
IntelliJ 9.0 Video Tutorials?

Are there video tutorials for IntelliJ 9.0, similar to what has for Eclipse? ...

What is the purpose of the Intellij Commander?

Can somebody tell me what the purpose of the Intellij Commander is? ...

Building Flex/Java application in IntelliJ - HTML wrapper not writing correctly

I'm trying to build my Flex/Java web app from within IntelliJ rather than have to go to the command line to invoke the build from Maven. Everything is working and compiling fine from IntelliJ except for the fact that the HTML wrapper file for the compiled SWF is not getting processed correctly; in that the ${values} are not replaced by ...

using HQL Console in Intellij IDEA 9x: "Session is not created"

I'm trying to use the HQL Console feature of Intellij IDEA for interactively debugging HQL. We use JPA with Hibernate as the provider. I've configured the JPA Facet for the module as per this, as well as a DataSource. The HQL console seems to know about my entities, as it can auto-complete them in the console. But whenever I try a q...

Is there any tool like MaintainJ for IntelliJ

Hi, I just tested MaintainJ Eclipse plugin and I find it very useful for reverse engineering sequence diagrams. However, I use IntelliJ in my projects so I was just wondering either a similar plugin exists for my favourite IDE. Thanks ! ...

How to declare compile options as valid symbols in Flex under IntelliJ IDEA?

I've got the following Flex code in an MXML file: <mx:Label id="lblVersion" styleName="versionID" bottom="0" right="10" text="Version { BUILD::version }"/> where the "BUILD::version" is meant to be substituted from symbols defined in compiler options: -define BUILD::version "'LOCAL'" The Flex plugin doesn't seem to understand the ...

Deciphering variable information while debugging Java

Hi, I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 8 for debugging some Java, but this question could probably apply to all Java debuggers. In the list of variables, they are displayed as: myVariable = {some.package.SomeClass@12345} I am curious about the number that comes after the class name. What is the number exactly? Would two variables have the...

Flash movie being scaled without me asking

I've been developing a web based pure ActionScript-3 (no MXML involved) videogame using FlashDevelop, and have had no real surprises so far. I've recently tried moving my project over to the trial (but fully functional) of Intellij-Idea and have found that while the .swf produced by Intellij still functions, it has somehow been scaled ...

intellij file templates - scripting possible?

I like the idea of creating file templates for common functionality - for example having a controller template that gives you a subbed out controller. What i am looking for is the ability to do some scripting in the template, for example i can have the controller name be input by the user: ${CONTROLLER_NAME} but then later i might wan...

What does logging into the IDEA server let me do?

In Intellij what does logging into the IDEA server allow me to do? ...

Can Rational Team Concert and IntelliJ coexist?

I am a long time intellij user. The company where I work is likely to introduce Rational Team Concert to our department shortly. I went to the RTC demo and it looks like a reasonable product, built around Eclipse, but I would rather not give up using IntelliJ. Does anyone have experience of using non-eclipse IDEs with RTC? ...

Don't understand why I am getting this - 'Error: Value storage corrupted: negative offset'

Hi, I just started using IntelliJ-IDEA, and I don't know if the problem resides with the IDE or not. I'm assuming not but I have no idea. I've spent quite a lot of time googling this error to no avail. The error comes about at compile time. The weird thing is that I returned my code to the way it was before the error was showing up and...

good text-based powerful java IDE that runs on linux

The problem is - I like old goods ;) Having some old laptop which I just LOVE. It runs Xorg of course, and it's fast. But Intellij IDEA is still slow. Thought about emacs, but never used. Isn't emacs too complicated? Going to work in text mode under X in many windows and make some scripts to automate things. ...

I have a problem that is "cannot resolve directory 'WEB-INF'" on intellij IDEA 9

I created custom tag file at "/WEB-INF/tags/test.tag" and add jsp define tag <@ taglib prefix="test" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags/test.tag" %> but, I have a problem that is "cannot resolve driectory 'WEB-INF'" on IntelliJ IDEA 9. This source does not have any problems on Eclipse. ...

Is there an IntelliJ Python plugin for the community edition?

I've been playing with the community edition of JetBrains ItelliJ IDEA since it came out, and I really like it; however, a lot of plugins seem to require the ultimate edition (or at least I think they do because of the com.intellij.modules.ultimate dependency). Is there a python plugin that doesn't require the ultimate edition? I'm devel...

When using the Java debugger in Intellij what does "Drop Frame" mean?

I was using the Java debugger within Intellij 8 and noticed a button labeled "drop frame", does anybody know what purpose this serves? How/why would this be used/useful? ...

Use JBoss with IntelliJ for creating Grails apps.

Hi, I want to run my grails apps from intelliJ on JBoss-5.1.0.GA installed locally on my machine. If somebody has any experience please share. Thanks, p.s. The aim is to simulate different production enivronments (development,Staging & test) ...

How do I delete a project in IntelliJ IDEA 9?

I've just created a new project but the structure is incorrect so I'd like to start again. It is it possible to delete a project from within IntelliJ or do I just have to close it and delete the relevant .iml/.idea files? ...

In IDEA, is there a way to force reindexing of Maven snapshots?

We have a large multi-module Maven project. The usual working style is to check out a few modules you're interested in, and for the other modules they depend on, use snapshot JARs provided by Maven. This mostly seems to work; when we need updated snapshots, we just force a reimport from the "Maven Projects" tab. However, the reimported ...

Hotswap in Resin with IntelliJ IDEA

Hi. I have a problem. I'm developing under IntelliJ IDEA with resin server. Hotswap isn't working. If I change any Java code ( string value or something simple ) it always restarts server. When i worked with resin ver.2 it worked perfectly. but no i's just doesn't work. What i should look for to enable this feature? TIA ...