
Displaying all the resources strings in a resx file

I have a "GUI Strings" .resx file in my application that holds all the strings that I display. I can obviously access each string directly via Resources.Resource_GUI_Strings.CameraSettings_BrightnessLabel But how do I list all the settings in the .resx file, as their (name, value) pair, is my only option using reflection? I want to...

UI design and cultural sensitivity/awareness

When designing a user interface for an application that is going to be used internationally it is possible to accidentally design an aspect of the UI that is offensive to or inappropriate in another culture. Have you ever encountered such an issue and if so, how did you resolve the design problem? Some examples: A GPS skyplot in a su...

How to translate /en/file.php to file.php?lang=en in htaccess Apache

I'm writing multilingual website. I have several files on server like: /index.php /files.php /funny.php And would like to add language support by placing language code into URL like this: http://mywebsite/en/index.php would redirect to: http://mywebsite/index.php?lang=en And http://mywebsite/en/files.php would redirect to: ...

Localisation/I18n of database data in LINQ to SQL

I have status tables in my database, and "localised" tables that contain language-specific versions of those statuses. The point of the main status table is to define the status ID values, and other meta-data about the status. The "localised" table is to display the text representation in a UI, according to the users' preferred languag...

change file encoding

Hi, I have a problem with character encoding in some HTML pages. It seems that the cause of the problem is that some of the .html files are not saved as UTF-8 encoded files. Even though I have instructed Eclipse to save these files as UTF-8, when I open them in a browser, it indicates that the files are ISO-8859-1. How can I change the...

How do I upper case an email address?

I expect this should be a pretty easy question. It is in two parts: Are email addresses case sensitive? (i.e. is [email protected] different from [email protected]?) If so, what is the correct locale to use for capitalising an email address? (i.e. capitalising the email [email protected] would be different in the US and Turkish locales) ...

Testing tools for i18n application

Hi All, Any suggestion for a tool to test internationalized/ localized application? The application's UI is through web interface. The localized strings are stored in xml files. Best regards ...

Rails: How should Phusion Passenger and I18n.locale behave?

I have a Rails 2.2 web app running on Passenger / REE I set the default locale in config/environment.rb config.i18n.default_locale = 'en-GB' The first request seems to have no locale set in I18n.locale If I the visit a page with a before_filter that sets I18n.locale every subsequent visit to any controller even if it doesn't have tha...

Making an MFC application international

I've got several large MFC applications here, and converting them into any other format is out of the question. We're expanding into other markets, and would like to make the apps work in other languages and cultures. So far, I've found occasional references as to what to do with Visual C++ version 6, with one mention that later versio...

When is it a good use of time to refactor string literals?

I'm starting on a project where strings are written into the code most of the time. Many strings might only be used in a few places but some strings are common throughout many pages. Is it a good use of my time to refactor the literals into constants being that the app is pretty well established and runs well? What would be the long-t...

Java and GNU gettext for internationalization

Has anyone had any experiences developing large Java applications using GNU gettext for internationalization? I find that I really like having the English text in my source code, but I want to make sure that what I'm doing is practical for the relatively large software project I am part of. If you have experience with this, what are yo...

What does I18N safe mean?

I came across a comment in some code referring to said code being "I18N safe". What does this refer to? ...

File names containing non-ascii international language characters

Has anyone had experience generating files that have filenames containing non-ascii international language characters? Is doing this an easy thing to achieve, or is it fraught with danger? Is this funtionality expected from Japanese/Chinese speaking web users? Should file extensions also be international language characters? Info: W...

How to render narrow non-breaking spaces in HTML for Windows?

In French, typography requires that we use narrow non-breaking space (U+202F) at various places (“Comme ça !”). Apparently every browser on windows fails to support that and they all display a weird character instead. This works on most browsers on Mac OS X as well as Linux. Does anyone know how to make Windows browsers render it corre...

Objective-C + Cocoa: Internationalization with Nibs. Is that really a good idea?

In the Apple Docs they say that a Nib enables internationalization by just translating the Nib into many languages. I am thinking now about a worse but realistic scenario: You have made a huge user interface. Then you translate this into 25 languages. So you get 25 different Nibs. You also get a huge redundancy in styling and defining th...

How translate commercial software in multi languages?

What is the best practice to translate a commercial software for many different languages? Currently I see 3 possible solutions. You use professional translator. The large problem is that this people does not understand the context. The translations are very curious. Also there are large cost. On every release you need renew contact th...

Is it possible to detect East Asian language support?

I'm working on a javascript memorization game that requires that japanese characters to be displayed. Is there a cross browser way(s) of detecting support for asian languages, or japanese specifically? window.navigator.language will be set to the language of the browser but misses out people who don't set japanese as their browsers lang...

Making strings URL Friendly (eg: convert Montréal to Montreal)

I am writing a web application that requires friendly urls, but I'm not sure how to deal with non 7bit ASCII characters. I don't want to replace accented characters with URL encoded entities either. Is there a C# method that allows this sort of conversion or do I need to actually map out every single case I want to handle? ...

Changing locale at runtime in Swing

I would like to be able to change the locale in my Swing application at runtime and have all the text elements on the screen update themselves with localized text from a ResourceBundle of the new locale. Can this be done without customizing swing components or creating UIDelegates for all components that handle rendering localized text...

Cocoa/iPhone: How to I keep ibtool from outputing non-localizable strings in a xib file?

I'm working on internationalizing an iPhone application, and I'm using ibtool to extract the string from my xib files so they can be translated by a localization house like so: ibtool --generate-strings-file BlahBlahView.strings English.lproj/BlahBlahView.xib The problem with this is that the .strings file I end up with contains all t...