
how is language translation done in facebook?

Hi, i would like to know, how is the language translation done in facebook ? Are they using google translate, or any licensed software ? I want to enable language translation in my website, and i want similar to that of facebook. How Can this be done, if at all possible ? ...

jQuery language switcher?

Is there a language switcher plugin for jQuery? It just should be a dropdown menu with languages and their flags. When you click on a language, it should add a ?lang=xx to the current URL. I know it's simple to code, but then I have to search flag icons, and I'm lazy :) ...

drupal language per user

I have a clean installation of Drupal 6.19 and I just installed locale module and the spanish interface translation file. I have set spanish like the default language, but I would like to use the english language when I login as USER #1. I have set language negotiation to none and I selected english on the My Account page, but I am stil...

Validating input in multi-lingual application

I'm working on an application that will support both english and arabic languages. The application takes numeric input for use. In arabic language, the numeric characters are different! So, what's the best way to validate numeric input (amount, percentage, number) in such a situation? ...

Where are operators defined (in C#)?

Just wondering where the rules for operators in C# are actually defined. E.g. where can I see the code which says that == checks the references of two objects? I can see the operator overloads in e.g. the String class but now i'm interested in seeing the 'base' case. Is it just something that the compiler explicitly knows what to do ...

Specify audio output language in Expression Encoder

I'm using the Expression Encoder 3 SDK and I'm trying to specify the output audio language. The ultimate reason I'm doing this is to encode an audio track as english and specify other, optional, audio tracks as other languages. Expression Encoder doesn't support this, but if you encode separate tracks as different languages, the Windows ...

Silverlight displaying asia language?

My application require 2 different asia language support: Chinese and Tamil. It should be able to cater for change without compiling, something like java's resource bundle. In this case, if I input unicode on a external file and get silverlight to read as string, will silverlight be able to parse it correctly? Or I can use the chinese...

Vim using the wrong spell file?

I've been using vim for a long time, but recently I built a new server, and when I opened vim, I found it wasn't using my spell file. Historically vim would load ~/.vim/spell/en.utf-8.add as it's spell file, but when I tried adding a word to the dictionary, it added it to en.latin1.add instead. ls ~/.vim/spell en.latin1.add en.latin1...

GOCR Language Support

Hi, Im currently using GOCR to do some ocr stuff in my code. I want to know whether gocr has any other language support or whether it is there in their road-map. Im unable to find it in their website. Any information regarding this would be helpful. Thanks ...

GXT Grid translate

i've tried to translate one of GXT widgets - Grid (exacly context menu in column header with sorting etc.) into Polish language but i cant find place to inject my translation. In some other widget (PagingToolBar) is method setMessages(...) but i cant find it in Grid So im asking you about place where i can set text that will be displaye...

[Drupal] View content in blocks depending on selected language

How can i display content nodes in blocks depending on the selected language by the user? I already know how to do it for 'normal' nodes, just not in blocks. Edit: I tried to do this with views. Filtering on a node and content translation: language. The problem is, i don't know how to filter two id's (of the nodes), just one. ...

How I detect what language the current system

How I detect what language the current system? ...

How to Create an Internal DSL in Scala?

I have been looking at a couple of books and resources on domain specific languages. I think I want to build an internal DSL in Scala. def instrument = new FXInstrument { provider = "EuroBase" instrumentOrders = List( new FXOrder { baseCcy = "GBP" termCcy = "EUR" legs = List( ...

Which language to use for writing an admin console à la webmin ?

Hi, We have an in house developed web-based admin console that uses a combination of C CGI and Perl scripts to administer our mail server stack. Of late we have been thinking of cleaning up the code (well, replacing most of it), making the implementation more secure, and improving the overall behavior. I don't have much programming kno...

How can I make Chinese characters show in IE8 without forcing compatibility mode?

All the solutions for this issue say to use <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />, which works because it forces the browser to render in compatibility view (i.e. as if it were IE7), but then the characters don't display when the user is actually using IE7 (or a number of other browsers). Instead, I see squares. ...

Proving that a language is regular by giving a regular expression

I am stumped by this practice problem (not for marks): {w is an element of {a,b}* : the number of a's is even and the number of b's is even } I can't seem to figure this one out. In this case 0 is considered even. A few acceptable strings: {}, {aa}, {bb}, {aabb}, {abab}, {bbaa}, {babaabba}, and so on I've done similar examples where t...

What is the rationale behind typedef vs struct/union/enum, couldn't there be only one namespace?

In C if I declare a struct/union/enum: struct Foo { int i ... } when I want to use my structure I need to specify the tag: struct Foo foo; To loose this requirement, I have to alias my structure using typedef: typedef struct Foo Foo; Why not have all types/structs/whatever in the same "namespace" by default? What is the rati...

Can I get the word pronunciation data from Google AJAX Language API

Hi, is there a way to get a word pronunciation data from Google AJAX language API? I couldn't find any reference. Is it available at all? Thanks. ...

Unicode based programming language

This is a curiosity more than anything: Does there exist a programming language that allows variables, functions, and classes to be named using using Unicode rather than ASCII (except, of course, for special characters such as '+')? Do any popular languages have support for this? Also, related to this, if any common language supports U...

Choosing platform for a specific program

Today I started thinking about a new project, and I found one. The goal is to get a first version working in the first three months. I'm going to write a "laser/light-show simulator" program, that you can generate such lightshows as you see on big events nowadays. The problem is the platform/language I'm going to write it in. I'm lookin...