I have a Silverlight App that presents the user with a pretty straighforward form to fill in. The labels (TextBlocks) and the Fields (TextBoxes) are laid out in Grid as you might expect. We had a problem that when one TextBlock had its Opacity set to 0, the application would constantly re-render itself as verified by turning on the ena...
I'm new to mac and iPhone programing.
I got a mac computer with os 8.5 from a friend, can I program iPhone applications on this computer?
If not, what should I do?
My application is currently using SSCrypto.framework to decrypt a string encrypted with Blowfish. SSCrypto utilizes OpenSSL which is a new problem for me. Using the 10.6 base SDK while targeting 10.5 doesn't seem to work. The issue is explained in this Apple Mailing List thread: http://lists.apple.com/archives/Cocoa-dev/2009/Aug/msg01737...
I have a launchd job that I've configured to run my unit tests. Every now and then, the unit tests will hang (usually because of some bad code). I know that my test usually only take a couple minutes to run. When they do hang, I usually don't notice it for about an hour, at which point I have to pop open Activity Monitor and forcibly ...
I have a Java application in an application bundle that I want to associate a file type with.
For example, if there's a file
when that file, or any file with the .example extension, is double-clicked, I want my application to start and open the file. I also want the files to have my application's icon.
I'd like to do this...
I need to make a duplicate of an existing object graph from one NSManagedObjectContext and insert it into a second NSManagedObjectContext.
Is there a straightforward way to do this? From what I can tell I could ask the MOC for its -registeredObjects and then do something like this to copy the attributes:
NSString* entityName = [[...
I'm following a tutorial of making desktop apps. with python and qt4, I downloaded and installed qt creator ide, created the .ui file and then I had to convert it using pyuic4, I've been trying a lot of things and still can't do it.
I thought that pyuic4 would be installed with Qt creator IDE, but it seems that's not the case, so I inst...
Hi everyone,
I want to install a specific jdk (the latest for example).
For this, i went to jdk download homepage: http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp
I look for a mac version but i'm a bit surprise to have only downloadable version for linux, window and solaris..
Here the message for Mac:
"Apple Computer supplies their own...
Hi folks!
I need a method to redirect my Mac's audio output to a different computer on the same network as the Mac doesn't have audio output. I'm on Snow Leopard while the other computer which has speakers attached does not have any operating system atm.
Any tips appreciated.
I am new to ruby development. Up until this point, I've done only small project that easily fit in one's head (and in one or two files). Now, I've got a big project (it's a GUI for a database task scheduler) that I need to make changes to. There are many files (879 to be precise) and I need a better way to get to know what's where.
I have a Java application in an application bundle that has a file association (using Info.plist) that runs when a document is double-clicked. How do I get the filename of the document that was double-clicked in my Java application? Right now my Java app just runs and displays an empty document. There doesn't seem to be any command line ...
I'm learning python and Qt to create graphical desktop apps. I designed the UI with Qt Designer and converted the .ui to .py using pyuic, according to the tutorial I'm following, I should be able to run my app. but when I do it, a terminal window opens and it says:
cd '/Users/andresacevedo/' && '/opt/local/bin/python2.6' '/Users/andres...
I am thinking about buying an Apple Powerbook 1.5 GHz machine. While my primary focus for that machine would be internet, I may also do some programming on that machine since it would be the machine I would be taking to college...
What I wanted to know if there would be any major difference in context with the compilers used etc? Would I...
I'm writing a program that involves playing back sine waves and combinations of sine waves... it must run on Mac, and I'm looking for a simple API that I can use. I'm open to ObjC, C, C++, Ruby, Python, etc.... I don't care what language as long as it's just a few lines of code. But Ruby would be nice :-)
On Linux you can write to /dev/...
It's not the problem to look in all domains, but I can't find the right way to look for any service on the network.
I would like to support drag and drop from Google Gears in my MacOS application (Google Wave client Waveboard - http://www.getwaveboard.com). Although the Gears plugin seems to work in my WebView it does not respond to drag and drop actions like it should. In Safari and Fluid this works fine.
Question: Does someone know if I need to set...
Hi Everyone,
I have an Java applet that loads native code through JNI. Everything worked just fine until I made the upgrade to Snow Leopard, and then Safari decided to be dumb. It turns out Safari will only load 64 bit binaries when in 64 bit mode. (You can put it in 32 bit mode, but that is not an option.) I changed my build system (g++...
Hi Guys
I have written an app for windows and Mac environments i.e I have 2 files -- 1) abc.exe and 2)abc.app which work on windows and Mac respt. Now i want to put these two files into one unit like a jar or tar ball and ship that unit. The unit will also contain a script which should recognize the environment in which the unit is doub...
Suppose I have have made a an osX app without using Xcode. After compiling with GCC I get an executable which is linked to several other libraries. Some of those libraries might again be dynamically linked to other non-standard system libraries
Is there any tool which exists which makes an OSX App bundle by first making the required ...
I am coding in Eclipse (on the Mac) and need to run OS shell commands from time to time.
I have a lot of bash terminal windows open and it takes time and is distracting to find the right one for the programming session.
The commands are not always the same, and I need to see the output, so something like an External Builder will not do...