
JVM based language without language runtime

Does anyone know of some alternative JVM language, however obscure it might be, which can compile to plain old java bytecode, without the need of a language runtime. I need this in order to try to develop android applications without startup or size penalty. Scala, Clojure and Groovy all require its own runtime library distributed with ...

Where can I read C99 official language standard manual/reference/specification online?

Possible Duplicate: Where do I find the current C or C++ standard documents? Where can I read C99 official language standard manual/reference/specification online? ...

Regular Expression for all positive even numbers

I am currently enrolled in Translation Applications and we are working on regular expressions. This IS a homework problem. I have been at this one for a while I am just confused. I don't want just an answer, an explanation would be greatly appreciated just making sure that I learn it. I just need a regular expression for all even number...

Changing locale programmatically on DroidX(2.1 Update 1) does not work ?

I am trying to change the locale programmatically on Android. The code I have below works fine on the Incredible(2.2) and Droid(2.2). However, it doesn't on the DroidX(2.1 Update 1) Anyone here have encountered similar problem ?? Any insight would be helpful. public void overrideLocale(String languageToLoad) { Locale locale = new Loc...

Django+Haystack+Whoosh: how to deal with language inflection

Many languages in Europe are inflectional. This means that one word can be written in multiple forms in text. For example, word 'computer' in polish "komputer" has multiple forms: "komputera", "komputerowi", "komputerem", "komputery" , etc.. How should I use django+haystack+whoosh properly to deal with language inflection? Whenever I...

how can write arabic text in image .. drawing image in php

hi , all I tried to write Arabic text in image with php .. this is my code .. <?php header("Content-Type: image/png; charset=utf8"); $im = imagecreatetruecolor(150, 30); // Create some colors $white = imagecolorallocate($im, 100, 255, 255); $grey = imagecolorallocate($im, 128, 128, 128); $black = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0); i...

how to display languages not supported by iPhone

How to display languages like hindi, sanskrit, etc in iPhone devices? These languages are not available in iPhone 3.0, so how to display them. ...

How can I get the system language in C/C++?

How can I get the system language in C/C++? Like en_US or en_GB. ...

CF - Language directory missing after installing CAB on device.

Hello ! On some of the controls im using locatisation (language property). Besides default (that is in english) im also using additional language (slovenian). Other localisation is done with application resource file. If i debug the app on emulator there is a directory (si-sl), but if i build a CAB and install the CAB on emulator ther...

Detecting the font corresponding to the preferred system language

Hi all, I'm in a situation where I need to draw glyph characters. So, the logical course of action is this: CTFontRef ref = CTFontCreateWithName(CFSTR("HiraKakuProN-W3"), 12, NULL); CGFontRef ftRef = CTFontCopyGraphicsFont(ref, NULL); CGContextSetFont(theContext, ftRef); int count = [self.text length]; UniChar *chars = malloc(sizeof(...

Googlebot getting an error

Hello, I have the following code as my index.php for my multi-language website. Each available language has a subdirectory. <?php if (isset($_POST['URL']) && strlen($_POST['URL']) == 3) { header("location: ".$_POST[URL]); } else { function lixlpixel_get_env_var($Var) { if(empty($GLOBALS[$Var])) { ...

Wordpress Database in MySql-Database?

Hi, all wordpress data is stored in a database (for example mysql)... but, wordpress also stores some data fields in own database format like this: a:1:{s:12:"header_image";s:49:"";} (this data is stored in mysql as a text field) its easy to see that "a" is the amount, "s" is the strin...

Can't change input language of RichTextBox (WPF)

Hi, I'm trying to add to my RichEditBox'd tool bar a button to switch languages, like in MS Word. I can't seems to make this work. When I use the keyboard (alt+shift) I can switch between Hebrew and English without any problem, but the code below (and many other options I tried) is not working. The last commented line didn't work either...

Why logic programming didn't win?

Seeing what it gives I see several huge advantages: Better approach to bug-free programming. Example. If you have to enable/disable a menu item with imperative programming, you should not only remember on what condition this item is enabled, but also don't forget to track all the moments where this piece of the code should be executed....

iTunes Connect Primary Language English or UK English

Sorry this is not specifically programming based but I thought you guys would be the type of people to know this stuff... I'm about to sign up in iTunes Connect to add my first application, and it's asking the permanent unchangeable questions 'Primary Language' and Company / Developer name. For the Primary Language you can select from ...

Detecting if a string contains a "real sentence"?

Is there some library out there that can figure out if a given string of characters contains a "real sentence" in English, meaning that it contains words from English? (The sentence need not make sense, but it should contains real English words) For example, the following is not a sentence (at least in English:) - hsgdhjf asdf dsusdf u...

How to include a definition language file in javascript?

I have a big javascript file common.js with all my functions and stuff...and i would like to write a separate file Js to store only the definitions for all the alert/courtesy messages etc spread along the file...i don't want to seek and change one by one... i have created something like this in php, where I have my file, en.php / fr....

Which programming language for cloud computing?

Now when the new clod computing-era is coming, and I going to learn to program, don't I know which programming language the clouds support. I think what the support Java, ASP.NET, PHP, Python, Ruby, Perl etc. and not the low-end languages, like C, C++ etc... Or have i wrong? If whats so, the software company's have to re-develop theirs ...

changing language in java

i used .properties files to manage the language in java code. but how to change the language manually, i mean when the user want to change the language. in other word what google and facebook did to manage this ? ...

changing the browser language with javascript

i want to access the user browser settings and change the browser language, is this possible with java script code or no ? how can i access this ? sample code pleas ? ...