
Why is my spawned process still causing IntelliJ to wait?

I'm trying to start a server as part of an Ant artifact. Here are the relevant lines: <exec dir="." executable="cmd.exe" spawn="true"> <arg line="/c c:\Java\james-2.3.2\bin\debug.bat" /> </exec> If I start it with ant from the command line, a process is spawned and I get a command prompt and everything seems fine. Ho...

What do I use Artifacts in IntelliJ IDEA for?

I just converted from Intellij 7 to 9 recently and am stymied by the idea of "Artifacts" in IDEA. I usually build web applications in an exploded fashion to a directory named /build underneath one of my modules. The build is managed by an ant file - I run the ant target myself (either a quick update of the jsp files or a quick compil...

What features for Android development are missing in Intellij9 compared to Eclipse?

Besides a drag-and-drop UI designer are there any other missing features when developing for Android? Does anybody have suggested plugins for Android development in Intellij 9? ...

IntelliJ IDEA with Junit 4.7 "!!! JUnit version 3.8 or later expected:"

When I attempt to run the following test in IntelliJ IDEA I get the message: !!! JUnit version 3.8 or later expected: It should be noted that this is an Android project I am working on in IntelliJ IDEA 9. public class GameScoreUtilTest { @Test public void testCalculateResults() throws Exception { final Game game = ...

How to give more memory to IntelliJ Idea 9

I am using IntelliJ IDEA 9. In the IDEA window On the bottom right corner I see the current memory usage, typically "224M of 254M" How do I give more memory to Idea so it may read like "224M of 512M" ? Thank you. ...

Is there an easy way to integrate scaladoc into IntelliJ Idea?

How do I use/generate scaladoc from within IntelliJ Idea (running on ubuntu)? Most preferably I would like to configure Tools/generate javadoc to also generate scaladoc, though that might be hard as of the differences between both according to this thread. ...

Intellij Grails and Git

I want to backup my code using smart Git. As a start I am a bit confused, IntelliJ has created two folders for my GRails project: these reside in 1) C:\Documents and Settings\me\.grails\1.2.1\projects and 2) C:\Documents and Settings\me\IdeaProjects\ The 1) contains a plugins folder which contains directories and files of plugins I a...

LBoard; class not found, try compiling it explicitly

Original Question: I am getting the following error when attempting to compile my Groovy project with IntelliJ Groovyc error: LBoard; class not found, try compiling it explicitly However I am unsure of what I need to do to stop this error from happening. The project was working fine but then I tidied up a fair bit of code and t...

Don't understand why I am getting this - 'Error: Value storage corrupted: negative chunk size'

I'm using intelliJ IDEA version 9.0.1 build #IU 93.94 with JDK 1.6.0_17. This error comes up at compile time. It only happens sometimes and sometimes when I hit File|Invalidate Caches and restart intelliJ, my project will build successfully. I have absolutely no idea what to do about this, but it is slowing my progress down quite a bi...

Can you redeploy an Android application via Intellij 9 Ultimate's Android support?

I know that eclipse can do this, can Intellij via the new Android support do this? ...

how to step into code from jars (non JDK) using IntelliJ?

I am new to IntelliJ (and Stackoverflow) and fairly new to Java,In my application I am using code from jars that in IntelliJ I added as "External Libraries". I also have the source code for those jars, but I rather not compile it (they are huge and complex). Now while debugging my application I would like to step into the library code th...

Identify in a unit test if Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA 8 or 9 is running

I need to know, in a context of a unit test, if Jetbrains IntelliJ idea is the test initiator and if it is, which version is running (or at least if it's "9" or earlier). I don't mind doing dirty tricks (reflection, filesystem, environment...) but I do need this to work "out-of-the-box" (without each developer having to setup something ...

How to see imediately compile errors in project tree of IntelliJ Idea?

I'm wondering if it is possible to configure IntelliJ Idea to immediately show compile errors on the class files in the project tree. Currently I need to manually trigger the recompilation to see error marks on my classes if the cannot be compiled. ...

IntelliJ vs flash builder for Actionscript projects

Would luv to here from developers who have made the switch from Flex-Flash builder to IntelliJ. What are the advantages, if any? ...

Hidden Features IntelliJ IDEA

Just another Hidden features and tips and tricks WIKI. After seeing the hidden features of eclipse, java, spring framework I thought we need to have a list of the features, TIPS for IntelliJ too which is the best and the Intelligent IDE available for java. ...

creating a Grails application in IntelliJ IDEA 9.0.x fails to prompt for "create-app"

When I create a Grails application in IntelliJ 9 on Snow Leopard I am not prompted to create an application. IntelliJ finished the wizard and creates an empty project that is not a Grails application. I have tried two different Apple computers (MacBook Pro and Mac Pro) it does not work on either. The same steps on a Linux system resul...

What are some good references/articles/posts for Eclipse -> Intellij converts?

I've been trying IntelliJ for about a month, and mostly like it, but would like any references to good sites to useful features/shortcuts/idioms from the perspective of an Eclipse user. ...

Why are Maven Goals not added by IntelliJ?

I have produced a new Maven Project from gae-archetype-gwt from within IntelliJ, and everything is generated well, but the gae:... goals won't show up in the Maven View, and if I try to update Repository Indices, apart from the local repository I get errors only. When I run gae:unpack from terminal, everything works fine. Im running Ubun...

Need IntelliJ IDEA 9 cheat sheet

I searched but couldn't find anything what I can print and put on the wall. ...

Eclipse crash course for IntelliJ developer

I've been using IntelliJ for years now. Are there any good websites or books on Eclipse? I don't need to know what absolutely every single tab and feature does. I just want to be immediately productive and then have some more references to look up later. ...