
Jsf updates model value with old value

I am having some problems updating to the right value. On the page which you can see part of down under, there is a parameter 'change'. I think that this parameter is causing jsf to update the backing bean with the old value and thus do nothing. <h:panelGroup id="panel0"> <h:form id="changeForm"> <h:messages/...

Spiral Vs. (Throw away Prototype Vs. Evolutionary Prototype) - Software Development Life Cycle

What is the difference between Spiral Model and Prototype model in software engineering. and also state some difference between Throwaway and Evolutionary prototyping. ...

What function is definitely to be called in UIViewController whenever the view is shown?

What function is definitely to be called in UIViewController whenever the view is shown in iPhone application development, including after hitting the "last view" button in a NavigationViewController? I am getting some unsynchronized information with views using NavigationViewController. I am wondering if I can place a function call to ...

.NET WCF: Proxy lifecycle management with DuplexChannelFactory

I'm a little unclear on what the proper way is to use DuplexChannelFactory in WCF. Following from convention, I have explicit Connect/Disconnect methods on my service contract to aid in management of the proxies, but I'm a little unclear as to what the client should be doing. Here's my impression of how things work. When initiating the ...

RAD Rapid Application Development replacing old waterfall model

I read an interesting article in Forbes magazine that nowadays the traditional waterfall model of software development is being replaced by the Rapid Application Development Model. The below link gives you information on the RAD My question is how far is this true or in other w...

Android service startId parameter

So I understand the service lifecycle and all that. But I'm confused what the startId parameter is for? public int onStartCommand (Intent intent, int flags, int startId) I get that it's used in conjunction with stopSelf(int), but I don't see what the point is or where the startId is being generated. What use case would using stopSelf...

Can I have a singleton lifecycle webservice on glassfish V3?

Hi, I have a simple webservice created with Netbeans 6.5 and deployed into 2 glassfish servers V2.1 and V3. The ws has a basic method GetInstanceID that I call 3 times from a client. @WebService() public class FirstWS { private long m_instanceID = 0; //instance id //Log private void WriteLog(String cadena){ String msg = ""; ...

Change Management , what should be ideal flow?

I am trying to devise an ideal work flow which involves client, PM , Configuration manager, team leader, developer , tester and finally the repository itself. Who would control what,how will the information flow and what role should the PM have when a change is requested. ...

Applet lifecycle: what's the practical difference between init() & start(), and destroy() & stop()?

The javadoc and tutorial have information about the four applet lifecycle methods (init() -> start() -> stop() -> destroy()). But they talk mostly in abstract language. What I'm looking for are concrete examples of when it makes a difference if I put my code in init vs start, and similarly for destroy vs stop. The only thing I've foun...

What is the Android rendering lifecycle?

There's a decent amount of information out there on the Activity lifecycle. But I'm surprised how difficult it is to find a comprehensive description of the rendering lifecycle. By that I mean the order and rules by which a tree of nested activities, views, and drawables get to be sized and drawn to the screen, and the points at which ...

How would you call a life-cycle management class?

Hi, The title pretty much says it all, as an example you can think of a hibernate transaction and a class which begins one for a thread, commits and rollbacks, Or a class which gets a session, closes it and flushes it (both examples are with the threadlocal pattern in mind). Thanks ...

How to stop an application if any of the activities were killed by the OS

I have an application with many forms implemented as separate activities. The form variables are dynamically built based on a database, and there are a ton of variables in the C++ side of the application (accessed via JNI). I don't see how saving out all of this data to persistent storage each time the onPause() or the onSaveInstanceSt...

Android - Notepad tutorial - lifecycle - some work done twice ?

According to the "Application Fundamentals" article, section "component lifecycle", onResume() is always called when a View becomes active, independent of the previous state. In the Notepad tutorial, Exercise 3, I have found something confusing in There is a call to populateFields() in onCreate() as well as in onResume()....

Android application lifecycle?!

Probably it's not a really complicated question, but first of all, I have no idea, what search query should I search for?! At the beginning of my application I would like to start GPS and if my application will be enden GPS should be closed. How can I check, if the whole Application (not an Activity) is finished? Is it enough to use o...

Problems with ASP.NET Session State / NInject / OnePerRequest behavior

This is quite a lengthy post, so bear with me. I'm not sure whether it is primarily about ASP.NET Session State behaviour, NInject, application design, or refactoring. Read on and then you can decide... :-) Background First, a bit of background. We are working on trying to refactor a large webshop into a more maintainable , structu...

Separating yourself from your software

Hello folks: My work consists of technical analysis. I like software development, but that is not my job. However, I've developed a substantial system of executables, libraries, databases, and modules. It is not unrealistic to say that such products have made everyone's job easier. I produced a fair amount of documentation for every pro...

Appropriate lifecycle for repository classes using Castle Windsor

When I started with Windsor I thought DI would be simple. Now it's causing me more and more confusion. A repository strikes me as a class with a singleton lifecycle. I should have a single instance of a FooRepository to load and save Foos to the database during the application's lifetime. However, each repository holds a reference to a...

Confusing Android Activity lifecycle bahavior

Hello, I did a simple program by overriding each of the lifecycle methods and everything works as I'd expect, except for onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState). I overrode the method as @Override protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState); ...

ActivityGroup not handling back key for ListActivity

I am using an ActivityGroup to spawn multiple activities and switch views from within the same tab in a TabActivity. When I press the back key this method is called inside my ActivityGroup public void back() { if(history.size() > 0) { history.remove(history.size()-1); if (history.size() > 0) ...

Can I stop PicoContainer closing a certain component in the container?

We're using PicoContainer to manage lifecycle events for multiple components. We have a custom lifecycle strategy which adds support for calling Closeable.close() instead of Disposable.dispose(), just to follow standards that little bit better. Some of the components depend on an external object, so this component is also in the conta...