I do some part-time web design work with some other people, and they don't use subversion/any sort of version-control. However, I would like to. Is there some sort of system (perhaps I can use GIT on my local machine for this...?) that would let me not only keep track of my own personal versions of the files, but also the version of the ...
I want to get the list of window titles of the currently running applications.
On windows I have EnumWndProc and GetWindowText.
On Linux I have XGetWindowProperty and XFetchName.
What is the Native Mac equivalent?
I'm trying to develop a UI using SWT and Java Webstart. As a starting point I've created a simple app that works fine with Windows and Linux, but fails to work on Mac. My test app is available here. There are also links to the jar files and class code.
Can anyone explain how to make this work on Mac?
I'm trying to get the hang of using JNA with Mac OS X. I want to access a Carbon library, for which there is no Cocoa equivalent, so Rococoa can't help me (I think...)
I'm stuck when trying to call a Carbon function that requires CFStringRef as a parameter. How can I create a CFStringRef from a Java String?
Here's my attempt so far:
I have an OLD mac C/C++ program that I'm maintaining. It's still based on rsrc files and OS 9 system calls. (Yes, yes, I know. I'm TRYING to drag my company into the 21st century, but the other engineer is still using OSX10.3.9! please pity me)
I'm trying to get modifier shortcut functionality. Cmd-S works, for example. However, Opt-Cmd...
Possible Duplicate:
Receiving power notifications (especially shutdown) on Mac OSX
Hi Guys,
I'd like to be able to log the times that my mac is switched on and off during the day (keeping track of my hours jacked-in). Switched on is easy: I just have a tiny script that writes the time to a logfile when the user logs on, but I c...
I need to get the 'nice' Mac OS X version string (e.g., "10.5.8"). Other sources say to use the "gestalt" to reliably get this value. The problem is, the Gestalt is a Carbon API and I can't link to Carbon (its a long story). Is there some other way, perhaps a direct Cocoa method?
I use the Fiddler proxy to debug all kinds of HTTP issues on Windows. It's great for inspecting headers and responses across multiple pages.
Is there a good HTTP debugging proxy for Mac and Linux? I found Charles, but it's $50 once the trial runs out and it crashed on me. I could use Wireshark, but it's a pain.
In 10.5, Apple released a read-only kernel extension/filesystem to allow ZFS pools to be mounted. A later open-source project was hosted at http://zfs.macosforge.org and was announced to be part of 10.6, but shortly before the public release ZFS was yanked, and recently, the Apple-hosted MacOSForge site has closed down the ZFS project.
For my app i have it far enought that it will ask for a confirmation and account for an in-app purchase, but I don't know how to enable the item after the purchase is complete.
SKPayment *payment = [SKPayment paymentWithProductIdentifier:@"com.silver.tapp.page2"];
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addPayment:payment];
Thats what i have ...
I made a scrolling tile 2D video game in visual basic a few years back. I am translating it to Cocoa for the Mac. Is there a framework that would allow me to use BitBlt? Or is there an equivalent to BitBlt without using OpenGL? Thanks!
I need to learn how to add a web browser into a cocoa application. (Mac)
I plan to start iPhone Dev. Is a Mac mini 2.26 GHz with 2Go memory powerful enough?
I'm trying to run the following command in terminal on my macbook pro
cd /tmp; pecl download memcached
but im getting
pecl:command not found.
after a days googling I cant find out whats up. Does anyone have a solution?
on mac 10.5 to change the fire wall rule I have to do this:
It appears you can turn the Leopard firewall on or from the command line with this command:
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.alf globalstate -int 1
The last value represents the state of the firewall, where:
* 0 = off
* 1 = on for specific services
* 2 = on...
I'm in a class that uses an implementation of Emacs on a school server. I'm on a mac running snow leopard, and I have my own implementation of Emacs on it. To access the server-Emacs, I ssh into the server and launch Emacs from its location there.
I'm relativly new to emacs, and I have a particular problem whenever I try to access the ...
I'd like to use FSEvents aka File System Events to listen to changes to the contents of a folder hierarchy. In my tests, File System Events does a superb job. However I can't find info as to whether it works on Tiger.
Anyone know?
Hi All,
I am new to MAC environment.
Is there any way that I can convert classic MAC app file so that it can be read on MAC OS X?
Also, is there any good tutorial for how to write .app file for a JAVA application.
I'm updating application for Mac OS X 10.6 and getting this error. I believe that means Kagi/Zonic KRM module doesn't support 64-bit? So I can't build my app as 64-bit, right?
Is there anyone who use Zonic KRM under Snow Leopard?..
I'm learning Objective-C and my friend have a real Macintosh IIci, that uses a Mac System 7(specifically 7.5.5 with a 68k processor) and I've installed Metrowerks C/C++ IDE(I think it's the version 1, but I don't know), but i didn't tested it, then i want to know one thing: It's possible to develop in Objective-C using NSObjects/...