
Create custom lookup field and modify rendering in list view

I want to create a custom field that behaves exactly like the Lookup field type, allowing multiple selection, except that I want to modify the rendering of the items in the lists. Each item in the list will have a button that displays the lookup options to enable / disable the desired boxes. We have created a custom field in Visual Stu...

Fast, scalable string lookup

I have a set of 5 million strings. These are currently stored in a single column MySQL table. My application has to perform lookups and check if a given string is in the set. This can of course be done with a HashSet (in Java). But instead of building a custom solution, I was wondering if there are any existing, widely used, proven solut...

What is a Key Lookup in a Database and what's the difference with Business Rules ?

I was wondering what really is a Key lookup in a database ? And what are the differences between Key Lookup and Business Rules? Thank you guys ! ...

How to use Lookup listener and provider in Netbeans platform?

Hi I have a problem with understanding the Lookup Api in netbeans Platform. I want to have one module, scanning-api, where one final class will be and one interface to implement, and the application will scann pictures trough this module, and one or two modules, that will have dependency on this scanning-api module, and will implement al...

Recursively look through properties of specific type

EDIT: It looks like their is no simpler way to do this. Given the size of the class structure, the foreach approach seems to be the easiest (and probably the best) way to achieve my goal. I leave the question opened just in case someone has a brilliant idea. :) Hi all, I have a list of classes with a structure similar to this: class...

How to handle lookups?

Hello, When I need to use a lookup I usually include the ID property in the view model class so I can use it this way in the corresponding view <%= Html.LabelFor( model => model.LookupTableID )%> <br /> <%= Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.LookupTableID, Model.LookuptableList, new {}) %> having Model.LookuptableList as a property ...

is locking necessary for Dictionary lookup?

lock(dictionaryX) { dictionaryX.TryGetValue(key, out value); } is locking necessary while doing lookups to a Dictionary ? THe program is multithreaded, and while adding key/value to dict. dict is being locked. ...

Add number of records in belongs_to relationship in Rail app?

Hi Everyone? I have a Rails simple application that has two main models. A person model and a gift model. Gifts belong to people, and people have many gifts. I am currently (in the people index view) listing all people in the database with the following code: <% for person in @people %> <li><%= link_to h(person.name), person %></li> <...

C# System.Linq.Lookup Class Removing and Adding values

I'm using Lookup class in C# as my prime data container for the user to select values from two Checked List boxes. The Lookup class is far easier to use than using the class Dictionary>, however I cannot find methods for removing and adding values to a lookup class. I thought about using the where and the union, but i cant seem to get...