
How does gather results from multiple job sites.

Do they use partnership and APIs, scrape the data or use public apis from all the job sites. Specially interested in how they obtain data from other job sites like and hotjobs. Implementing a program to do similar stuff, all ideas welcome/ ...

High level code in production context?

I've been reading realy good books about advanced programming technique recently (Modern C++ Design by Andrei Alexandrescu is one of my favorite) and I have been realy disapointed to learn at my new job that such technique where prohibited since it would be too hard to maintain for people who can't understand such technique. Does such h...

What are advantages and disadvantages of working in a web development agency?

I have received recently a few mails from recruiters inviting me to a web development agency. From the description they do web sites, portal, intranets etc. I have now experience with these companies of this type, so if anyone could provide an insight it would be much appreciated. Am I correct in associating them with that kind of work,...

Starting age for a career in software - fresh out of school?

I am a new graduate (in the last four or five months), and like many in my situation, I'm having serious difficulty finding a job. I've got a good degree (BEng in Comp. Eng.) from a top-three school in my non-American English-speaking Western country, a pretty good resume, and a terrible GPA. I've been making contacts (applying, person...

In this rough economy, what programming jobs have you seen to be most in demand?

Given the economic downturn, I'm sure many of us are job seekers. In your search, which programming jobs appear to be most in demand despite economic uncertainty? Why do you think that is the case? ...

Open source vs Microsoft technologies as a career foundation.

I am currently unemployed and i am fortunate enough to have two job choices in front of me: Web development for an american company that is about to open an office here (Mexico), this company owns a few portals. They work mostly with open source stuff (LAMP development, integration of 3rd party API's). Enterprise web application develo...

how to handle SQL Agent job error?

Hello everyone, I am writing a SQL Agent Job to remove rows from Table 1 and Table 2 once a day. The step of the SQL Agent job is -- delete some specific records from Table1, then delete some specific records from Table 2. My question is, How to record the error during SQL Agent? Any logs/events we could use? (so that we could see in...

How to created a "singleton" scheduled job in oracle?

It's probably just the vocabulary I am missing to find out how to do this: A job scheduled to run regularly every 5 mins, however keeping track that there are never two instances of it running at the same time, i.e. the next instance would be postponed or skipped if the prior runs longs than 5 mins. What is the easiest/most elegant way...

Should "inability to code under pressure" be a valid excuse when writing code in an interview?

I've come up with what I believe are realistic problems to work on during an interview. Frequently I have candidates respond that they cannot code under the pressure of me watching them code (via Live Meeting or Locally). Is this a valid excuse for inability to complete the task (or taking too long) during the interview? If so, what c...

How long should it take a senior developer to solve FizzBuzz during an interview?

Assuming: Typical interview stress levels (I am watching) Using familiar IDE and program language (their choice on their PC!) Given adequate explanation and immediate answers to questions Able to compile code and check answers / progress Claims to be a senior level programmer How long should it take an interviewee to answer FizzBuzz ...

Do "business logic" skills and a framework replace the need for "low-level algorithm" skills?

When interviewing people I ask some lower level language and algorithm type questions. Nothing too tricky, but I am surprised how often I here programmers who claim to be senior level say they mostly work in a framework (that maybe they designed) and don't typically have a need to do low-level coding. Some of the questions I ask: The...

Is client side (interface) development as a speciality dying out?

I'm seeing less and less of this on job boards, and I'm having trouble hiring an interface engineer who specializes in XHTML, CSS and JavaScript. Is this because designers are taking this on with their design duties, or programmers are now responsible for building out pages, or is it because this work is easily contracted out to companie...

Volunteer for a potential employer?

I've been looking for work since March, and haven't had much luck. Recently, however, I interviewed with a small company near my home for a C#, .NET, SQL development position. I hit it off very well with the hiring manager during the phone screen, and even more so during the face to face. Unfortunately, I failed the practical test: wirin...

Good job listing sites with telecommute option search filter

Does anyone have recommended websites that have the ability to filter your search by a telecommute option? I know the stackoverflow job site does but I haven't been able to find any others. I live in an area that has few, if any development positions, and am unwilling to relocate at this time. Thanks for the info... ...

How do I best advertise my availability to prospective employers?

I'm aware of the the likes of and, but these tend (don't they?) to be short term contracts, whereas my type of work (database admin and support, data analysis) often requires longer term commitment. My last few contracts were extended, so I'm confident I can adapt and add value to any company that hires me. However...

Is a combination of SCJP, SCWCD and Oracle programmer certification useful for a fresher to get off campus placement?

Is a combination of SCJP, SCWCD and Oracle programmer certification useful for a fresher to get off campus placement? I am fresher B.E. (Computer Science) passed out from Thapar University, Patiala in India. It's one of the top 20 colleges for engineering in India. I got one offer from GlobalLogic Pvt. Limited on campus and one tempora...

Graduate Degree needed in Programming Jobs?

I have a BA in English, and too much programming experience. I'm working with three local dev firms and have freelance projects to keep me busy. Do firms really care if I have a degree, or do they just care about the language I know and if I can deliver? ...

Who can benefit from a dual CS/MBA degree?

I am just looking for a good career path and CS/MBA degree sounds great for both development and management jobs. If you have the insight, please help me decide if a CS/MBA degree is worth it. To what kind of career path does it usually lead? Specifically, to what kind of jobs do they lead if one has little work experience? Could it...

What should a junior Java developer know?

What skills should a junior Java developer have? I'm also interested in iPhone (Objective-C) development. What technologies/languages should I know to get a position as a Java developer or an iPhone/Obj-C developer? J2SE preferable... What would be better - study only Java/Objective-C or try to work with two? ...

experience using specific programming languages, technologies, and frameworks

For listing my experience in certain software development skills, let's say I have had 2 years of VBA development experience, before having a gap where I have mainly been programming in C++ for 3 years, before I have another year of VBA-dominated development work. Would it be more accurate to say I have 3 years of VBA development experie...