how to add member variable and methods to in built class without subclassing it.
hi, How can I add member variables and methods to an in built class(say, NSString) without subclassing it. Regards, lenin ...
hi, How can I add member variables and methods to an in built class(say, NSString) without subclassing it. Regards, lenin ...
Hi, How can i add a NavigationBar with a NavigationBarItem in a NavigationController, such that when i push my navigationItem i should get my previous view without using Interface Builder in Objective-C ...
Hello, SHORT DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM: I want to set the text of a searchbar without automatically triggering the search display controller that is bound to it. LONG DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM: I have an iphone application with a search bar and a search display controller. The searchdisplaycontroller is used for autocomplete. For autocomplet...
I have been browsing SO and various other sites to find out whether this is possible, it definitely seems to be! The problem I have is every "tutorial" seems to state that the UIButton needs to be inside a UIView of some kind and I can't quite figure out how to get the XIB together to allow the animation. Any and all help would be grea...
My problem is I am getting an error: OCMckObject[NSNumberFormatter]: expected method was not invoked:setAllowsFloats:YES I have written following Code: (void) testReturnStringFromNumber { id mockFormatter = [OCMockObject mockForClass:[NSNumberFormatter class]]; StringNumber *testObject = [[StringNumber alloc] init]; ...
Hi, I have an UITableView with lot of rows. It is like an accordion : Main cells have subcells, subcells have also subcells. So this is a three-levels tableView. Well, when the user selects a cell, it expands (or collapses) subcells with row animation. But I need to set the new size of the tableView,...
Hi, when defining a string in Objective-C, can I do an easy assignment using a string format, such as NSString *myVar = @"My String has %d words", 4; ...
AppKit allows Python programs on a Mac to use ObjectiveC classes. I am not very familiar with ObjectiveC, but I want to access the NSSound class using AppKit in order to create an audio player. My player should perform some action, such as loading the next item from the playlist, when the current audio finishes playing. There is a metho...
I need to save an camera image from my application to the desktop so i can preview it. is it possible? The images that comes with the simulator seems to be too small. ...
Hello, I was wondering if there were any good sources or documents that could explain to me how I can cannot to a PostgreSQL database from within my iPhone application. Also, if they could go beyond just connecting, and explain how to use PL/SQL and Object Persistence within the Objective C iPhone SDK framework as well, that would be a...
Hi, in Objective-C and simply speaking - am I correct when assuming that all pointer variables must be released when they're not used any more? Every pointer variable (*) is a class of some kind, or not? Every pointer variable therefore needs to be allocated and initialised using "alloc" and "init" (or similar)? When declaring variale...
Hello, I have searched for hours now and haven't found a solution for my problem. I have a NSString which looks like the following: "spacer": ["value1", "value2"], "spacer": ["value1", "value2"], ... What I want to do is to remove the [ ] characters from the string. It's seems to be impossible with objective-c. Most other programming...
What language/framework is best worth learning for mobile application development? My specific situation is that I'm very familiar with Java and C++ (I especially love Qt), but have limited experience with other languages. Some options I'm considering: 1) Learn Objective-C and all the iPhone-specific tools I do have access to a mac. Th...
Simply put: What is the most effective way to share / reuse code between iPhone and Android builds? The two most common scenarios I think would be: Blank slate new project, knowing ahead of time there is a large chunk of reusable logic that needs to run on each device. Existing iPhone code base, porting of C, C++ and Objective-C to th...
Is the product item a copy, or just a reference to the object in the NSArray? Does it need to be released? Considering there is no alloc, I assume there is no need for release, correct? ProductItem *item = [appDelegate.productTextList objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]]; ...
I have an example where a protocol would be ideal except for the fact that there is a subset of common state and a few methods that I want to share amongst all implementers of the protocol. This would suggest class sub-classing rather then protocol-ing. I am leary of using sub-classing do primarily to its inflexibility and general loose ...
I created an iPhone application for the App Store. I hear that some things are not allowed in the App Store. For example you can't copy existing iPhone functionality. I didn't find information about these App Store restrictions. A friend tell me that I can't develop my own UITableViewCellAccessoryXXX (I mean something different than...
This might be iPhone specific, I'm not sure. The compiler doesn't complain when building for the simulator but when compiling for device it throws some funky errors when I try to set properties for references to objects. Eg, @property (nonatomic) CGRect &finalFrame; and the coressponding synthesizer @synthesize finalFrame; for a...
opening by browser in safari in mac will redirect to i don't know why in my code it's never redirect . will redirect to what's wrong with my URL? NSURL *originalUrl=[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://y...
Hi I am trying to create a series of buttons. Some of which hide behind each other. For example I have a play and a pause button which are located in the same area. If the play button is pressed then it is then hidden and the pause button is shown. And vice versa. This works fine however I also have another button which shows an UI ale...