
Installshield multi-language issues

I've drawn the short straw at work and I have to support the Installshield 2009 setup application. When I open the .ISM file in InstallShield 2009 Professional I get this message: The following languages will be disabled as they were included in this project but are not installed on this system: Chinese (Traditional) German French (Fra...

How to handle translation of UI widgets in a massive project?

I am working on a large Java 1.4.2 project (~3000 files...) that contain lots of GUI widgets. There is a requirement to translate all text on the UI widgets to different languages (Italian, French, German), only European languages at this point. How would you go about designing a solution for such a problem? How would you verify that ...

c file is not generated from tsmarty2c.php command

Hi, I am using smarty gettext plugin to internationalize smarty templates on windows. But when I run the command tsmarty2c.php c file is created but the strings are not in the file.C file is empty. I am using PHP 5.2.9 and smarty gettext plug in version is v 1.1.Any help is appreciated. ...

Labeling file upload button

How can I internationalize the button text of the file picker? For example, what this code presents to the user: <input type="file" .../> ...

Can you override the iPhone keyboard locale at runtime?

I need to create an iPhone app that supports user input in multiple languages. The user needs to be able to change his input language at runtime between English, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, etc. Is there any way through the iPhone SDK to display a keyboard for a language other than the user's default language? ...

I18N of XML documents

I'm about to decide how to handle internationalisation of an XML-based format for UI description. The format typically looks something like this: ... <devif> <screen id="scr1" title="Settings for this and that"> <header text="Climate readings"/> <rd setp="123" text="Air temperature" unit="°C"/> <rd setp="234" text="Humidi...

What is the best way to internationalize a Python app with multiple i18n domains?

I'm internationalizing a Python application, with two goals in mind: The application loads classes from multiple packages, each with its own i18n domain. So modules in package A are using domain A, modules in package B are using domain B, etc. The locale can be changed while the application is running. Python's gettext module makes ...

How to use xgettext iteratively to update .po files for translation

I'm looking at using xgettext to aid translation of large codebase, and I have two questions: if I have one .po file per-language, is there an easy way to update them all using a single xgettext scan of the codebase, or must I run xgettext once for each language? if I add the target langauge to the .po file header with poedit, xgettext...

internationalization in the server or in the browser

How would you go with i18ning a rich web application? Would you internationalize in the server or in the browser. What are your experiences with this? ...

generating plural forms into a .pot file

I'm internationalizing a python program and cant get plural forms into the .pot file. I have marked string that require plural translations with a _pl() eg. self.write_info(_pl("%(num)d track checked", "%(num)d tracks checked", song_obj.song_count) % {"num" : song_obj.song_count}) Then I'm running: xgettext --lang...

What is a minimal set of unicode characters for reasonable Japanese support?

I have a mobile application that needs to be ported for a Japanese audience. Part of the application is a custom font file that needs to be extended from only containing latin-1 characters to also containing Japanese characters. I realise that this will make it rather large, but that is not todays problem. Note that I have no control ov...

How can I (an American) test whether my ASP.NET/SQL Server app is handling decimals correctly for Germany.

In the US, you use a "." as the separator, but in Germany you use a ",". I'm trying to test whether my logic is smart enough to handle either one but I seem to be failing to put my Windows 2000 machine into German mode. I went to Control Panel, Regional Options, and changed "Your locale" to "Germany". I then restarted both IIS and SQ...

How Do I Use Multiple po Files in CakePHP?

I'm just beginning the process of exploring i18n in CakePHP and I can't seem to find the right combination of files and functions that will allow me to use multiple po files. If I want to use a single po file (default.po) for every bit of translatable text, that works fine, but I see that becoming an unmaintainable hairball very, very qu...

Spring MVC web app i18n

In a web application written using spring-MVC, I want to allow users to change the current language by clicking on a link which text is the name of the language. I have already set up a messageSource and made all my jsp pages find the messages using this messageSource. Currently, the language is changing depending on the locale of the ...

How do I get the first day of the week for the current locale? (PHP / L8N)

In most locale, the first day of the week is Monday. In the US (and presumably elsewhere), the week starts on Sunday. How can find out in PHP, for an arbitrary locale, the current setting for the first day of the week (Sunday or Monday)? Thank you. ...

Please help with my JSP Internationalization problem

I have problem with I18N in JSP, specifically, with forms. When I enter some Czech characters (e.g., "ěščřžýá...") into my page one form, into the field "fieldOne", and then show text from that field on page two, instead of Czech characters I see this as "čč". (Note, the second page gets the Czech characters with "request.getProperty...

Problem with struts's intercialization....

Hi, I'm here again :D... I have the same near as here but with forms in struts, how I can to intercionalizate struts's forms?Btw. After add this row session.setAttribute("nneco","ěščřžřčš"); it does not work. (Please sorry for my English :) ) ...

How can I check if a resource bundle key does not exist using JSTL tags?

I have a resource file that will have some optional keys. If the optional resource key is not present, I set a default instead. It appears that there is no easy way to determine if a key exists in the resource bundle. So this is what I'm doing to get around it. <fmt:message var="title" key="login.reg.signup.${signupForm.regfrom}.title"...

Easiest way to generate localization files

Hello - I'm currently writing an app in Python and need to provide localization for it. I can use gettext and the utilities that come with it to generate .po and .mo files. But editing the .po files for each language, one-by-one, seems a bit tedious. Then, creating directories for each language and generating the .mo files, one-by-one...

international characters in url, mvc filtering problem

Hi guys, I have a problem with filtering in mvc. I have a page with listed collection and the filter. Filter has values for filtering collection, it is: category, status and the containing string. The problem is in internationalisation-application can be on more than one language, so the containing string can be special characte...