
Qt QVariantAnimation instantiation runtime crash; symbol lookup error: undefined symbol: QVariantAnimation QObject

I'm getting this weird runtime crash when instantiating QVAriantAnimation or QPropertyAnimation. It appears this happens when the program doesn't link appropriately the class. But I have double checked my simple project and can't see anything wrong. #include <QtCore/QVariantAnimation> #include <QtCore/QEasingCurve> class MyAnimacion : ...

NHibernate validator doing database lookup

Hi guys and girls. Im using NHibernate to map my database tables with my entities and NHibernate Validator to validate my entities. It works sweet when validating the properties of the entities, however, is it possible to make database lookup validation with NHibernate Validator? (Poor) Example: I have an Animal class and an AnimalType...

[MS Access 2003 Look up field and modules] Getting the value not the ID

I have a table tblInvestigators which contains a lookup field to display a list of names A grant may have more than 1 investigator. A requirement of my project is to list all investigators in a single cell next to the grant details, so i'd have: Grant A | Name A, Name B, Name C etc. I have a VBA module that concatenates the investiga...

Django self-recursive ManyToManyField filter query

Hi, I have a model like so: class Activity(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=200) summary = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) tasks = models.ManyToManyField('self', symmetrical=False, null=True, blank=True) It works like this, an activity can be linked to itself and the parent activity is call...

Best way to store a list of definitions for fastest lookup

I have some sort of dictionary file that looks like this: UTM University of Tennessee at Martin UMD University of Maryland It is a 3 letters acronym followed by the definition, separated by newlines. In total the file has 9282 definitions. My questions are: 1) What would be the best way to store this definitions? Should I place th...

Generic Linear Piecewise Lookup Table

I am looking for a generic optimized lookup object that takes a function f(x) and creates a linear piecewise approximation with configurable parameters for the range of x and the intervals of population. Obviously this is not hard to write, but given that it is useful for a lot of expensive functions (trig, yield, distance), I thought a...

Row yielded no match during lookup SSIS LookUp Issue

I keep getting the error message Error: 0xC020901E at Data Flow Task, Lookup ProjectId [580]: Row yielded no match during lookup. Error: 0xC0047072 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: No object exists with the ID 880. It does not reoccur in the same spot rather in different places each run. Even when everything is exactly th...

Django: Reverse URL lookup with arbitrary URL components

Assume a Django app, shop, whose urls.py is included in the main urls.py: # main urls.py urlpatterns = patterns('', (r'^[^/]+/shop/', include('shop.urls')), ) Note, that there is an arbitrary prefix before /shop. This is of no interest for the shop app, it's only interesting to some middleware. The shop.urls could look like this:...

Sharepoint: Any way to get lookup list's other column's value?

Hi~ let's say, I've create 2 splist, one is 'student_course', another is 'student'. the student_course contains a lookup field "student_id" of student. is there any way i can display all the student information which is under course of "computer science"? Thanks in advance for whoever trying to help. =) ...

How can I extract ArrayList from HashMap and loop through it in Java?

I have set up a HashMap like so: Map<String, ArrayList<String>> theAccused = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>(); ... and I populate this by storing for every name (key), a list of names (value). So: ArrayList<String> saAccused = new ArrayList<String>(); // populate 'saAccused' ArrayList ... // done populating theAccused.put(sAc...

LookupFieldEditor.ascx in SharePoint 2007/2010

I have searched for LookupFieldEditor example but I could not find any sample code or markup using this control. I want to know how should I use it in a web page in my SharePoint site. ...

Using Array.BinarySearch() to return first value <= lookup value ?

I'm trying to create a "lookup" column that would return the index of the array value that is equal to or less than the value being looked up. So this is my attempt, which seems to work fine, but I was wondering if there is a cleaner way of doing it ? // Sorted float[] ranges = new float[] { 0.8f, 1.1f, 2.7f, 3.9f,...

Rails output number of records with X in field?

Hi Everyone, I have a number of records in a model called Kases, each kase record has a status which can be Active, On Hold, Invoice Sent or Archived. I am trying to work out how to add a number on the dashboard for the total number of kase records, the total number of kase records marked as on hold, the total number of kase records m...

Speed of looking up .NET Dictionary value by key?

I have a dictionary of 10000 Product/Colour/Size combinations which I have created with something like: AllRecords = DB.ProductColourSizes _ .ToDictionary(function(b) String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}", _ b.ProductCode, b.ColourCode, b.SizeCode)) So an example key is like "13AI_GRS_M" I have to sync up my database ...

jQuery: Look up table value

Basically I'm trying to create to use a table as a look-up table. Normally, I would do this server side, but in this case I just have an html table and the table is going to be inputted by the client. Basically, when filling out a form they give me two values which are in columns A & B. Then the form needs to do a calculation using the...

SSIS lookup with variable conditions

I'm using SQL Server 2005 to develop an SSIS package. My dataflow contains a SSIS lookup. Each of the rows I'm processing has these columns (among others): ID1, detailsID1, ID2, detailsID2. The value of column detailsID1 should be loaded from a lookup based on ID1, and the value for detailsID1 from another lookup based on ID2. The thing ...

SharePoint - Modifying Customizing EditForm.aspx of Doc Lib breaks Upload Function - Unknown Error

Part of a bigger design issue really. But does anybody know why customizing EditForm.aspx of a Doc lib breaks the Upload function? and how to fix it so it does not. My version of the editform works great, but after an upload I get Unknown Error the resulting url looks like this: https://xxxxx.edu/sites/xxxx/_layouts/Upload.aspx?List=%...

Redeploy tree on Glassfish 3.0.1

I use Netbeans 6.9.1 and Glassfish 3.0.1. I have this model: EnterpriseApplicationA contains EJBmoduleA and the BeanA that exposes a remote interface. EnterpriseApplicationB contains EJBmoduleB and the BeanB. The BeanB calls the BeanA using @EJB injection. All is working, but if I made a trivial change in a business method of BeanA (...

Efficient HashMap retrieval with key composite key (build from 2 enums)

Hello, I have a 2 enum values representing a mapping to object which I'm (currently) modeling with a HashMap with the 2 enums values are used as key and the object is the value. This is inefficient because what I'm doing is creating a new CompositeKey(Enum1 enum1, Enum2 enum2) for each combination of the Enum1.values() x Enum2.values()...

dictionary data structure in R

In R, for example > foo <- list(a=1,b=2,c=3) if I type foo, get $a [1] 1 $b [1] 2 $c [1] 3 How can I look through foo to get a list of 'keys' only, in this case, (a, b, c)? Thanks all ...