I want to add more deatils in MKAnnotation like Location Title,Description, date, location Name. So it will be four lines that are needed. But i found that Only 2 parameters can be passed to MKAnnotation which are title and subtitle. So how i can add more details in map.Plz help me..Thanks in advance
why here is needed self? (otherwise it crashes)
[flipsidenavigationbar pushnavigationietm........];
why here self is not needed?
note that flipsidenavigationbar is an iVar declared as property and synthesized.
thank you
I have a Tab Bar, with 2 tabs. When I click the first tab, it have a View showing "View 1", and I want add a button on "View 1", that can take me to a new full screen view "Full Screen View 1". also, in the "Full Screen View 1", it have a button to return to "view1", and exit full screen.
So, my question is how to implement these two b...
I m still facing the problem when I launch my application in iphone.
It shows the stack over flow by presentModelViewController bcoz I m using number of viewcontroller and calling the same viewcontroller from other viewcontroller but it gets terminated.Here I m showing the code which I m using in whole program to call other view co...
From UIView docs:
(void)insertSubview:(UIView *)view atIndex:(NSInteger)index
It's great that I can insert a UIView at a certain index, but I cannot find a way to READ what index a given UIView has.
I need to check whether the UIView is on top, or at the back ...
EDIT: Now that Brandon pointed out the order in the subviews array, I...
I want to get the maximum and minimum values of a NSMutableArray so I can create a core-plot plotspace and graph based around those max and min values.
My code is as follows:
NSMutableArray *contentArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:100];
NSUInteger i;
for (i=0; i<60; i++){
id x = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:i*0.05];
id y = [NSNum...
How can you disallow some nubers from being chosen with the arc4random function?
Current code:
int random = (arc4random() % 92);
(numbers from 0 to 92)
I want it do disallow the following numbers: 31, 70, 91, 92
Thank you (:
I have a CGContext, which I can turn into an NSGraphicsContext.
I have an NSWindow with a clipRect for the context.
I want to put a scrollview into the context and then some other view into the scrollview so I can put an image into it... However, I can't figure out how to attach the scrollview into the context.
Eventually the view will...
I want to use this for an object factory: Given a string, create a Class, and if
this Class supports a protocol (with a Create() method) then alloc the class and call
I just started getting into iPhone development. I have been mish-mashing tutorials and material from books in order to get my bearings straight. I come from a PHP and Java background... Objective-C is a bit quirky. But, I learn best by getting my feet wet.
Basically, I have these actions. getPhoto is bound to a couple of UIBarButtonItem...
I see a lot of objective-c code that just #defines local constants it needs, and then proceeds on its merry way. The problem is that, as far as I know, #defines aren't scoped. Many of this is in Apple's own example code. For example, in the TableViewSuite example 5, the drawRect function in TimeZoneView.m contains the following block:...
Having some issues with the ... in ObjectiveC.
I'm basically wrapping a method and want to accept a nil terminated list and directly pass that same list to the method I am wrapping.
Here's what I have but it causes an EXC_BAD_ACCESS crash. Inspecting the local vars, it appears when otherButtonTitles is simply a NSString when it is pas...
I'm using UKKQueue to keep an eye on changes to files in a directory. But sometimes there are more directories below the main one and it will not pick up changes to files made in those folders. Therefore I would like to also register those paths to be watched. I can't however get a folder list easily. I can get a list of EVERYTHING using...
I'm loading data dynamically from an API using a UISearchBar and trying to display it, using something like this:
- (void)searchBarSearchButtonClicked:(UISearchBar *)searchBar
[searchBar resignFirstResponder];
NSLog(@"Search Text: %@",[searchBar text]);
[self startSearchingWithText:[searchBar text]];
- (void) startSearch...
I can add bytes to a NSMutableData instance easially by using the AddData method, however I do not see any similar method for removing data? Am I overlooking something, or do I need to create a new object and copy over only the bytes I need?
so I have an NSTableView that I don't want bound to an NSArrayController, but I do want to use bindings. At the moment, its bound to a mutable array containing mutable strings. It works fine for editing a row, but when I try to get it to commit (deselecting it, hitting enter, various other weird quirks) it just refuses to do so. I rea...
I'm pretty sure I saw an example where the graph wasn't filling the whole iPhone screen, but I can't get that to happen in my app, nor in the Core-Plot Test app from Switch On The Code.
I've added a subview to the original CPLayerHostingView in the sample, then changed the classes – original back to UIView, new subview to CPLayerHosting...
Any idea how to go about formatting the data so I can export from my app data in excel format or even a simple table would be okay, how are people getting stuff out of the phone?
This particular app is about keeping track of money, so i can pretty much turn everything into nsstrings but how do I:
A. format the strings so the fields ar...
hi, i got a tableview which is the one by default when you create a tableview using core data application, and there is this fetching managed object i don't really understand, anyway when the user delete something from the tableview i need to take the object that is deleted and gets it as a String, it is possible?
I've got a pretty standard setup: an NSArrayController whose contents are displayed in an NSCollectionView, and a pane of editable views bound to the array controller's selection (which is of course controlled by the collection view).
For some reason, when I bind an NSObjectController's contentObject to the array controller's selection,...