own skin and looked really nice. But fresh 9CE version has really strange look&fells included: default is IDEA 4.5 (!!!) that looks like apps in 1998, also there is "windows" (everybody knows that java "windows" style doesn't look like windows) and several other styles taken from linux. Oh, yes, I forgo...

IntelliJ IDEA 9: Move line?

I really like IntelliJ IDEA's "Move statement" shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+UP/DOWN). However -- I am not sure if this is a bug releated to ActionScript editing only -- move statement is not always what I want and sometimes it is not correct when editing AS code. So I just want to move a block of lines up/down. The Eclipse shortcut is Alt+Up/Do...

creating macros in intellij

I am trying to create a macro that takes a selection of text and runs some find/replace on it using a regex. I have recorded this macro in intellij, but when I run it, all I get is the find/replace dialog opened. No find/replace is executed. Has anyone had any luck with creating a find/replace macro in intellij? ...

Debuging issue with maven, jetty and IDEA

I have problem with running jetty in debug and attaching IntelliJ IDEA to listening port. mvnDebug jetty:run-exploded will start jetty as I can see following message Preparing to Execute Maven in Debug Mode Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000 However when I try to to connect IDEA to port 8000 I will get message...

IntelliJ IDEA 9.0 - unable to select project SDK for Grails application

I'm convinced that I'm just having a bad day and missing something obvious. I'm trying to create a new Grails project in IntelliJ IDEA 9.0 and I am unable to associate it with an SDK. I've tried creating a project from scratch and creating a project from existing sources. In either case, I get to the "Please select project JDK" screen...

VIM: How to preserve case for search and replace

Is it possible to do a search and replace in vim that preserves the case of the search term? This was a useful feature in intelliJ that I miss. For instance, something like: :s/[uU]ser/[pP]erson/ (obviously, this doesn't work) Such that: user->person User->Person Another example with multiple characters to preserve: :s/[mM]y[uU]s...

Is there a keyboard shortcut to revert individual changes in Intellij IDEA?

When a file has changes compared to the version checked-out from the version control system (subversion and cvs in my case), I use ctrl + alt + shift + upArrow/ ctrl + alt + shift + downArrow to jump between those changes. Sometimes I want to revert some of these changes (but not all the changes in the file). I can do that by using the m...

Is there a way in Intellij IDEA to see the name of the method the current line belongs to?

In our code base there are a few very long methods (several pages worth of code). When reading the code, it would sometimes be good to be able to see the name of the method the current line belongs to, without paging up to the beginning of the method. Is this possible in Intellij IDEA? I am using Intellij IDEA 7.0.3. ...

Can you configure Intellij IDEA to get back to where you started when erasing characters in incremental search?

In Intellij IDEA, if you press ctrl + F, and start typing characters, you get incremental search that jumps to the first hit for each additional character entered. However, if you have entered a few characters already, and start erasing them one by one, you don’t jump back to the previous hits. Instead you stay at the current hit. In Xe...

IntelliJ debugger makes new JFrame() break Windows Vista Java

My app works fine with Java 1.6 when I run it command line. However, when I run it under the debugger in IntelliJ IDEA community edition 9, when it gets to the line new JFrame(); the Vista reports the JVM fails with the message: Java(TM) Platform SE binary has stopped working A problem caused the program to stop working correctly....

converting GWT1.7 application to GWT2.0

I am developing a web application in GWT 1.7.Now I am planning to move to GWT 2.0. I am using maven build tool and intellij idea IDE.Can any one tell me the maven plugin for GWT2.0 and how to run/debug using intellij idea IDE?RIght now I am using GWT Mojo plugin ? ...

How can I instruct IntelliJ Idea to not include certatin dependencies (android)

My project layout is /ServerModule /commonClasses /AndroidClient /needsToIncludeSomeCommonClasses but as soon as i want to compile and build my AndroidClient IntelliJ adds the server libs to the compile classpath of my android project and I get a UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION because of multiple classes that are present in andro...