
"Unable to resolve resource bundle" error when trying to run FlexUnit4 tests with IntelliJ IDEA 9.0.2

Hi everybody! I am having a trouble to get IntelliJ IDEA 9.0.2 to run FlexUnit4 tests. The tests won't be performed because of the following error: Error: Unable to resolve resource bundle "<some name>" So I checked the build.xml whether the path-elements are set properly: <path-element>resources/locale/{locale}</path-element> Thi...

How do I make IntelliJ recognize wicket html tags?

I'm using IntellIJ with Apache Wicket and IntelliJ is showing me that tags like <wicket:extend> and <wicket:container> and adding wicket:id to other html tags is not valid. What steps do I need to take to make IntelliJ recognize the wicket tags? I'm using IntelliJ Ultimate 9 with the wicketforge plugin. ...

IntelliJ IDEA plugin development: Get classes VirtualFile (or paths) for a specific source VirtualFile

Hi all. This is a cross-post from - I failed to get any answer on that forum for two weeks now, so I'm re-asking it here (please don't flame). This question refers to plugin development for the IntelliJ IDEA IDE, specifically targeting java development: Is there any API to get th...

Intellij Idea 9, what folders to check into (or not check into) source control?

Our team has just moved from Netbeans to Intellij 9 Ultimate and need to know what files/folders should typically be excluded from source control as they are not "workstation portable" ie: they reference paths that only exist on one user's computer. As far as I can tell Intellij wants to ignore most of the .idea project including .idea...

Trying to find

I'm trying to create a simple project with hadoop. I am new to IntelliJ and am trying to set the classpath to But what jar has this class? ...

IntelliJ gives Fatal Error: Unable to find package java.lang in classpath or bootclasspath

When I try to make a simple module in IntelliJ it responds with: Fatal Error: Unable to find package java.lang in classpath or bootclasspath ...

Use intellij as the default merge tool for TortoiseHG/Mercurial

I would use hg4idea to do this but it seems to leak memory badly. Is there a way to use Intellij 9 as the default merge tool for TortoiseHG/Mercurial? KDiff3 makes very little sense to me. ...

How to stop IntelliJ Scala plugin indenting blocks

On IntelliJ 9.0.2 with the latest Scala plugin, the problem is that the code formatter turns this: object Test { def main (args: Array[String]) { if (...) { ... } } } into this: object Test { def main (args: Array[String]) { if (...) { ... ...

JNDI name not bound

Hi. I'm going crazy trying to fix this exception: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: lawless not bound This is a Stripes web app built in Intellij and being deployed on Jboss 4.2.3 (Using 4.2.3 because Stripes has issues with later versions. I have successfully used 4.2.3 in the past so I know that's not the problem). I have one ses...

IntelliJ says 'cannot run program '/path/to/tomcat/bin/' error=13 permission denied

In intelliJ ulimate, running a bare bone spring mvc application I get the error: 'cannot run program '/path/to/tomcat/bin/' error=13 permission denied How to I fix this? (i'm on a mac) ...

How to wrap panel output in IntelliJ?

I recently converted to IntelliJ, love it. How do I get panels, such as log output, IDETalk, etc. to wrap their contents? ...

Database connectivity plugins for IntelliJ IDEA 9 Community Edition ?

Hi all I use IntelliJ IDEA 9 Community Edition. but the database connectivity is not included in the community edition. is there any plugins that can provide this facility and specially for connecting with MySql ? thanks ...

Steps to run spring mvc basic sample application

So I open up intelliJ ultimate and opened up this application using the pom.xml : The application built just fine, and I ran it with tomcat 6 (which I setup). I just got a default tomcat welcome screen. What am I missing here? Clicking run showed: Jun 23, 2010 8:2...

Has anyone had problems with scala code-completion in IDEA when using sbt?

I recently switched to sbt (which I completely dig) and as soon as I started to compile and run tests from sbt, code completion in IDEA seems to come and go... very strange. ...

'Immediate' window for IntelliJ

Hello, I'm using IntelliJ 9 and I'm curious if there is any IntelliJ equivalent of the Visual Studio 'immediate' debug window. There is ALT-F8 to evaluate an expression, but what I'd like to be able to write code in a window that interacts with what I am currently debugging (if that's even possible). Having breakpoints that log messag...

how to change the modifier key from cmd to ctrl in IntelliJ at a Mac?

how to change the modifier key from cmd to ctrl in IntelliJ at a Mac? I have changed it system wide but it hasn't changed in intellij. ...

Help need to get spring mvc going with IntelliJ

So I downloaded a trial of idea ultimate, and I want to get spring mvc going with tomcat. So I setup a new project, configured it to use sun jdk. I chose a spring application, and it created and downloaded the following: I don't see any spring-mvc libraries, are they included in there or do I have to do something about that? Can so...

when setting up a web app in IDEA, can someone help me with Facets/Modules and Artifacts.

using IDEA ultimate, how would I start a project and have the following layout: /src/ /src/main/java/com/example/myapp /src/main/resources /src/main/webapp /src/main/webapp/META-INF /src/main/webapp/WEB-INF /src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp /src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib /src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/myapp-servlet.xml /src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.x...

In IDEA, I setup to deploy using web app exploded, how do to .war file?

Using IDEA and tomcat I setup a simple spring mvc app (thanks to you guys) and it was deploying using a 'web app exploded' format. Is a .war file the same thing, except in a single file appname.war? How can I configure IDEA to do this? how do I have IDEA make a .war file during compilation and/or deployment? how do I link this to t...

Intellij 9 artifacts "forgetting" libraries

Has anybody else had issues where Intellij 9 "forgets" what libraries you added to an artifact configuration? I am using maven modules within Intellij 9.0.2 which seem to auto add my libraries to my artifact however both my hibernate-core jar and the "GWT compiler output" keep disappearing from the artifact config. What is even worse i...