I am trying to run a Mono application on the Mac that has an embedded web browser control. The program runs, but now broswser is show and a message is output:
libgluezilla not found. To have webbrowser support, you need libgluezilla installed
I have searched, but have no idea how to install this. Your guidance would be appreciated.
I'm trying to register a custom protocol to an application on the Mac, i.e:
User clicks on link with "abcdef://some/url/here"
An installed application is launched with the above string passed as the first param
I've done this successfully on Windows using the information from this question:
I am integrating growl into my Objective-C app.
However If I build and run my app without copying the Growl.framework to ~/Library/Frameworks or a corresponding location then my App fails to execute.
I don't really fully understand Frameworks under objective-c, but I was wondering if there is anyway to include the Framework within my...
HashTables/HashMaps are one of the most (if not the most) useful of data-structures in existence. As such, one of the first things I investigated when starting to learn programming in Cocoa was how to create, populate, and read data from a hashtable.
To my surprise: all the documentation I've been reading on Cocoa/Objective-C programmi...
Is there a way to run a local mpi job locally on os X leopard(10.5.6) with more than 62 processes. When I run the job with 62 processes, it dies
$mpirun -np 62 a.out
mpirun noticed that job rank 0 with PID 0 on node Macintosh-001D4F4BC6BC.private exited on signal 15 (Terminated).
60 additional processes aborted (not shown)
and when...
My mac has folders Shared and Public folders. Their permissions are drwxr-xr-x+ for Public and drwxrwxrwt@ for Shared. What do the signs + and @ mean?
Is there a C# compiler for Macs that is compatable with Microsoft Visual C# 2008?
I have a request for a contracting gig and one of the requirements in the first draft of the specs says the software (a GUI application for end-users) should run on Win 2000 and Mac OS 7.5. I have no idea why they would want to support such ancient systems, but I guess it leaves me with Java as the only option other than raw C, or doesn'...
Hey everyone.
I am in the process of writing a menubar icon for an app i'm developing. However the NSStatusBar class does not have a method which would make the icon draggable, via cmd+left mouse drag.
How do you make your menubar icon draggable with Objective-C code?
Thank you :)
ok, so I finally got a Macbook pro and to tell the truth I am astonished by both the architecture, speed, and os on this laptop. Mac OS X is a beautiful system, from the mach kernel up to finder and spotlight and speaking of spotlight, it truly blew me away when I just needed to execute this command to get all unix executables and ONLY ...
Hey all,
I'm wondering how to make a button or input field in Interface Builder react in such a way that on click it opens a file dialog and lets you select one or more files and puts them into a specified array/table...
Once the button is pushed and files are chosen (this seems a like quite trivial thing) I guess it will already conta...
Is there an way, ideally backwards compatible to Mac OS X 10.3, to tell if "Voice Over" is activated in System Preferences?
No, no, I'm not getting hives ;).
I am able to run a local version of my .NET 3.5 site on IIS and troubleshoot whilst I develop. However, my flash developer is forced to log onto our Windows 2003 and mess with our staging server when he wants to see how his work is doing. This is unacceptable, I understand, but right now there are time...
I'm trying to determine how likely it is that my next job will involve the use of a Mac/PC if I am hired as a PHP programmer. With Rails, most shops seem to develop on the Mac. I'm wondering whether the same is true of PHP.
I need something fast to connect to my Mac from my Vista machine. Built in Screen Sharing does not work with any VNC client, and Vine Server is very slow.
Is there anything for the Mac that reaches the performance of Windows Terminal Services?
How would I quit all running user applications using Applescript?
How can I find which version of OSX is installed on my Mac by using AppleScript? I want to install an app programatically and run different pkg files based on the version.
Where is the code for the terminal command 'tee' located in Mac OS?
[Added] Is it possible to read the exact code, that my mac is using (not the online codes)?
I want to run a pkg file added as a component in my package based on certain conditions. How can I run the pkg file from AppleScript?
I am now able to run the pkg file using open pkgFile.pkg I want to embed this AppleScript as part of a package along with some other packages as the components of this pakage. Where do ...
Is there a way to use "alt/option" key as a meta key but still be able to use the key to make some characters which need it?
For example in my local keyboard layout:
@ is alt-2
\ is alt-shift-7
| is alt-7
etc. So if I set alt as meta key, I can't make those characters. On the other hand using "press esc, release esc, press a key" to...