

I recently released an application about a month ago, it was thoroughly tested by myself, my partner, and beta testers. Recently a user contacted me about the app not even being able to open (crashes after start up screen), they have the correct OS and they tried reinstalling. I asked for the crash log and they sent me it... Exception...

How to auto resize table column when double clicking on Cocoa ?

I want to auto resize table column to its content width when double clicking its header (resize cursor is showing), like on iTunes. Anyone know how to do it ? Thanks in advance ...

getting corresponding value of an attribute from an NSXMLElement

Hi, How can i get the corresponding value of an attribute of an NSXMlelement object from a self constructed NSXMLNode. ...

UIImageView subclass touch detection

I have a subclass of UIImageView that I need to know when is touched. (Full code below.) I have found and read both this and this. They were mildly useful, but neither really worked. Not only is my touchesBegan:withEvent: method not being called, the button behind the image is being pressed. Here is my code: Header file: @interface M...

TabBarController delegate is not working

Hi, Can any one help me, when i am using my UITabBarController delegate it is not working.. I called a delegate method like this.. - (void)tabBarController:(UITabBarController *)tabBarController didSelectViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController { [self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:NO]; } ...

record video programmatically on iphone

Hi, Is there public interface in SDK 3.* to start video recording programmatically? Also how can I customize camera button appearance? Thanks, Nava ...

Bulding a new "Core Data" AtomicStore, the missing pieces

I am in the process to implement an AtomicStore subclass to save data in a MySQL DB. The system already works pretty well besides the implementation of fetch-requests. The fetches should include the cached nodes but also fire a "select" on the underlaying SQL db. I have currently only worked on SubClasses for NSAtomicStore and NSAtomicS...

How to convert .jpg image to .bmp format using Objective C?

Anyone knows how to convert .jpg image to .bmp format in iphone using objective-C? And how i process(or RGB color) the each pixel of IPhone Device caputured image? Is there need to conversion of image type? ...

Programatically generating UIButtons and associate those with IBAction

Hello, How do I do if I want to programatically generate a set of buttons and then associate those with IBActions? It's easy if I add the buttons in Interface Builder, but that I cannot do for this case. Thanks in advance! ...

Method Definition Not Found... automatic stub with Xcode?

I don't want to give up before asking, because this is basic functionality in any Java/.Net IDE. The compiler tells me: Incomplete implementation of class... Method definition for '-someMethod:' not found but clicking, right-clicking, praying and Google searching have not gotten me to automatically create a method stub from this. Can ...

How to write application for simulating content form submission using cocoa?

Would like to ask for recommendation for ways that I can build application in cocoa to simulate user submission. For example, filling in registering form or even simulate a click in the web form. Not sure what exactly is the term for this. Tried to google around, but didn't find any result. Closest I get is webkit, but not sure how to a...

NSString : number of a word.

Possible Duplicate: Number of occurrences of a substring in an NSString? I would like to know if there's a method which returns the occurrence of a given word. NSString *string = @"ok no ok no no no ok"; // How to return 4 for the word no ? Thanks for your help ! ...

how to make a single method in a class to private in Objective-c?

how to make a single method in a class to private in Objective-c? ...

UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark in black?

Hello Is there any easy way to change the color of the "UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark" from standard blue to black? Or do i need to make a subclass of uitableviewcell and insert a imageview myself? Thanks :-) Sebastian ...

Explain "speak here" app for loop?

for(LevelMeter *thisMeter in _subLevelMeters){ { xxxxx } I am new to iphone development.I am doing research on voice recording in iphone .I have downloaded the "speak here " sample program from Apple.I came across the above code in the sample program.I cant understand the for loop.LevelMeter is separate class._subLevelMeters is a NSAr...

Why do you use an underscore for an instance variable, but not its corresponding property?

I am new to iphone development.I am doing research on voice recording in iphone .I have downloaded the "speak here" sample program from Apple.It consist of LevelMeter.h file, in which @interface LevelMeter : UIView { CGFloat _level, _peakLevel; } The property are set as @property CGFlo...

Using C++ classes within Objective-C++

I am using a small C++ library in a Cocoa application (atm just a very simple example to learn how I should do it). So I have a small C++ class in a namespace looking like follows: namespace testlib { class Test { public: Test(unsigned a); Test operator+(const Test& other) const; Test operator+(unsigned other) const; Te...

How can I load this XML data into Xcode ?

Ok, so I've finally decided on how to load my data I'm going to go with loading my book data as an XML file. The problem is that I'm not too sure on where to start, I've heard terms such 'parsing' but dont know how exactly it fits in. I have added the code below if someone could give me a start in the right direction I would really app...

Is it possible to have a "touchesBegan" on a UITableViewCell?

-(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { touchStartTime = [event timestamp]; } -(void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { NSTimeInterval touchTimeDuration = [event timestamp] - touchStartTime; } touchStartTime is defined at class level. Any idea why this won't recognise the tou...

Resize Image to x mb

Hi Is there a way to resize an image (Taken from the Camera or UIImagePicker and saved to a temp folder) to 1mb? Maybe calculating the pixels and than resize it to the calculated pixel size, but dunno how to resize.. big thanks ...