
Finding points on a line with a given distance

I have a question i know a line i just know its slope(m) and a point on it A(x,y) How can i calculate the points(actually two of them) on this line with a distance(d) from point A ??? I m asking this for finding intensity of pixels on a line that pass through A(x,y) with a distance .Distance in this case will be number of pixels. ...

how to select multiple lines in iphone .plist file?

Hi, In my Iphone application ,i am using .plist file having so many data. I want to select multiple lines in .plist file. Please give any key combination by using which i can select multiple lines in .plist file and also use it for my own purpose. Thanks, Mishal Shah ...

Draw a random line.Set CGPoint nil ? - Objective C

Hi, I use ccTouchesBegan and ccTouchesEnded to draw a line. I want to draw a line when i drag the cursor(or finger) on screen. That mean, when i release the cursor, it will draw a line with the first point is the position which i has a first touch (ccTouchesBegan) and last point which i have when release (ccTouchesEnded). Here is my code...

How to delete partial duplicate lines with AWK?

I have files with these kind of duplicate lines, where only the last field is different: OST,0202000070,01-AUG-09,002735,6,0,0202000068,4520688,-1,0,0,0,0,0,55 ONE,0208076826,01-AUG-09,002332,316,3481.055935,0204330827,29150,200,0,0,0,0,0,5 ONE,0208076826,01-AUG-09,002332,316,3481.055935,0204330827,29150,200,0,0,0,0,0,55 OST,0202000068,...

OpenGL linestrip boundaries

Hi, I have a network of polylines, and I'd like to display all parts of the lines that are inside a certain X-Y box. I'm currently rendering the lines in OpenGL using a GL_LINE_STRIP and it works well. However, if the boundary of the X-Y box crosses through one of the lines (between vertices), is there a good way to just display the part...

iPhone SDK: Preferences

I wanted an entire page of text(multiple lines) in my settings similar to the one on iphone: settings->general settings->About->Legal I have not been able to do so. I tried entering title in PSGroupSpecifier, it gives me multiple lines but with a gray background. i wanted a white background. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thank...

getting rid of blank information

I'm still new to Crystal Reports so I'm not sure how to ask this question, but I'll try: my report is set by job #'s I added a table for serive operations. I only want the description of these services to print on my report (some of these services have descriptions some do not). Right now if there are 4 blank lines and 1 with data, the...

jQuery expander with max-lines property

Hi, I really thinks jQuery Expander plugin is great but it can't do satisfy my needs. It cuts text and put a "read more" button after the text which expands the text. But it only cuts when the text length is more than a specified value. But what if the text is: Some text: Blah blah The text use as much space as a text with many...

How to have line breaks in XML attributes?

I have a attribute called: description and I want to have the following in it with new lines: This is the content description section. Download instruction: This is the contents on how to download contents. Hotline support: This is the hotline for contents. How do I create a new line for it in xml? ...

Drawing lines between elements in WPF

What is a good approach for drawing lines between elements in WPF? I have a view in my application with several buttons that make up a diagram. They scale and move depending on the view's size and shape. I would like to indicate a relationship between some of the buttons using a line. I am not using a Canvas to lay everything out becau...

Smoothening the lines of the segmented image

Hello, I have a segmented image as shown. Is there a way to smoothen the lines so that it does not look so wavy? Thanks. ...

Python - ignore lines in a file

Hi folks, How does one ignore lines in a file? Example: If you know that the first lines in a file will begin with say, a or b and the remainder of lines end with c, how does one parse the file so that lines beginning a or b are ignored and lines ending c are converted to a nested list? What I have so far: fname = raw_input('Enter f...

Python - Check Order of Lines in File

Hi Guys, How does one check the order of lines in a file? Example file: a b c d e f b c d e f g 1 2 3 4 5 0 Requirements: All lines beginning a, must precede lines beginning b. There is no limit on number of lines beginning a. Lines beginning a, may or may not be present. Lines containing integers, must follow lines beginning b. N...

Plotting a large number points / lines with zoom

I need to display a graph with thousands of nodes so that the user can scroll and zoom to view it. The nodes need to behave like dimensionless points, and the edges, like one-dimensional lines. That is, zooming in, the circles representing the nodes move farther apart but each one stays the same size, and the lines connecting them get ...

Remove lines which are between given patterns from a file (using Unix tools)

I have a text file (more correctly, a German style CSV file, i.e. semicolon-separated, decimal comma) which has a date and the value of a measurement on each line. There are stretches of faulty values which I want to remove before further work. I'd like to store these cuts in some script so that my corrections are documented and I can r...

can ChartArea gridlines be made invisible?

I'm using Microsoft Chart Controls to generate charts from text file data. I centainly won't object to specific answers ;) but mostly a yea or nay will steer me right. Can the chartarea gridlines, axis, etc be made invisible? Can the column chart type be made to hug the leftmost side of the chart area. thanks ...

glPolygonOffset() bugs with lines

I have the following code: glEnable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE); glPolygonOffset(1,1); // or 40,40 etc... doesnt help at all But the lines are still z-fighting, is this common bug or something...? My lines are 1.0f thick and i draw the lines last in the scene. Also i have disable GL_ALPHA_TEST and GL_LINE_SMOOTH and enabled GL_BLEND and ...

Lines do not render on an offscreen frame buffer with a completely black texture

If I have a frame buffer which has a textured binded to it which is simply black with full alpha and I try to draw a line to it, even if the line has full alpha it wont render. I'm not stupid, so the lines definitely aren't black. If the texture is white instead the line suddenly render correctly as if the colour of the texture behind it...

print last -n lines of input

#include <stdio.h> #define MAXLINES 5000 /* Maximum number of lines to display. */ char *lineptr[MAXLINES]; /* Pointer to input lines. */ #define BUFFERSIZE 1000 #define DEFAULT_LAST 10 int readlines(char *lineptr[], char *buffer, int maxlines); static void unwrap(char *buffer, int index); static void reverse(char *lineptr[...

count file rows C#

i want to know how much lines i have in my file, how can i do it in a simple way( i mean, not to go through on all over the file and count each line) is there a command for that? ...