
Have you actually convinced anybody to Scala?

I had limited success myself. I was able to hype a few persons about Scala. But in fact none of them made a meaningful effort to try to switch (usually from Java). I would like to read both success and failure stories here. Both long tries and short ones. My goal is to find ways of presenting Scala to another person, friend, co-worker ...

IDEA: Conditional breakpoint not to be hit in specified call context

Is there a way to put a conditional breakpoint which won't be hit when the method the breakpoint is in is called from other specified method? (I'm using IDEA 9.0.1) ...

keyboard shortcut to switch between project frames in Intellij IDEA

Is there a keyboard shortcut to switch between project frames in intellij? I have two projects open and the only way I've found to select the non-active project is to drag the top window/frame out of the way and then click on it. ...

How to avoid wasting time during compilation during development?

Hello, I'm working with a small team of developers. My job is to convert a Make project (with Intellij Idea 9.0) into a Maven 2 project. The problem is : we spend a lot of time during the development. With Make, only one complete build was required and then any change did not consume a lot of time (almost instantaneously). On the other...

Intellij: What is the shortcut for going to the next/previous error?

In Eclipse, if you press CTRL+1, the cursor is set on the first error and there the IDE presents you some solutions. In IDEA, you press ALT+ENTER for some solutions, but I don't know how to make the cursor to go to the error. ...

What are the exact versions of stuff you have to install in order to be able to step-debug a Scala program?

How do YOU debug a Scala program? I mean YOU as in the person posting the Answer :) Please answer only from personal experience, not from stuff you've heard or read on the Internet. You should not believe everything you read on the Internet, especially tales of complex open-source software configurations that actually work :-) The are...

How do I get the scalaz IDEA live templates working for the symbolic methods?

Many of the methods in scalaz have symbolic unicode equivalents, such as forever and ∞ (of course, I have this the wrong way round, the symbolic methods really have ASCII equivalents). The project contains a live templates XML file for IDEA so these can be auto-completed, I believe by using the forever+TAB shortcut (in the above instanc...

Where does IntelliJ IDEA store shelf changes on the local drive?

I want to write a small bakcup script that would that my shelf changes in IntelliJ and put them on a netwrok drive. But I can't locate the path to where these are stored on my local drive. Any ideas? ...

Can IDEA connect to a CVS repo over extssh?

Looks like IDEA is not supporting the extssh protocol for connecting to CVS by default. Is there a workaround available for accessing CVS through extssh? Thanks in advance. ...

IntelliJ: how to open files in an existing IntelliJ from the command line

I always have an IntelliJ running. Sometimes I want to open a file from outside IntelliJ. I can drag and drop a file to IntelliJ if am in the Finder, but if I am on the command line on OS X, how can I instruct IntelliJ to open a certain file? I am looking for something similar to the mate command provided by TextMate. ...

IntelliJ IDEA "Tomcat manager" application

Hello, I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 9.0.2 but I assume this question applies to previous versions as well. In the Run/Debug Configurations dialog there is an option called "Deploy 'Tomcat Manager' application", but I haven't been able to find any documentation for how to use it in the IntelliJ help or online. Has anyone had experience usin...

How to open files in Intellij-IDEA with double click?

My first day using this IDE... is there a way to configure the IDE to open files in the project by double click? It is rather painful having to drag files from the project overview into the editor window. ...

Landau notation (ide) tools support

It is good idea to have impotant information during developing like Landau notation to know functions's time costs. So it should be documented in sources isn't it? I'm looking for tools that can calculate it. ...

Invoke Maven-Module build from intellij

Hi All I was wondering if someone knows a way to invoke a specific maven module build from IntelliJ that will also build ( or use already compiled classes ) from depended modules. So for instance if I would like to build the module "Model" in the picture and only it , it seems reasonable for me to click the package step on it. But what...

intellij icon over project files

intellij has placed what look like no entry signs over my java files (red circles with a line through) searched around but cannot find why? Would anyone know please. It's a maven project if that makes a difference ...

Using scala-2.8.0.RC1 with Maven and Intellij 9.0.1

I am trying to build a project using the newest release candidate of Scala (scala-2.8.0.RC1) and Maven in Intellij CE (9.0.1) -- I cannot upgrade to 9.0.2 because it breaks the La Clojure plugin. If I change my pom.xml to use the scala-2.8.0.RC1, Intellij tells me that Array is not defined (highlights in red). If I change to scala-2.8.0...

How do I stop intellij from adding specific jars to the classpath when debugging?

When I debug an application in intellij, it insists on including all the jars in side my jre/lib folder and sub folders. Unfortunately, one of the libraries I use manually loads each class on the classpath at startup to reduce loading times during operation. As a result, debugging my app immediately results in the process spinning at ...

IntelliJ IDEA structural search

Is it possible to do a structural search on instances of a certain class in IDEA? I want to search usages of == on two instances of a given class. The instantiation is not part of my search. E.g. Currency lhs = new Currency("CHF"); Currency rhs = new Currency("USD"); ... ... if (lhs == rhs) { } Here I'm looking for the lhs == rhs, ...

IntelliJ Doesn't Notice Changes in Interface?

[I've decided to give IntelliJ another go (to replace Eclipse), since its Groovy support is supposed to be the best. But back to Java...] I have an Interface that defines a constant public static final int CHANNEL_IN = 1; and about 20 classes in my Module that implement that interface. I've decided that this constant was a bad idea ...

In IntelliJ on OS X, how do you clear out all global setting info, licensing etc. (external to any project)

I am having some low level issues with IntelliJ on my mac, I really want to just zero everything out and start over. But even after removing the application and re-installing it, IntelliJ still remembers things like what the last project was, what licensing key to use etc. Where is this information stored? And what is the best way to c...