
Does Eclipse have a way to alphabetically sort lines within a selection of text?

Similar to emacs' M-x sort-lines ...

vim limited line memory

im trying to copy 300 lines from one file to another, in source file i type "300yy", it says it has yanked 300 lines. go to destination file and press p, it pastes, but only the first 50 lines. any idea why it isn't pasting the 300? ...

is there any way to ignore reading in certain lines in a text file?

I'm trying to read in a text file in a c# application, but I don't want to read the first two lines, or the last line. There's 8 lines in the file, so effectivly I just want to read in lines, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Is there any way to do this? example file USE [Shelley's Other Database] CREATE TABLE db.exmpcustomers( fName varchar(100) NULL...

How to check if a text field has wrapped and the number of lines it has wrapped to.

Hi all... I have a complex vertical nav which includes transparent PNG's in my design. I need to make these menus grow dynamically in height because the content is pulled from a CMS and some buttons can grow in height depending on how many lines the text field wraps to. Here is my scernario: <ul> <li> <a> <span> ...

number of lines in UILabel

I need to get the number of lines in a UILabel, so that I can move another UILabel to be at the bottom of the last line of text. I have done: int lines = [cellDetailTextLabel.text sizeWithFont:cellDetailTextLabel.font constrainedToSize:cellDetailTextLabel.frame.size lineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeWordWrap].height /16; but well it's not ...

CSS - Line Spacing

how can i set line spacing with CSS, like we can set line spacing in MS Word ...

Trying to get each line of a text file to be an arraylist

alright so I am trying to read a text file. and then split it up into lines which actually represent processes in a process table arraylist. then i want to split up all the tokens in the line and make all the tokens of the line an arraylist again so far this is all i have: its not working correctly. i am getting: processes:[[netscape,...

Multiline regexp with <? and ?> ?

here is my code : <html> titi <? print "toto"+"<br>" ?> <html> and i want only the lines between the <? and ?> the only regexp thaht i've found was : <?.*\n*?\?> but it lacks the first <? so if anyone have any idea it drives me nuts ... Regards and thanks for all people. Bussiere ...

Drawing Multiplie Lines in a Buffered Image in Java

Hi everyone: I am trying to draw horizontal and vertical lines on a bufferedimage. It should end up looking like a grid of cells. But when I run the code, I see only two lines: the leftmost line and the topmost line (ie. a line from 0,0 to 0,height of image & 0,0 to width of image,0) Heres the code snippet: BufferedImage mazeImage = ...

LaTeX: Lstlisting automatically recognizing code passage

Hello, I am writing a program (in C, but I suppose that's not so relevant) in connection with a little documentary material in LaTeX. I want the documentary material to contain code snippets from my original code. In order to include source code and keep it up to date, I do the following in my document: \lstinputlisting[firstline=200,...

displaying multiple lines of a file, never repeating

i need to, for every ten lines, echo them in a div. example: <div class='return-ed' id='1'> line 1 line 2 ... line 9 line 10 </div> <!-- next group of lines --> <div class='return-ed' id='2'> line 1 line 2 ... line 9 line 10 </div> does anyone know a way to do this? array is from file(), so its lines from a file. ...

Javascript - Clipboard - Multiple Lines

Before any asks, I did research this thoroughly and the answer has not bbben post here previously. I want to send some plain text configuration text to the clipboard with javascript. The text will consist of multiple commands, one command per line, so that the user may then past into a configuration file on his PC (call it myconfig.ini...

sed+text on a specific line after an IP

I have the following line in my proftpd log (line 78 to be precise) Deny from I also have a script which rolls through my logs for people using brute force attacks and then stores their IP (ready for a black listing). What i'm struggling with is inserting (presume with sed) at the end of that specific line - this is what I've ...