
Intellij Idea 9 slow response on typing.

I'm using IntelliJ Idea 9 on a windows 7 box - 2GB RAM. I'm facing this strange issue where the response of the editor is very slow. When typing, the characters seem to appear after a delay.. and gets annoying after a point. However, IDEA 8 on the same machine works perfectly. Would like to know if someone has faced this earlier.. Or i...

Android compiler: Cannot resolve symbol string

When I try to add a strServerIP to the class Server, I get a: Cannot resolve symbol string compiler error. Why? package com.example; public class Server { //public static java.lang.string SERVERIP; public static android.R.string SERVERIP; public static java.lang.string strServerIP = ""; public s...

How Do I Run IntelliJ IDEA 9 as a 64-bit Process?

I've noticed that IntelliJ IDEA 9 runs as a 32-bit process in Windows 2003 x64 and would like to configure it to run as a 64-bit process. I did find an article about how to perform this in Mac OSX, but not in Windows. Update #1: I have the 64-bit version of JDK 1.6.18 installed. ...

IntelliJ Macro menu

Hi guys.. I've just started playing with macros in IntelliJ. I recorded several then played back until I decided to add keymap shortcuts to my macros. I went to Settings and pressed Alt+C to add a new child map because I couldn't edit the parent. Since then the macros are no longer accessible from the Tools menu, not to mention that the...

Intellij UML Diagrams

I just noticed that Intellij has a UML diagram drawer. I am attempting to use it to figure out what is going on in some code that is new to me. Is there anyway to show the dependencies between all of the classes/interfaces on the screen? Is this a useful feature? It seems to be missing somethings but it might just be that I am not ...

Intellij Idea: Highlight usage of element at caret option. Change color

I just turned on "Highlight usage of element at caret". (Settings -> editor). But the default color is a light blue. I would really like this highlighting to bolder and easier to see. I could not find an option in the colors menu. Is this possible? ...

Using clojure and leiningen with IDEs

I'm looking at switching my projects build from Ant to leiningen and wanted to know if there is a Clojure IDE (intellij, eclipse, netbeans) for which the "build" and "debug" buttons will still work? ...

IntelliJ IDEA Structural Replace

Hopefully this is an easy one. I'm trying to convert bad coding standards to javadoc format. I want to convert this line: * Created by John.Smith on Jun 13, 2006 at 1:24:54 PM To: * @author John Smith Any help? ...

How load xml files, in IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ not find xml file under sources folder. example) src/net/saltfactory/domain/PersonSqlMap.xml but, If I copy it and past out folder, IntelliJ find xml file example) out/net/saltfactory/domain/PersonSqlMap.xml I hope that don't copy and past XML files to out folder help me ...

IntelliJ Live Template: modified setters template

Is anyone know how to set up a live template in intellij for doing specialized setters - i'm using v5, but I accept with pleasure knowledge for a more recent release) - My first need is a firePropertyChange setter: public final static String $PROPERTY$ = "$property$" public void set$Property$($TYPE$ $property$) { Object oldValue ...

GWT+IntelliJ Idea 9

Hi I am Rupeshit. I download IntelliJ Idea 9.0 community version and now I want to create a gwt application in it but I am not getting that GWt option while creating the project.I also saw some video on google but still not get solutions.We add to add plugin for IntelliJ idea for gwt as we are doing it for Ecllipse or what is the method....

IntelliJIdea plugin for uml design ?

Hi, Does anyome know a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA which will design UML diagrams taking in consideration ALSO the hibernate/jpa annotations? I do know that Ctrl+ShifAlt+U creates a data classed diagram but it does not show you one to many etc relations... Please note that i have entities classes manually 'designed' from the DB and not a...

Why does Hibernate query have compile error in IntelliJ?

I have this Hibernate code: Query q = session.createQuery("from MyTable where status = :status"); It compiles and works fine.. But in IntelliJ I get this error reported: Can't resolve expression, Can't resolve symbol 'MyTable' Why is IntelliJ complaining?? ...

Why does Java code slow down in debugger?

Some CPU intensive routines get dramatically slower when run through a debugger. Why is this? Currently I'm just using IntelliJ to step through code running in JBoss. When I start JBoss, I use these options: set JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=5005,server=y,suspend=n ...

Class file not found in IntelliJ

In IntelliJ I get this weird error when I try to compile. Cannot find annotation method 'cascade()' in type 'javax.persistence.ManyToOne': class file for javax.persistence.ManyToOne not found I know, it seems pretty obvious what the problem is, but having spent too much time on this problem I now turn my trust to you! I use ideaCommu...

creating android map in intellij

I'm trying to create a simple map in androi (I want to add GPS coordinates later) in intellij 9.0.1 and I installed the sdk (and android 1.1 - 2.1 sdk platform support and google api 3-7). I created a new android project and I selected android 2.0. Now I added to my AndroidManifest.xml like all the tutorials say, however when I run thi...

Android 2.0 SDK map not showing

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 9 (9.0.1) to create a simple map application (or at least trying to). I'm using Android 2.0 with Google API's 2.0. Manifest: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="" package="com.example"> <application android:icon="@drawable/icon" ...

Intellij IDEA 9: How can I disable the highlighting of errors in HTML files?

So the title says all. :D How can I disable the highlighting of errors in HTML files in Intellij IDEA 9? ...

Trying IntelliJ with spring 3.0 MVC, how to import required libs?

I'm trying out intelliJ's commercial editor with spring mvc 3.0 It seemed to have imported the files into the lib, but I guess I am missing something. I have downloaded spring 3.0 in my downloads folder, but I haven't imported them into the editor since it set things up for me automatically. The annotation: @RequestMapping is not being...

How do i create a new class in IntelliJ without using the mouse?

Is there a way to create a new class in a desired location without using the mouse in IntelliJ? I understand there is no keyboard binding in the default keymap. ...