
Two-phase lookup: can I avoid "code bloat"?

Two-phase lookup question: Is there a more synthetic way to write this code, i.e. avoiding all those using directives? Something like using CBase<T>; is what I would like, but it is not accepted. #include <iostream> template <typename T> class CBase { protected: int a, b, c, d; // many more... public: CBase() { a = 1...

403 forbidden error when trying to add a sharepoint lookup or person or group field

After creating a new list in SharePoint, I can add other types of fields, but not lookup fields or person or group fields. When creating a new column... as soon as I change the column type radio to one of these two types of fields, I get a 403 forbidden error. Any ideas why that might be happening? Is it a setting in Central Administra...

Suggest a good method with least lookup time complexity

I have a structure which has 3 identifier fields and one value field. I have a list of these objects. To give an analogy, the identifier fields are like the primary keys to the object. These 3 fields uniquely identify an object. Class { int a1; int a2; int a3; int value; }; I would be having a list of say 1000 object of th...

.NET values lookup

Hi, I have a feeling of missing something obvious. UDP receiver application. It holds a collection of valid UDP sender IPs - only guys with IP on that list will be considered. Since that list must be looked at on every packet and UDPs are so volatile, that operation must be maximum fast. Good choice is Dictionary but it is a key-value ...

SharePoint Lookup Field 20 Item JS error

Hi Everyone, I've got an issue with SharePoint Server 2007 SP1 which seems to be documented in various forms, but I haven't been able to find an answer to my seemingly simpler question. http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sharepointcustomization/thread/040533d2-c738-4ac2-b2d6-65a1602fa2d1 Essentially, we have a form with a l...

Python __setattr__ and __getattr__ for global scope?

Suppose I need to create my own small DSL that would use Python to describe a certain data structure. E.g. I'd like to be able to write something like f(x) = some_stuff(a,b,c) and have Python, instead of complaining about undeclared identifiers or attempting to invoke the function some_stuff, convert it to a literal expression for my ...

Loading Fact Table + Lookup / UnionAll for SK lookups.

I got to populate FactTable with 12 lookups to dimension table to get SK's, of which 6 are to different Dim Tables and rest 6 are lookup to same DimTable (type II) doing lookup to same natural key. Ex: PrimeObjectID => lookup to DimObject.ObjectID => get ObjectSK and got other columns which does same OtherObjectID1 => lookup to DimOb...

what does # character means in JNDI lookup?

hi every one does any one know that "what does '#' character means in JNDI look up?" like: helloUser = (HelloUser) ctx.lookup("HelloUser#ejb3inaction.example.HelloUser"); thanks a lot ...

haskell: a data structure for storing ascending integers with a very fast lookup

Hello! (This question is related to my previous question, or rather to my answer to it.) I want to store all qubes of natural numbers in a structure and look up specific integers to see if they are perfect cubes. For example, cubes = map (\x -> x*x*x) [1..] is_cube n = n == (head $ dropWhile (<n) cubes) It is much faster than calcu...

Lookups with multiple values are not showing porperly in sharepoint edit and display custom form

HELP! For some reason when I create a custom edit or display form, all the lookup fields are showing in a weird way or not showing any value at all, can someone explain to me how I am suppose to fix that, I know it has something to do where it say select="@value" in the display form. Please help me out. Thank you. ...

Delphi Clientdataset Lookup/Aggregate

Hi, I need a little help with ClientDatasets in Delphi. What I want to achieve is a grid showing customers, where one of the columns shows the number of orders for each customer. I put a ClientDataset on a form and load Customers.xml from Delphi demo-data. Another ClienDataset is loaded with orders.xml. Relatively simple, I can define ...

How do you create a nested LINQ Grouping / Lookups for a Collection of Objects

Given a list of objects with a date and decimal, I would like to index these objects by the year, month, dayofweek and hour of the date. In .NET 2.0, I would have created this graph using a set of nested dictionaries and a list as the leaf node. I am interested in how this could be done with LINQ. ...

How to JNDI lookup from cluster 1 : a queue that exists in cluster 2 in Websphere 6?

I have a Websphere topology wherein in Cluster1, I have an MDB that's trying to publish to another MDB that resides in Cluster2. Since they're both in the same container, I tried simply Blockquote Context ctx = new InitialContext(); ctx.lookup("jms/MyQueue"); Blockquote The "jms/MyQueue" is configured in Cluster2. As you can...

Find value within a range in lookup table

I have the simplest problem to implement, but so far I have not been able to get my head around a solution in Python. I have built a table that looks similar to this one: 501 - ASIA 1262 - EUROPE 3389 - LATAM 5409 - US I will test a certain value to see if it falls within these ranges, 389 -> ASIA, 1300 -> LATAM, 5400 -> US. A value ...

Weird Workflow Behavior in Sharepoint 2007

I have a Document Library A and a list B. When a document added to A, an item is created in B with the Title = A.Url. Another workflow runs whenever a document is updated in A which makes a lookup: B.Title = A.Url, and changes another column in B in found item. Item Change Workflow always gives "Error Occurred: List item is not found"....

Access linked to sql server with relationships and lookup values

Hi all, I have a sql server database that several websites use. Now the customer wants this to be linked to an Access2007 program. Ive created a datasource file etc and have the tables linked to the database just fine. What I need is for the relationships between the tables to be able to create dropdown lookups so that when a user wants...

SSIS Lookup with Lookup Component Vs Script Component.

Hello, I need to load Dimensions from EDW Tables (which does maintain historical records) and is of type Key-Value-Parameter. My scenario is ok if got a record in EDW as below Key1 Key2 Code Value EffectiveDate EndDate CurrentFlag 100 555 01 AAA 2010-01-01 11.00.00 9999-12-31 ...

Java: How do I get the IP of the local interface that can reach a remote IP?

I have a Java application that registers a server component in a service provider, and then sends the service name to a client. The client uses the service name to get an address out of the service provider to the server. However, the server has several interfaces only 1 of which the client get get at, so the service must be registered w...

SSIS Lookup fails after removing output column

I am so close to snap out after two weeks of SSIS... it is SO FULL of bugs, that I cannot imagine how it could be launched... I forgot how much I hated it... But, back to the problem: I have a lookup (which is a work around for another bug, by the way) that works jsut fine. Upper on the flow I have a script component that adds some col...

Core Data - Add Static / Lookup Data

I am creating an application, and am using Core Data as my backend data source. I am wondering how I can manually add entries into a Core Data Entity which can be used to hold static data which will never change throughout the applications lifetime. ...