
Calling an NSAlert from didEndSelector of another NSAlert

I need to bring up an NSAlert based on the response from another NSAlert. However, when I try to call it from the didEndSelector of the first one, all kinds of nasty things happen (like my document window disappearing and warnings about ordering problems printing to console). Any thoughts? ...

How to play next file using Audio Queue Services

What is the right way to play next file using Audio Queue Services? When "play next" button is pressed should I first call AudioQueueStop and then AudioQueuePrime/AudioQueueStart or it is enough to just fill buffers with next file data? The problem is that the latter gives me sound glitches on iPhone. ...

Objective-C can't use stringWithContentsOfURL data in IF statement

Hey, I'm trying to ping my server and check the version of the app - all goes well so far: NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@""]; NSError *theNetworkError; NSString *content = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:url encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding error:&theNetworkError]; ...

MacRuby, sheet error

I'm running with MacRuby 0.5 and I have a method: attr_accessor :bookmarkSheet, :mainWindow def createBookmark(sender) NSApp.beginSheet(bookmarkSheet, modalForWindow:mainWindow, modalDelegate:self, didEndSelector:nil, contextInfo:nil) end which is supposed to open up a sheet panel on the main window. However, wh...

I need to develop a project involving hardware which should also work the same on Windows as well as Macs. Whats the way forward?

Whats the best approach (read painless) that I could take? Primarily, the application needs to record the webcam video + mic recording on the disk and compress the video using ffmpeg (or something similar). So there is hardware involved + running a separate process for encoding. I was seriously considering Adobe AIR - but I read on the...

Standard (32/64-bit Universal), WebKit, Flash Plugin and Leopard

I have an Xcode project which builds a Cocoa desktop Browser application. My Browser links to the standard WebKit.framework on the system (it does not embed its own WebKit.framework). The "Base SDK" for my Xcode project is set to "Mac OS X 10.5". The "Valid Architectures" for my Xcode project is set to "i386 ppc ppc64 ppc7400 ppc970 ...

Force a Mac OS X 32/64-bit universal binary to run 32-bit on Leopard only?

I want to ship a single 32/64-bit universal binary of my desktop Mac OS X Cocoa app. I don't want to ship two versions. I want it to run as a 64-bit process on Snow Leopard. However, if the app is launched on Leopard, I want to always force it to run as a 32-bit process. NOTE: I know that in the Finder 'Get Info' window you can click ...

Brand new Mac, should I use Macports?

got a new mac, need to have it setup ready for development. I heard great things about macports, should i use it? Is it really easier than manually download and compile? anyone has any problems using it? It is for typical ruby web development stuff. thanks ...

Does stringWithContentsOfURL use the system proxy settings?

I am using the following code to fetch the contents of a web page but it needs to follow all the network rules etc as defined in the user's system prefs NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@""]; NSError *theNetworkError; NSString *content = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:ur...

How to tell if a menu item is 'checked'?

I'm building an Applescript that will scan my network every X minutes, checking for my house's Xbox360 or PS3 and enabling my Transmission BitTorrent client Speed-Limit Mode when either console is online. Currently I can only Pause all transfers or resume all transfers using applescript, as there are separate key-commands for start/stop...

Cannot run/debug Java applications in Eclipse (JavaTimeZone issue)

I'm trying to get started with Eclipse/Java/Scala on a MacBook. The installed JDK was 1.5. The SDT plugin for Scala requires 1.6 which was included in an OS update, but I also manually installed a package from Apple to update 1.6. The problem is that I cannot run anything from Eclipse. I always get the following error: An internal erro...

webbrowser.get("firefox") on a Mac with Firefox "could not locate runnable browser"

I think what I need here is to know which magic command-line or OSA script program to run to start up a URL in an existing Firefox browser, if one is running, or to also start up Firefox if it isn't. On Mac. I'm testing a Python program (Crunchy Python) which sets up a web server then uses Firefox for the front end. It starts the web ap...

Are There Any Good Open-Source Mac Application Templates

I am looking to make a Mac version of one of my iPhone apps and was looking for a good ay to hit the ground running. I know how to code in Objective-c and Cocoa, and I know how to piece something together from scratch if I have to, but I am looking for an easier way. Are there any open-source templates for coding Mac desktop applicatio...

SQLite Access in Objective-C and Cocoa

Hi Everyone, I am in the process of learning Objective-C for Mac/iPhone development and decided to try and write something useful without looking at the bible (Aaron Hillegass: Cocoa Programming 3rd Edition). I'm writing a simple puzzle game. The data that defines the levels is stored as a string in a SQLite database and read into a le...

Login to online accounts

First time poster. Back to programming after being away for a few years, trying to clean off the rust. I'm creating a dashboard that will run initially on my laptop (Macbook Pro, 10.4.x O/S). Amongst other things I want it to retrieve latest information from my online accounts. I'm starting with html, but will probably migrate to som...

Observing animated property changes in a CALayer

I have a CABasicAnimation that animating a property of a CALayer e.g. bounds.origin. I want to be able to observe the property changing over time, but haven't really found a method that works 100%. I tried using KVO (key-value observation) on the presentationLayer's bounds.origin keyPath. The system complains that the object is freed b...

Glassfish v3 Mac

I have trouble launching Glassfish v3 on Mac In Windows, after installation of Glassfish v3 Shortcuts for Starting and Stopping server are added to Start Menu In Mac how do I start the server? I tried executing ./asadmin start-domain domain1 but it gives me an error for missing .xml files Any sort of help is appreciated, Thank you ...

Equivalent of GetCursorPos() in Mac's Carbon

Background We're porting our PythonOgre-based games to Mac, and the publishers demand ability for mouse to leave the window. On Windows, we're going around OIS (Object-oriented Input System) for the purposes of mouse control; that is, we don't let OIS keep the mouse captured inside window borders, and then track the mouse cursor in scree...

Start Delayed Job on Mac Reboot / Startup

I've got a simple app deployed to a Mac mini running 10.5.8 How would I go about restarting the Delayed Job worker anytime the computer is restarted? ...

Java Mac OS X running with out a Dock Icon

i have a swing application that i would like to run on os x without a dock icon. Just a system tray icon. I know about headless but if i set that property i can not create JFrames. Is it possible to run a swing application without a dock icon in java? or through JNA if there is a native way. ...