
"Wrap with try...catch" in IntelliJ ?

Can I select a block of code and have IntelliJ wrap it with a "try...catch" ? Is there a keyboard shortcut? ...

AS3-IntelliJ IDEA debugger: Unexpected debugged player communication problem

For some reason I can't debug my actionscript application in IntelliJ. I keep getting this error in the console: Unexpected debugged player communication problem. I have no idea what causes this! Any ideas? ...

IntelliJ and Ruby plugin: Won't load

I'm trying to enable Ruby via the plugin manager, and I receive the following error: Plugin "Ruby" won't be able to load because required plugin "com.intellij.modules.ultimate" is disabled. I'm using the latest community edition. What's going on? ...

How to configure properly IntelliJ IDEA for deployment of JBoss Seam project?

I would like to use IntelliJ IDEA for development of JBoss Seam project. seam-gen is creating the project stub, however the stub is not complete. In particular it is not clear how to deploy such project. First of all I had to define manually web project facelet and add libraries to its deployment definition. The other problem was pers...

How to create an Intellij and Eclipse compatible code style and code formatting configuration (for java code)?

Few weeks ago I tried Intellij and I found it really awesome. Now, at my project there's two programmers (including me) using Intellij and few other programmers gonna still be using Eclipse. Since this project is already very large and it gonna be growing a lot, we need to use compatible Code Style and Code Formatting between Intellij an...

Remove source file comments using IntelliJ?

Is there a plugin or tool in IntelliJ that will strip all comments out of your source .java files? I've read about an ANT task that can do this.. was looking to do the same from within the IDE. Alternatively a TextPad plugin would work as well.. ...

Android "gen" folder and SVN - bitter enemies.

It seems that I accidentally checked in my "gen" folder from an Android project (this folder contains the generated class). When I realized I did this I deleted it from SVN and tried to ignore it. Now I am now getting the error... "Could not add gen to the ignore list! Working copy 'C:\code\guru' locked. When I try to ...

Grails not executing on IntelliJ (NoClassDefFoundError)

Hi, I have upgraded my application from grails 1.2.2 to 1.3.1-RC1. While things seem to work when executing grails from command prompt, I cannot make it run from my IDE IntelliJ (last development version). The error I got straightaway is: Error executing script RunApp: net/sf/json/JSONException ... Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFo...

What's the easiest way to force Idea to generate the file?

I am trying to run android sample applications using intellij idea and file is missing form notepad samples source directory. ...

Working with multiple copies of the same module with IntelliJ IDEA

I am working on multiple instances of a project in parallel, using IntelliJ Idea (v. 8). These instances have the same directory structure and are located under different roots. E.g.: c:\projects\projectname_v1 , c:\projects\projectname_v2 , etc... Currently the IDE is set so that the module is always in the same location (e.g. c:\pro...

IntelliJ shortcut for inserting a null check?

Is there a shortcut for inserting the code: if (someParameter == null) throw NullPointerException("someParameter is null"); ...

Is it possible to debug GWT client code on a REMOTE server using IntelliJ 9 Community Edition?

I'm trying to move our Google Web Toolkit (GWT) development from Eclipse to IntelliJ 9 Community edition. So far I've been able to run and debug client/server code successfully via the GWT Maven plugin and its embedded Jetty container. However, I'm having trouble debugging client code when it is already running on a remote machine (and...

How to configure IntelliJ IDEA and/or Maven to automatically add directories with Java source code generated using jaxb2-maven-plugin?

In our project we are using jaxb2-maven-plugin to generate Java source code from XML Schema, which causes that our Maven module requires additional source code directory (in our case target/generated/main/java). Up to date I've been using Eclipse and maven-eclipse-plugin to import all the projects into Eclipse workspace. The plugin is (s...

How do I turn off the gutter icons in the IntelliJ IDEA editor?

I want the implementing and override gutter icons turned off in the gutter (next to the line numbers). Their rendering is causing my editor window to jump every time they redraw (with each keystroke I type), and it is driving me nuts. I'm using version 8.1.4. ...

Emacs shortcuts for IDEA IDE?

I'm just switching from Emacs to IDEA and it would be a great help to me if I could use shortcuts like Ctrl-A for jump-to-line-start. etc. Is this possible? ...

Intellij-Idea: Marking all files of unknown type be type: text (so that they are searchable)

Many of my scripts etc in intellij are marked with a question mark. Then when I click on them them it prompts me: The file "bla" cannot be associated with a registered file type. Please choose one: <insert table of file choices> This would not matter except the files are not searchable (with ctrl-shift-n) until they are marked as t...

Very dumb question about IntelliJ IDEA

I'm a long-time Eclipse user and I just now decided to try IntelliJ IDEA 9 (free edition) for Scala. A couple of dumb questions: How can I tell if a file I've modified has been saved? How can I tell if I file I've saved has been checked into CVS? I feel incredibly "exposed" to some sort of imminent danger when I don't see the famili...

Mercurial/Intellij9 hg4idea Error: cannot update with applied MQ patches, please use rebase

I am getting the following error when trying to update my project from Intellij 9 using hg4idea: Error: cannot update with applied MQ patches, please use rebase What does this mean? I have not created or applied any patches as far as I know. I can pull changes from my remote repository but cannot update the project from within Intelli...

Stuck at "Hello World" with IntelliJ IDEA 9.0.1 for Scala

I've been using Eclipse since 2.x and IDEs in general for over 20 years (since Turbo Pascal and Turbo C in the late '80s!). (that preamble is supposed to imply, "I'm not an idiot" ... but doesn't sound so smart as I read it... LOL :-] ) Now I'm trying to use the Scala debugger in IntelliJ 9.0.1. I've resigned myself to an old standby, ...

Intellij IDEA: How can I format the code and how can I see the changes made?

Cand I make the format code option to do something like this: Before int a = 1; int b = 2; return a+b; After int a = 1; int b = 2; return a+b; Second Question: I have a web app. I start the web app and after that, I made a change in a java file. How can I see the change, without stoping and restarting the server - a s...