
Closing/unbinding a UDP socket in c#

Is there a way I can force a UDP socket (which is used by another process) to close or unbind, in c# programmatically? ...

Python Interpreter blocks Multithreaded DNS requests?

Hello everyone, I just played around a little bit with python and threads, and realized even in a multithreaded script, DNS requests are blocking. Consider the following script: from threading import Thread import socket class Connection(Thread): def __init__(self, name, url): Thread.__init__(self) self._url = url ...

Sending structure using recvfrom() and sendto()

I am using C language which is a common platform for both the server and the client. I have a structure of a particular type which I want to send to the client from the server. For e.g. SERVER CODE //necessary declarations struct hostent *hp; hp=gethostbyname(""); sendto(sockDes,&hp,sizeof(hp),0,(struct sockaddr *)&...

How to make server accepting connections from multiple ports?

Hello! How can I make a simple server(simple as in accepting a connection and print to terminal whatever is received) accept connection from multiple ports or a port range? Do I have to use multiple threads, one for each bind call. Or is there another solution? The simple server can look something like this. def server(): import sys,...

Where can I get started with basic online functionality for a game in VB.NET?

I am creating a Boggle clone game and it works very well so far. Right now it is only single player. I would like to make it so that other players can connect, and show up in a listbox, and then I can select that person and play a 3 min round with them. What would be the best way to accomplish this? I know a lot about VB.NET, but I ...

perform connect() on specific network adapter

Hello! I'm programming with Winsock2. I have two network adapters in system, one for local connections (LAN), one for outer connections (PPPOE). When I perform a connect() call to connect to local address, it uses PPPOE adapter instead of LAN. I know I could tweak this using metrics, but can't I just use some hard-code to forcibly use L...

How can I use Java WebService to push data to client

I have some CMS. and have a requirement that these CMS can send article together whenever needed. I think I can use WebService to solve my problem by do following: 1/ CMS-01 invoke WS by sending data(article and received CMS(s)) when it want to send an article 2/Webservice receive data and push to other CMS(s) which CMS-01 have selected....

Measuring the volume of downloaded data

Hey all, I'm currently searching for a way of measuring the amount of downloaded data on my computer while i am connected to the network / the Internet. I'd need a method that would work either for Mac OS X or Windows XP/Vista and can't manage to find anything in the Java API related to that kind of feature. I hope you'll be able to h...

WebSocket for HTML5

I am going to develop an instant messaging application that runs in the browser. What browsers support the WebSocket API? ...

Suggestion Needed - Networking in Python - A good idea ?

Hello, I am considering programming the network related features of my application in Python instead of the C/C++ API. The intended use of networking is to pass text messages between two instances of my application, similar to a game passing player positions as often as possible over the network. Although the python socket modules seem...

How to implement dead reckoning when turning is involved?

"Dead reckoning is the process of estimating one's current position based upon a previously determined position and advancing that position based upon known or estimated speeds over elapsed time, and course." (Wikipedia) I'm currently implementing a simple server that makes use of dead reckoning optimization, which minimizes the upd...

monitor traffic to and from my pc

I want to see each url request made my by browser. I want to see the url requests made by ajax. Which software should I use? Some java code would also help. ...

Is there a way to block on a socket send() until we get the ack for that packet?

Or do I have to implement it at the application level? ...

Broadcast server presence over network

I'm writing a client-server application where client should be able to automatically detect server presence in the network so that user would not have to mess with manual configuration. I think that server should broadcast its presence somehow. What is the best way to do it? Server is to be run on either Windows / Linux or OS X, so the...

How to establish ethernet connection between laptop and embedded device

I'm designing a device which will be connected to a computer using ethernet. It already has a mac controller built in. When I attach the device, all that happens is the computer broadcasts a bunch of DHCP discover packets and some other packets I guess in an attempt to find the device and establish the connection. I assume I need to make...

Security implications to be aware of when writing a lightweight network file transfer protocol

I have a desktop application that will 'sync' with an iPhone application. The sync is actually a simple file copy — the iPhone app is a viewer, so I don't have to deal with the complexities of actually syncing the data in a two-way manner. I've written my own protocol since I need it to be lightweight, and I'm sending files that may be...

iPhone to PC Remote Control

I'm new to writing networking software and am looking for a high-level point in a direction. I've been playing with writing code for both Java and the iPhone (independently, of course) for a few months now and would like to write an iPhone app that can communicate with a target PC. My "end-game" is to create an iPhone remote control fo...

Adaptive bandwidth allocation?

Hi friends, In our File Transfer application the network performance was fair but we want to get the maximum network performance so one way of achieving through adaptive bandwidth allocation .So the application will be forced to attain the available bandwidth.friends!!! if u have any white papers or code for reference it wou...

C# Ensure no duplicates in byte array

What is the easiest way to ensure there are no duplicates and a byte array is in order, say from a network connection? ...

Identify User and Machine

I my company we use small application called IPMsg a messenger kind of tool to pass messages and file to other fellows in company, even it allows to multicast the message. And also it list the Username, hostname and IP addresses of users. How it could do that? There is no server present for message routing and when checked through nets...