
Timer invalidate

What is the meaning of this statement given? NSTimer *timer ,[timer invalidate] ...

How to use LinkedIn API in iPhone SDK?

I want to use the LinkedIn API in my project, but I haven't found any good tutorials about using LinkedIn API. How to use LinkedIn API? "A beginners guide/introduction" of "basic concepts" would be helpful. OK, after googleing around I went to this link LinkedInAPI. I filled in the form but I am unable to understand what the "Integra...

performSelector with more than 2 objects

Is there a way to call [anObject performSelector]; with more than 2 objects? I know you can use an array to pass multiple arguments, but I was wondering if there was a lower level way to call a function I already have defined with more that 2 arguments without using a helper function with an nsarray of arguments. ...

how to setting volume on off in my application

I am using in my application volume setting that when we want we mute volume of my application how this is possible plz tell me with code. ...

Tutorials for using HTTP POST and GET on the iPhone in Objective-C

I downloaded apple's demo for using HTTP POST and GET (Their sample app has a tabbar with different parts) and the code is so confusing! Could anybody give me some sample code or a link to some tutorials about it? :) Thanks! ...

iphone application with facebook api

Hello I am creating an application in which there is a use of facebook API. I am successfully logged in facebook from my iphone simulator. Now I want to get friends list and their current_Location from my application. for that I have written a code -(IBAction)FriendsPressed:(id)sender { NSString userId = @"XXXXXXXX"; NSString fq...

Cells reorganizing themselves on iPhone?

I'm writing an app for my father's business, it involves lists, however, I have seen that it seems to reorganize the list, even though I don't want it to. For example, all of section 1 is supposed to say one thing, when I scroll down, content from the other sections is put in section 1's cells, this goes for the other sections as well. ...

three20 - loading external Data for TTViewController

Hi, i created a TTViewController that should show some Informations from a external (web) source. i already worked with some TTableViewControllers where i used the TTModel System (i created a TTURLRequestModel and a TTListDataSource for my TTTableViewControllers) whats the way to do this with a TTViewController? is there also something...

Unrecognized selector sent to instance on UIViewController

I've got a really annoying problem, and as much as I've searched, I can't find the answer. My app is terminating when I try to view a TableView. The data source and delegate is set to the File's owner, which implements the protocol. The error I'm getting looks like this: [Session started at 2010-02-27 16:28:24 +0000.] 2010-02-27 16...

Interface Builder won't allow drag/drop of text control to window

Noob dumb question, no doubt -- but here it is: Trying to tutorialize myself with the Apple "Currency Converter" tutorial for Cocoa ( http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/ObjCTutorial/05View/05View.html) Embarrassingly, I'm stuck very early on where the instructions ask me to drag-and-drop a text fiel...

Objective-C Astronomy Library

I need to do some moonrise azimuth and time calculations. Can anyone recommend a good astronomy library, preferably in Objective-C? ...

Read SQLite problem

I have NSTableView with two columns, and i wanna fill them entries from SQLite database. this method is make query for table -(void)getPersons { NSString *file = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"persons" ofType:@"db"]; sqlite3 *database = NULL; if (sqlite3_open([file UTF8String], &database)==SQLITE_OK) { ...

iPhone How to modify the data contained on the Persistent store using Core Data

Hello, I'm stuck trying to figure out how to modify the data contained on the persistent store. I'm writing an application with several views using a tabBarController, my core data methods are located mainly on the main application delegate but I will only be using this data from the tableViewController view. In order to use the manage...

Archive a NSMutableArray

I need to archive a NSMutableArray which is being controlled by an ArrayController. I tried this: [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:array]; But I got this error: *** -[NSKeyedArchiver dealloc]: warning: NSKeyedArchiver deallocated without having had -finishEncoding called on it. How may I solve that please? ...

The app crashes when it hits this line... any ideas?

I am trying to build a UITableView which just goes really weird? Here is the line it crashes at: bookmarksList = [[NSArray alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[self saveFilePath]]; I have the bookmarksList declaired as an NSArray in the header file, so thats all good. The method saveFilePath is as follows and works for actually saving a fil...

Sample (preferably simple) subclass of NSCoder?

I'm trying to create a subclass of NSCoder, but I really don't know where to start. Apple's documentation lists which methods are required, but not much else. Maybe my Google-fu is weak, but I can't find any examples of an implementation of, e.g. encodeValueOfObjCType:at:, anywhere. (Though I assume it involves a lot of cases.) Anyone k...

How do I clip or change alpha of an image (pixels) in Quartz?

Hi, I'm working on making an iPhone App where there are two ImageViews and when you touch the top one, wherever you tapped, the bottom one shows instead. Basically what I want to do is cut an ellipse/roundedrect out of an image. To do this I was thinking on either clipping the image, or changing the alpha pixels in the rect to zero. I a...

what does it mean to set a method as an object or even setting a method argument as an object?

if i have a class named @interface myClass : NSObject { int firstnum; int secondnum; } //an a method that looks like this -(myClass *) myMethod (myClass *) f; @end what does that method return as? im used to seeing something like (int) myMethod knowing that it returns an integer. but when its returning an object such as the class...

Is this a good (Cocoa-like, Apple-approved) model class?

I've been using Objective-C for a while, but I've not been following Apple's guidelines very well. Recently I read Cocoa Design Patterns and the Model Object Implementation Guide, and I'm trying to do some very simple things, but do them very well. Have I missed any major concepts? Please don't mention self = [super init]; that's been c...

AddMusic example Ipod library access

I want to use the addmusic example that apple have created for the IPod library access and be able to play the music in MY application; I however dont know which files to copy and how to combine the two... can someone please tell me what to do? I already have created a button in MY application which will then upon click do the same thing...