
ServiceBase Credentials

I have a window service that Inherits System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase. While running in debug mode (havent tested compiled), the thread does not see the current user credentials. I need the credentials so I can set up the WebProxy and I would prefer to use the account that service is running under instead of passing the user and pwd ...

How can I get the iPhone's current network speed?

I want to get the iPhone's network speed so that I can give user an info when the speed is too slow. ...

Same FOR Loop acts differently (WinXP)

I am trying to write a batch script with a section that ouputs your drive mappings to a text file, so i can restore it later once i wipe out the machine. I came up with this for loop to do it, but its acting differently when its a batch script versus running the command itself. This is the actual line of code: FOR /F "tokens=1,2" %i in...

Traversing a list, execute a method: Extension possible?

Hi, i have a data structure like this public class Employee { public string Name { get; set; } public IEnumerable<Employee> Employees { get; private set; } // ... } Now i need to loop through the complete structure and execute a method on each item. How can i create an extension on IEnumerable for such a traverse functio...

generate thickbox in jquery is not working

Dear all, i have a scence: when click into Link in my page call webservices through jquery to get database cooked result and insert into html and insert into using jquery in cooked result i insert "" using thickbox to keep a parent page. Result when i click html just generated, they just opened in a new window not get result like n...

SSH Connection Java

Is it possible to make a ssh connection to a server with java? ...

How can i match each /proc/net/tcp entry to each opened socket?

I salute you, StackOverflow gurus ;) I'm trying to parse socket info from /proc/net/tcp and while I can identify some fields, such as memory addresses or send queue use, I can't find how each entry is bound to its socket descriptor. E.g., with this data: 1: 5922140A:E459 D5C43B45:0050 01 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 1000 ...

How to extract image from embedded resource programmatically in VB .NET

I have a small app that have a few images in an embedded resource. Is there a way I could extract one of those images to a folder from the same exe that contains the resource?, like clicking a button, selecting a folder to save it and extracting the image there. ...

How to implement cookies in Ruby Net::HTTP

That's my code. Now I need to SEND a cookie to the host but I can't find a solution. def get_network_file(url=nil) begin http = @service_server, 80 ) resp, data = http.get( url, { "Accept-Language" => @locale } ) if resp.code.to_i != 200 RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.error "*** return code != 200. code = #{...

script to map networkdrive base on username

I have a .cmd script I want to map a network drive based on the username of the person running it. So something like this net use K: \\nas001\users\[My_User_Name] Except replace [My_User_name] with the name of the user running the script. Is this possible? Thanks ...

How to listen to a random tcp socket in node.js

I know I can create a tcp server like that in node.js var dataServer = net.createServer(function (stream) { }); dataServer.on("listening", function() { // this data server listen to a random port // but how can I get the number of port console.log(dataServer.localPort) } dataServer.listen(0, ''); But I don'...

How can a Node.js Socket Server know which IP or domain that the client connect to?

How can I know which IP/hostname the client connect to in node.js TCP Server? var server = net.createServer(function (stream) { // The server is behind a firewall, how can I know how the client connect to this server? console.log(stream.localAddress); }); server.listen(21, ''); Thanks ...

Retrieve mp3 file from database

Possible Duplicate: Retrieve mp3 file from database I need to retrieve mp3 files stored as byte[] array and show a link to the corresponding file and let the user to download it.. how can i do this??? sorry merely i don have any idea about this.. please help.. thank you. ...

Better blog module than DNN's blog module

Hi, Does anyone know of a much better blog module than the one that comes with DNN. We have found it VERY frustrating using the standard DNN module and need something that's going to be easier for our clients to use. Thanks :) ...

Upload sequentially a huge file to a database using a pointer

Hi, It's a requirement in my app that the users can upload files to the database. At this point, the user upload the file and the webpage save it in a temp directory, secondly the logic load the file in a Byte[] and pass this array as parameter to the "insert" SQL statement. The problem with that approach, is that if the user try to up...

How many methods dot.Net delegates have?

I'm curious what delegates methods exists? For instance I'm aware of Asynchronous method calls, like this: class Program { // define a delegate delegate int MyDelegate(String s); static void Main(string[] args) { // create the delegate MyDelegate del = new MyDelegate(myMethod); // invoke the method asynchron...

Is there any practical use of "Void" structure in .NET

Just of a curiosity, is there any practical use of "Void" struct except in Reflection ? ...

Downloading a web page. OK with wget, fails with java

Hi all, I'm trying to download the following page: wget without any option fails: wget "" (...) connect to insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate' with --no-check-certificate, it works wget --no-check-certificate "http://struc...

How to get a file and move it out of the isolated storage?

I want to take a file that stored already in the isolated storage, and copy it out, somewhere on the disk. IsolatedStorageFile.CopyFile("storedFile.txt","c:\temp") That doesn't work. Throws IsolatedStorageException and says "Operation not permitted" ...

API to get network traffic info on iphone

Hi all, now i want to get some network traffic info on iphone, like realtime bytes in per second and so on, so does there any api can do such thing, any suggestion is appreciated. ...