
How do I run a .jar executable java file from outside NetBeans IDE?

How do I run a .jar executable java file from outside NetBeans IDE? (Windows Vista). My project has a .jar file created by Netbeans. We'd like to run it. Either: how do we run the file or how do we create a 'proper' executable file in NetBeans 6.1? ...

How can I run all JUnit unit tests except those ending in "IntegrationTest" in my IntelliJ IDEA project using the integrated test runner?

I basically want to run all JUnit unit tests in my IntelliJ IDEA project (excluding JUnit integration tests), using the static suite() method of JUnit. Why use the static suite() method? Because I can then use IntelliJ IDEA's JUnit test runner to run all unit tests in my application (and easily exclude all integration tests by naming con...

Prefuse: Reloading of XML files

Hello all, I am a new to the prefuse visualization toolkit and have a couple of general questions. For my purpose, I would like to perform an initial visualization using prefuse (graphview / graphml). Once rendered, upon a user click of a node, I would like to completely reload a new xml file for a new visualization. I want to do thi...

Ruby and duck typing: design by contract impossible?

Method signature in Java: public List<String> getFilesIn(List<File> directories) similar one in ruby def get_files_in(directories) In the case of Java, the type system gives me information about what the method expects and delivers. In Ruby's case, I have no clue what I'm supposed to pass in, or what I'll expect to receive. In Ja...

How to implement a single instance Java application?

Sometime I see many application such as msn, windows media player etc that are single instance applications (when user executes while application is running a new application instance will not created). In C#, I use Mutext class for this but I don't know what how to do this in Java? ...

The encoding 'UTF-8' is not supported by the Java runtime.

Whenever I start our Apache Felix (OSGi) based application under SUN Java ( build 1.6.0_10-rc2-b32 and other 1.6.x builds) I see the following message output on the console (usually under Ubuntu 8.4): Warning: The encoding 'UTF-8' is not supported by the Java runtime. I've seen this message display occasionally when running both T...

Sun Java System Portal Server

Hi , How can we make a web-src for Access Manager customizations and a par-src for portal server customizations?Are there concrete steps to do this? Thanks & Regards, Vivek ...

What are some of the major shifts in thinking required to become a good Rich Internet Application (RIA) developer?

I've been experimenting with Adobe Flex recently. Being a long-time server-side web app developer, I'm faced with difficulties that I last experienced when I dabbled in Java Swing development a long time ago. It mainly revolves around the flow of control between my code and the framework's code. Most things are asynchronous as to not fre...

Why recordsets initially were forward only

I have seen recent updates in term of record sets being updated so that we can scroll back and forth through the data it points to. My question is why they were initially designed for a forward only traversal. Is there any impact using the new version? ...

Embeddable distributed version control system in Java?

Is there a distributed version control system (like git or Mercurial) that can be used as an embedded library in Java applications (to implement versioned and synchronizable storage for application data), ideally written in pure Java and under a permissive license? ...

RMI or Web Services sample application

Does anyone know of a sample distributed application (.NET or J2EE) using RMI or Web Services? ...

Good XMPP Java Libraries for server side?

I was hoping to implement a simple XMPP server in Java. What I need is a library which can parse and understand xmpp requests from a client. I have looked at Smack (mentioned below) and JSO. Smack appears to be client only so while it might help parsing packets it doesn't know how to respond to clients. Is JSO maintained it looks ver...

Is it possible to automate the creation of a inno setup package with ant?

I am creating an Eclipse RCP application. I am following Joel's advice in the following article "Daily Builds are your friend": So, I've written a nice build script that creates an Eclipse RCP product and that runs unit tests on the code. All results are then distributed to th...

Cookie getMaxAge

Hello I can't retrieve cookie maxage it always returns -1 Creating cookie: Cookie securityCookie = new Cookie("sec", "somevalue"); securityCookie.setMaxAge(EXPIRATION_TIME); Retrieve cookie: Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies(); if (cookies != null) { for(int i=0; i<cookies.length; i++) { Cookie cookie = cookies[i]; ...

Firefox cuts files, whose name contains spaces, in a Struts application

I am using the next class (simplified for the sake of understandability) to download images in a struts web application. It is working fine in every browser but firefox, which cuts names containing spaces. That it is to say: file with spaces.pdf gets downloaded in firefox as: file while in chrome, IE7 IE6 is downloaded as file with spac...

What is a good design for a query "layer" for Java JPA

In JPA the Entities are nice annotated Plain Old Java Objects. But I have not found a good way to interact with them and the database. In my current app, my basic design is always to have a sequence based id as primary key so I usually have to look up entities by other properties than PK. And for each Entity I have a stateless EJB of ...

IP subnet verification in JSP

I have the following JSP code, that protects my web page and displays it only to know IP's String ip_h = request.getRemoteAddr(); String host_h = request.getRemoteHost(); String iplist[] = new String[1]; iplist[0] = ""; iplist[1] = ""; int count = iplist.length; boolean flag = false; int zz = 0; /...

log4j vs logback

We are using log4j behind a selfmade wrapper. We plan to use much more features of it now. Should we update to logback ? (I mean the framework not a facade like SLF4J) ...

Alternatives for java sql PreparedStatement IN clause issue?

I'm looking for the best workarounds for the PreparedStatement "IN clause" issue, which apparently is not supported for multiple values due to sql injection attack security issues: One ?, One value. Not a list of values. To illustrate: select my_column from my_table where search_column in (?) using ps.setString(1, "'A', 'B', 'C'");...

jEE war files

is it possible to include/embed one JEE application(war file) inside another? i have an application which is a portal application and i want to allow other users add there applications to it. In order to do this i need some way to be able access there applications in mine. Is this possibe? ...