
When a potential employer wants "code samples", what do they REALLY want?

I often see job posting with a request for "resume, cover letter, and code samples" and this baffles me. If I am applying for job with little, or no prior knowledge of what types of projects I'm going to be working on, how am I to provide code samples? And even if I have an idea of the type of project, what are they REALLY looking for...

What should i know about joomla! ?

Hi, I'll go for interview soon and the recruiter told me to prepare a bit about joomla! I use to develope in PHP5 for several years, and i know about OOP. I'm not really scared about joomla! but i'm wondering what should i know about it ? Any feedback for similar interview ? or any ideas on what i should know ?! Thanks in advance ...

quit my job because I don't evolve

Hi guys, I've worked for some time(few years) for my company. As time passed, the important tasks with new technologies started to be given to my colleague although I've asked several times for more challenging projects. I believe this could be because I asked a few times for a raise when I had more responsibilities for the projects and...

First 30 days of new job (Update after few days)

I will be starting on a new job as an entry level programmer.I researched and found some important things to do like spending some time with boss,interacting with colleagues,managing expectations. Please advice me as to what my strategy should be in the first 30 days . Because in these rough market conditions without sufficient project...

.Net vs Java Jobs

When I do a job search for a .Net developer it's all mostly the same stuff .Net, ASP, SQL Server, CSS, Javascript, AJAX, and maybe C#. Whereas with Java you may have to have Java, Sturts, Spring, JSF, EJB, a RDMB, Eclipse RCP, CSS, Javascript, AJAX, Rest, any number of specific Java APIs. Is it easier to be a .Net developer since the tec...

Strange problem in SQL job and stored procedure

I have a stored procedure which will pick MQ files from receive location, process it and drop it in save location. Currently, this stored procedure is not working when I execute it manually. But files are picked up and saved in the save location automatically at a particular time of day daily. I don't know which stored procedure is cal...

Finding non-web development entry-level positions

Now, I'm a college junior. I have a bit of time before the realities of the job search hit me. However, I've been trying to find more practical skills to learn since my CS department is rather theoretical. (Seriously, I only need Programming Language Design and Automata Theory to finish my major having taken all but 1 practical elective....

Learning a New Language on the Job

I've seen some blog posts about software developers just being hired learning a new language so that they can build their companies' next program. Personally, I've always believed that developers should already know the language since they're new to the company (and know what language the program will need). To expand on that, it's not l...

Getting Work as a .NET Developer

This probably should've been asked as a followup to my previous question ( but I thought I would start afresh. I'm in a situation where I have a CS degree and a years experience however the experience I've gained in this position has been with mostly open source (or ...

Is Perl the right choice or should I start with something else?

As student of B.E(computer science). I thought Perl would be a good language to learn as it was not included in my degree program (which includes C, C++ and Java), but recently I checked out job offers on SO jobs and I was unable to find jobs that required Perl. All I wanted to know was that am I making the right choice in learning Perl...

Oracle: Altering JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES question

Does altering the JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES to 0 on an Oracle DB block the Oracle jobs from being scheduled too? I found in some information about it, principally, the following: The JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES initialization parameter controls whether a coordinat...

Does a background in physics make you a better programmer?

I am wondering whether to do some extra studying around Physics as some people have advised me that having a background in Physics is good for programmers to have. I would be interested to here other peoples opinions on this. ...

Getting paid as a subcontracted programmer

I never worked as a subcontractor and don't know the ends and outs. A few days ago I was contacted by a recruiter. He hooked me up with a small company. After a few interviews I come to find out that the recruiter will get paid from the company and I would get paid from the recruiter. So I guess he would be taking a little off the top. A...

Job difference embedded and desktop software development?

What is the career difference between a embedded software developer and a software developper for the desktop/internet, in terms of career opportunities, career paths, job variation, salary (evolution), etc. Anybody with relevant experience who can compare both? ...

Which has better job opportunities WinForms or Web based .Net applications?

Which has better job opportunities WinForms or Web Based. I am well versed in WinForms but when I try using web based applications I find them difficult. I like WinForms where I get events, message boxes, etc which are easy to use. Which has better job opportunities? ...

What should go on a resume for a software developer still in college looking for a job after graduation?

What are some things that should be on a software developers resume? I'll be graduating in December and I am starting to look for jobs now and I wonder how I can beef up the standard resume. Here is what I have so far (and in this order). Name Contact information Objective Education Relevant experience Technical skills Programming L...

Which job title is better?

Two titles: "Research & Development IT Specialist" and "Software Engineer" I am doing a lot of pro-typing and coding working in my daily jobs. Which title is better for future job seeking? Thanks. ...

Cron job python Google App Engine

I want to Add a scheduled task to fetch a URL via cron job using google app engine. I am continuously getting the failure. I am just fetching Why The url fetch is failed??? Am I missing something??? ...

What is the most effective website to post an ad for web developer?

Hello SO world. I want to post a web developer job ad and I want to get the most for the money. We were hoping to get the best job site out there to find a good web developer for our company. I know that most of you will say SO, but my manager already told me that SO is not an option, if it was for me I will definitely use SO for my p...

Contract forbids writing open source

I'm offered a job as a programmer. I read the contract and it states that I'm not allowed to do programming for anyone else (even not for free) besides this company. In the past I have participated in some open source projects and I'm planning to do it in the future too so I refused to sign the contract. My future employer understood th...