
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Session Façade Core J2EE Pattern?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Session Façade Core J2EE Pattern? What are the assumptions behind it? Are these assumptions valid in a particular environment? ...

J2EE App Server Hello World

I am fairly comfortable with standalone Java app development, but will soon be working on a project using a J2EE application server. Does anyone know of a straightforward how-to tutorial to getting a hello-world type application working in an application server? I'm (perhaps naievly) assuming that the overall approach is similar between...

Can't add server to a moved workspace

I have this workspace downloaded off the web and I try running it on a tomcat server from a fresh installation of Eclipse Ganymede. This particular project came with its own workspace. When I select Tomcat v6.0 I get a message Cannot create a server using the selected type Older tomcat versions are available, though. I guess I...

ADF Business Components thru RMI Vs EJB and Toplink

I was wondering what the differences would be in implementing remote business logic. Currently we are planning on using ADF to develop front-end web apps (moving from Struts). We were wondering what the differences between the front end calling EJBs using Toplink vs ADF Business Components thru RMI in terms of scalability as the migratio...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of DTOs from a website performance perspective?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of DTOs from a website performance perspective? (I'm talking in the case where the database is accessed on a different app server to the web server - and the web server could access the database directly.) ...

Best J2EE server

At my shop, we use WebSphere, but I hate it with a passion. Updates are a nightmare It's not J2EE compliant Automated deploys are very difficult What is the best J2EE Application Server out there and why? Edit: We see largish scale activity 50k+ daily logins, 50ish Web Applications, Several MDBs and an EJB. ...

How to retrieve params from GET HTTP method using javax.ws.rs.* and Glassfish?

I just installed Glassfish V2 on my local machine just to play around with it. I was wondering if there is a way to retrieve a param passed in by the GET HTTP method. For instance, http://localhost:8080/HelloWorld/resources/helloWorld?name=ABC How do I retrieve the "name" param in my Java code? ...

Apache and J2EE sharing security realms/logins, single sign-on

Here is the situation I'd like to create: www.blah.com/priv - protected by Apache HTTP Basic Auth, realm "foo" www.blah.com/application - protected by Tomcat/Servlet HTTP Basic Auth, realm "foo" User access /priv, apache requests login info, they provide and are given access Same user then requests /application. Since they have authen...

what is j2ee/jee?

OK stupid question but... I realize that literally it translates to java 2 enterprise edition. What I'm asking is what does this really mean? when a company requires j2ee experience what are they really asking for? experience with ejb's? experience with java web apps? I suspect that this means something different to different peopl...

struts action controller - multithreaded?

when they say the action controller in the struts framework is multi threaded, does it mean that there are multiple instances of the servlet taking the request and forwarding it to the model. OR does it mean that there is one single instance taking all the requests? Any visuals will be appreciated ...

WebServiceTransportException: Unauthorized [401] in Spring-WS

We are struggling to configure our web app to be able to connect with web services via Spring WS. We have tried to use the example from the documentation of client-side Spring-WS, but we end up with a WebServiceTransportException. The XML config looks like this: <bean id="webServiceTemplate" class="org.springframework.ws.client.core.Web...

Is it better working on a single technology or working on different ones?

I have always worked on websphere commerce..and recently got an offer to work in a plain J2EE project. I am not sure if I should go ahead or not. Which is better in the long term?? staying in the technology you always worked on and mastering it or swapping technologies n languages every now and then. P.S. I have been around in this indus...

Access Enum value using EL with JSTL

I have an Enum called Status defined as such: public enum Status { VALID("valid"), OLD("old"); private final String val; Status(String val) { this.val = val; } public String getStatus() { return val; } } I would like to access the value of VALID from a JSTL tag. Specifically the test attri...

Spring vs. JSF

I have a dilemma at my job. We're looking to integrate two different J2EE projects and they both use different frameworks for the web component. We're also looking to add more dynamic capability/AJAX to it. One uses JSF and the other uses Spring. Basically we're trying to pick one of the projects and integrate them using that technol...

How do you deploy a WAR that's inside an EAR as the root (/) context in Glassfish?

I have an EAR file that contains two WARs, war1.war and war2.war. My application.xml file looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <application version="5" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.c...

How can I configure Tomcat to always direct to index.jsp after login?

Currently Tomcat's login support redirects users back to where they initially were when the application figured out they weren't logged in. For this particular application I need to force them to always go back to index.jsp. I'm pretty sure this is a simple configuration option in the WAR's web.xml, but I haven't found the answer in go...

java.lang.String in jndi default context with Apache Geronimo - How?

In a servlet I do the following: Context context = new InitialContext(); value = (String) context.lookup("java:comp/env/propertyName"); On an Apache Geronimo instance (WAS CE 2.1) how do i associate a value with the key propertyName? In Websphere AS 6 i can configure these properties for JNDI lookup under the "Name Space Bindings...

What tools are available to measure the "health" of an enterprise web-based system?

I assist in maintaining an enterprise web-based system (programmed in J2EE, but this is a more general question) and I'd like to know: what good tools are out there to measure the "health" of an enterprise system? For instance, tools to check memory space on servers, check the status of batch runs, the number of records processed in a c...

Java Web Deployment: build code, or deploy .war?

Two main ways to deploy a J2EE/Java Web app (in a very simplistic sense): Deploy assembled artifacts to production box Here, we create the .war (or whatever) elsewhere, configure it for production (possibly creating numerous artifacts for numerous boxes) and place the resulting artifacts on the production servers. Pros: No dev tools ...

OC4J problem with deploying multiple 2.1 EJBs

I am having troubles migrating from OC4J to The problem is for applications that have multiple EJBs (all are 2.1, no EJB 3.0). Jdeveloper will take the default ejb-jar.xml (the one required for Jdeveloper to run it on its stand-alone OC4J instance) and package it into each EJB JAR module NO MATTER what. This results...