
JQuery UI function errors out: Object is not a property or method

In the following code I get an error that says autocomplete function Object is not a property or method Here is the code: <title><%= ViewData["pagetitle"] + " | " + config.Sitename.ToString() %></title> <script src="../../Scripts/jqueryui/jquery-ui-1.8.1.custom/development-bundle/ui/minified/jquery.ui.core.min.js" type="tex...

IPhone UI - WebView VS Native screens

in terms of performance and user interface experience , which one is better developing application in Html screens and JQtouch or building screens in C++ ? ...

jquery-ui autocomplete with ASP MVC suggestions not displaying

I have been trying to get a simple example of the jquery-ui autocomplete to work. I have a controller setup to handle the query, and it returns the json that looks to be in order, but I am getting no suggestions showing up. Here are the js libraries I am including: <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="/Script...

FCKeditor in jQuery ui dialog not working

Hi folks, I'm having serious trouble getting this to work in IE7/8. In FF, everything works as expected. When the user clicks on a certain link, a modal dialog popup is shown. In this dialog, there is a form, which contains one textarea, that is replaced with a FCK instance. The form is loaded from the server using ajax on the clients...

jQuery: Freezing/Disabling all events temporarily?

I have the following usecase: A div with some buttons When the user clicks on a button, a popup is shown and the background div is faded out to 0.5 opacity The problem is that when the popup comes in, the user is still able to click on the background buttons. At this point, I can remove the entire DIV temporarily but I don't want to...

JQuery UI Autocomplete TextBox in ASP.NET C# with ArrayList

hello, I am a asp.net coder looking forward to the "easiest tutorial on the planet" to understand how to make a JQuery Autocomplete in ASP.NET c# with ArrayList which not just me but every .net idiot can understand for once and forever as im tired of looking up so many tutorials which teach me nothing. Im referring to this http://jquer...

Hover-to-click on jQuery UI datePicker 'next month' and 'prev month' not working

Hi there, I have a calendar which is meant to look much like the calendar in Outlook. There is a big field representing the hours in a day, and there is a date navigator. The navigator is the jQuery UI Datepicker. I want users to be able to navigate to a new day by clicking on a date in the datepicker, but also to be able to drag appoi...

repositioning a <p> from a jQueryUI dialog to centerstage for CSS Print

I'm using a jQueryUI Dialog command to popup a <p> and wish to print just the text of the <p> using the media="print" declarative html code:: <div class="jPajxDialog"> <p class="print"> Some Text </p> <div> I have tried: CSS code:: @charset "UTF-8"; body {visibility:hidden;} .print {visibility:visible;} .noprint {visibilit...

Selecting a form which is in an iframe using jQuery

I have a form inside an iframe which is inside a jQuery UI dialog box. The form contains a file input type. The jQuery UI dialog contains an Upload button. When this button is clicked, I would like to programmatically call the submit method. My question is how I could select the form which is in a iframe using jQuery. The following ...

jQuery modal dialog on ajaxStart event

I'm trying to use a jQuery UI modal dialog as a loading indicator via the ajaxStart, ajaxStop / ajaxComplete events. When the page fires, an Ajax handler loads some data, and the modal dialog shows just fine. However, it never hides or closes the dialog when the Ajax event is complete. It's a very small bit of code from the local server ...

Global jQuery dialog variable not working properly

When I call the function, the dialog doesn't work. If I move the dialog construction into the showtimes_list function, everything works fine. I thought that variables declared outside a function were global in context? var dialog_list = $("<div></div>").dialog({ autoOpen: false, modal: true, height: 300, width: 720, }); fu...

how to get inline javascript to fire with jQuery

I have a javascript action on a div (asp.net panel) as an onkeypress attribute. This is the default action button on an asp.net Panel control. It contains the following: onkeypress="javascript:return WebForm_FireDefaultButton(event, 'ctl00_cp1_ucInvoiceSearch_btnSearch')" For some reason when I change my textbox to a jQuery textbox cl...

Focus element inside iframe when iframe attached to Jquery Dialog

Hi, I have a iFrame which i load into jquery dialog. I want to focus an element inside the iFrame whenever the Jquery Dialog is being opened. Here is the code i am using to attach iframe to Dialog. $("<div id=\"srch" + options.winId + "\" title=\"" + options.windowTitle + "\" style=\"padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;padding-top:0px...

Make jQuery-ui draggable handle cover entire page

What would be the best way to make an element draggable when clicking anywhere in the window? Would I have to use a container <div> that covers the whole window? I tried making the body draggable but that didn't work. The problem with using a container <div> is that it moves and therefore doesn't cover the whole of the screen any more...

Copy CSS from one class to another with JQuery?

Hi, I would like to make a timepicker similar to the datepicker, conforming to the current UI Theme. Can I copy, or somehow inherit, the CSS properties from datepicker to my timepicker? I do'nt want to copy the behaviour of the class, just the CSS props. (I've seen other timepickers out there, but I'm not really happy with any of them....

Weird jQuery UI Slider behavior using Page Up/Down

I'm using jQuery UI's slider to update a div containing a number. Dragging or using the left/right keys should only allow the user to choose a number between 1 and 5 (this works as intended). However, if the handle has focus and I use page up/down, I start to get rounded values that are well out of the range of 1-5. Anybody experience th...

ui.selectmenu.js is displaying undifined values in Joomla?

Hi, I'm using the jQuery ui.selectmenu.js within a Joomla template but it's adding a load of undifined values to the list of options. I cannot work out where these are coming from? Any help would ba appreciated, the site can be viewed here: http://www.rhubarbproperty.co.uk/ ...

div in an iframe

In an iframe how to make a div to hide and on mouse over the bottom of the page bring it to front again. This is just like a control that appears in medial players,hide when mouse out and show when mouse over <div> <img src="play.gif"/> <img src="next.gif"/> <img src="last.gif"/> <img src="first.gif"/> ...

$().buttonset not working on dialog modal box JQUERY

Hello everyone! I've done a dialog box that contains a form inside it, and I would like to add some jquery fancy items to it. I've been trying with $().buttonset() as I've done with most of my radio buttons in the application, in order to get a coherent IU for my application. The thing is that, even if following the rules specified, t...

ASP.NET MVC normal edit form with upload (and validation) using jQuery UI Modal

Hi all, I have a form that resides inside a jQuery UI dialog, the form have some fields such as first, last name, etc... and also allow file upload. I can't use Ajax.BeginForm() since ajax doesn't allow upload (or does it?), so I have to use the regular Html.BeginForm() for my form to call my ActionResult. But I need to do some validati...