
Anyone know a source for translated Time Zone descriptions?

Does anyone know of a compiled list of translations for the time zone names in Windows? I need all 75 or so of them in German, French and Spanish. Alternatively, how would I use .Net to compile such a list? Example format: (GMT+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague ...

How to designate resources as do-not-translate?

I work on the localization of Java software, and my projects have both .properties files and XML resources. We currently use comments to instruct translators to not translate certain strings, but the problem with comments is that they are not machine-readable. The only solution I can think of is to prefix each do-not-translate key with ...

IPhone localization: Is it possible to translate nib files easily without having to copy the nib for each language?

I'm trying to find a manageable way to translate every visible string in an iPhone application. The official apple documentation says to use .strings files for programmatic strings, while using the built in "add localized file" option in xcode to localize nib files. The problem i see with this is that if the UI needs to change after ...

Naming keys in resource files best practice

Does anyone have any recommendations on naming keys in resource files? For instance, do you base the name of your key on the text that needs to be localized or on the control that uses the text? Say you have an edit button in several screens (one to edit a user, one to edit a group). You could use the following keys:

How to localize a Rails plugin?

I'd like to translate the OpenIdAuthentication plugin into another language but I'd like not to change the plugin directly. Here's the basic structure of the messages I want to translate: module OpenIdAuthentication class Result ERROR_MESSAGES = { :missing => "Sorry, the OpenID server couldn't be found", :invali...

Internationalization: Should I use resources or MVP for labels?

I'm building C# WinForms using the MVP pattern in VS 2008. I will migrate these to WPF in the future. These forms will need to support multiple languages for the input labels and menus. I want to store the label text in a SQL Server database and pull up the proper label based on language. Which of thse options (or another option perh...

Add new language to localization list in XCODE 3.1

In XCODE I'm trying to add another localization to an xib file. In the drop-down list I have 4 languages: English, Japanese, French, German. How do I add Chinese to the list so I don't have to type it every time when I add to another xib file? ...

How to protect i18n bundle integrity in larger teams?

We use Subversion to manage our project files, including the seam managed message bundles which have the highest mutation rate of the whole project. Ever so often a developer reads past a line during diff merge and accidentally reverts some changes, which usually slips through the testing process. What practices have you adopted to ens...

Web-based .resx file editor?

I'm working on a SharePoint site, and the site eventually needs to be localized to many different languages. We can use resource files, but we'd like for the translators to be able to update those files while the site is live, without requiring developer assistance to recompile, redeploy, etc. To me, I think the easiest way to do this w...

Cocoa/iPhone: How do I create a Simplified Chinese localization of my app?

I'm in the middle of localizing my iPhone app, and I've gotten English, French, German and Japanese localizations working without any problems. Now I'm trying to get a simplified chinese localization working, and no matter what I try, the chinese .lproj bundle just won't be used when I have the phone set to simplified chinese. One probl...

How do I localize multiple files at once in Xcode?

In the process of localizing my app, I have about 50 resources (mostly xibs) that need to be localized. I know how to add a localization for each file, but it's a pretty time consuming process to open the info panel and add the localization for each file. Is there any way to select multiple files and add a localization to each of them i...

Design considerations for internationalization

I've read Joel's article on Unicode and I feel that I have at least a basic grasp of internationalization from a character set perspective. In addition to reading this question, I've also done some of my own research on internationalization in regards to design considerations, but I can't help but suspect that there is a lot more out the...

How can I transliterate chinese text to pinyin on iPhone?

The localization saga continues... So I'm trying to support collation of chinese text in my iPhone app, and after talking to a native chinese speaker, I think I understand how the chinese do it... Lets say you had the string 巴拉克·奥巴马 and you wanted to figure out which section of the chinese phonebook to put it in (in this example I'm ig...

Why some countries have dot as a decimal separator and some have comma?

Why in some countries there is a comma separator and in some dot? Do you know what is the reason of that? It's very annoying to check every time if you should use this or this. ...

Internationalization for flash applications

I'm working with a flash application (non-flex), and I'd like to support internationalization. In flex there's a nice abstraction ResourceManager in which you provide resource bundles for each locale. Is there any equivalent for actionscript? ...

Truly multi-lingual programming languages?

I realize most languages support multiple languages, but every language I've seen has always been more-or-less US-centric. By that, I mean the keywords, standard library functions, etc. all have english names. So, as a programmer, you still really need to know at least some english to make sense of it. Are there any truly "multi-lingu...

How to enable locale en_EN on centOS to get i18n gettext working

I have a development version of my PHP website and when I moved it to my production server on centOS OS I discovered my locale version of en_EN is not working. Could you please tell me what can cause that and what to do to get this working? I use setlocale and gettext to use i18n in PHP. ...

i18n in ExtJS & Spring MVC

I've searched a bit on the web but haven't really found a concrete solution to internationalize an application running ExtJS & Spring MVC. Currently (for testing), I define global javascript variables in the JSP's & assign the string literals using JSTL tags. Has anyone had any success in coming up w/ a clear/clean/flexible solution on ...

Specific message catalog techniques for web application

I have a web application that has user-readable text in three places: C source for CGI programs, JavaScript in .js files, and .HTML files and we are considering internationalization. I once worked on I18N of a PC-based program written in C and Tcl. We used common message catalogs that we could access from both languages. I'm not at al...

How to Implement multi language in PHP application?

I'm posting this question on it's own as I found post one which lacks full explanation or the best way to do it. Should I use a language file to name items like: $first_name= 'name'; $last_name = 'last_name'; and then include this file depending on selection? I have an app which I need to have in two languages. Will like something i...