
Can I view the javadoc for an implementation rather than the interface in IntelliJ IDEA?

I am using a third party library in my Intellij IDEA project. When I have the caret on a method name I can hit Ctrl-Q to get javadoc in the 'Quick Documentation Lookup' window, however only the method signature is displayed. This is because the type of object containing the method is an Interface with no javadoc comments. The actual impl...

Grails gdoc editor support (esp IntelliJ)

Since Grails 1.2 there's a documentation engine included: gdoc. The documentation's syntax is based on the Textile format. Is there some editor support for this? My first choice would be a plugin for IntelliJ, second option on for vim or gedit. Any hints welcome. I am totally a aware that the format is very simple by itself but having ...

Prevent IntelliJ from adding iml files

I'm working with Maven pom files, and I don't wish to source control iml files. When I open a project, IntelliJ seems to add some of the iml files it creates to the SVN source control. How can I prevent this? I have "*.iml" in an "svn:ignore" property on the repository root, but it doesn't seem to prevent IntelliJ from adding the imls. ...

Intellij New line on current line shortcut

Is there a keyboard shortcut to start a new line on the currently selected line? I.e. The current line goes down one line and the cursor is on a blank line. There is Shift + Enter which starts a new line but on the next line. I want the current line. ...

After installing the spring-security-core grails plugin, how do you get IDEA to know about the jar files?

I have installed spring-security-core in a grails project, but for some reason, IDEA didn't automatically pick up the jar files. I can deploy the app and run tests using the grails command line just fine... but IDEA still puts squiggly lines. Is there a way I can get IDEA to automatically pick up jars after I install plugins? ...

Should I check-in IDE project files to version control system?

For a Java project (with the team of 5-10 developers) should I store my IDE project files (e.g. Eclipse or IntelliJ Idea) in version control system (currently I store only build scripts)? What's the best practice? PS Do you aware of any tools to automatically generate project files for common Java IDEs according to some descriptor? ...

Intellij 9.0.2 on Windows 7 putting the .IntelliJIdea90 folder under the Administrator folder

For some reason the .IntelliJIdea90 folder is under C:\Users\Administrator.IntelliJIdea90 when I installed Idea 9.0.2 on Windows 7 (64 bit). Does anybody have an idea why this would happen? ...

How to insert a blank line above my copyright text inside the comment lines in intelliJ IDEA?

I'm using intelliJ IDEA 9. It has a function to make a copyright profile and apply to all files I create. What I'm trying to do is to format the copyright comment right. Suppose I have a copyright text as this: Copyright (c) 2010 All rights reserved. I wish it to be inserted in files automatically as following: //////////...

How do I import XSD files into IntelliJ IDEA 9.0.1?

I am new to IntelliJ and to creating XSD files. In the "Create Project" wizard, there is no option to create an XML project. Do I create a Java project and then try to import the files? ...

when setting up a spring mvc project in intellij, how to you setup you tomcat/jetty?

When setting up a spring mvc project in intelliJ (community edition), how/where do you setup tomcat/jetty so when you click run it deploys to tomcat? ...

Can I see the exact commands IntelliJ uses to build a java project?

Can I see the exact commands IntelliJ uses to build a java project? ...

JSF 2.0 webdevelopment in Intellij 9 for JBoss 6

Hi *, I was wondering what would be the most practical approach to JSF 2.0 web development using IntelliJ 9, targetting JBoss 6. My project has a Maven Structure, though I would like to shortcut the build/deployment cycle as much as possible. How can I exploit the flexibility of an exploded WAR? Can somebody point me into the right d...

Workaround for running tomcat with IntelliJ, maybe a script to push to tomcat?

what kind of workarounds would you guys suggest if I want to run a spring mvc project in intellij (free version) and run it on tomcat? How about a script to push compiled files to a running instance of tomcat? how would this work? ...

Disable reformatting code when saving files

I made a small change to an old java file in IntelliJ and when I save the file the IDE automatically reformats all the code. Normally this would be preferable, however it seems almost every line has unnecessary white space that gets cleaned up. Now it appears the entire file was modified even though I only made a small fix. This will mak...

Getting instance crashes on IntelliJ IDEA with scala plugin.

I am building a scala web project using scala test, lift, jpa, hibernate, mercurial plugin, etc. I am getting instant crashes, where the ide just bombs, the window shuts down, and it gives no error messages whatsoever when I am doing any amount of copy/pasting of code. This started happening once my project got to about 100 unit tests. ...

Integrate SalesForce with IntelliJ IDEA via SVN

Is it possible to integrate Issue tracking provider such as SalesForce with IntelliJ IDEA? A user will able to get a list of open issues from SalesForce with IntelliJ ? thanks. ...

IntelliJ IDEA 9 and Scala 2.8

I have a problem with IntelliJ IDEA 9.0's debugger when I run scala code (scala 2.8). The problem is that I can't see which case is selected in the match sentence when I make traces step by step. ...

how can i set the jdk in intellij 9 on mac

i have a project on intellij and now i wanna run it on intellinj 9 on mac. when i run the project i get the error -> "the JDK is not specifiedfor module "XXXXX" specify the JDK in Configuration project". when i go there in the dependencie for module SDk there is No Project JDk. and when i click on new it is just JSDK, Intellij idea plugi...

in intellij-idea "package cern.jet.random does not exist"

i get this error in intellij-idea 9 . "package cern.jet.random does not exist" what can i do? ...

package edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack does not exist

Possible Duplicates: in intellij-idea package edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack does not exist in intellij-idea package cern.jet.random does not exist i've got this error in intellij -idea 9 . package edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack does not exist what can i do? which library have these...? ...