I am struggling to apply a workaround I found regarding UIWebView accepting tap-events. Source:
. The author reminds the reader that he has to implement a '-userDidTapWebView' method, which is declared in a protocol. I don't know where and how to impleme...
Is there a way to get the name of the current carrier of the phone inside a Cocoa Touch application?
I don't know what's make wrong, my map can load, but the image on the map is not completely load. plx help. thz a lot. Here is the simulate map from the iPhone: (Added more example image.)
Here is the code:
MKCoordinateRegion theRegion;
MKCoordinateSpan theSpan;
Hi All,
Can any trig or GPS experts help me out here? I'm trying to create a geo-spacial bounding box (rectangle) calculation returning the maximum latitude and longitude using the following method that I've retrieved. I am calling the method once for each of the for bearings: north, south, east and west. With these four values I intend...
I have i problem with tableView selected row. When i select the row it selected, but when i back in the previous navigation controller the row deselected. Can i do that iPhone remember what row was selected and when i push controller it remember selected row and can it be blue?
Hi, I'm looking for some guidance on the best way to implement stock ticker style right-to-left scrolling of CALayers in Core Animation on OSX. I'm pretty new to Cocoa and don't know the best way to implement this.
I have a continuous stream of news items and stock details that I turn into CALayers (made up of 1 image and a CATextLayer...
I want to intercept taps on the circular Deletion control (example of Deletion Control button) on my TableView to know when the "Delete" button comes in and I can change my cell layout. Can Anyone help me? thanks a lot!
I am looking at singletons and I was curious about the correct way to do the alloc, from looking at the docs, books & web there seems to be a few few methods in use.
static ReactorClass *sharedReactor = nil;
+(ReactorClass *)sharedInstance {
if(sharedReactor == nil) {
sharedReactor == [[ReactorClass alloc] init];
Hi Guys,
I have a UITableView overlaying over a UIMapView so you can select a specific building from the table and it shows you where it is on the map. Now that is working fine, but when the iPhone is in portrait mode there is not a lot of space to see the map so I am trying to put in a button to make the table appear and disappear as t...
Hi everyone
I got a question ;)
Actually I want to use core-data in different threads.
I have two UIviews that display data from the same table in the database.
If a remove an entry in the first view I'm supposed save and then ask the PersistentStoreCoordinator to give me (the UIview) a brain new managed object.
That what they say in ...
Is it possible to return a list of all the properties implemented by an object in Objective-C?
I understand the properties are just getters and setters so I'm not sure how it would work. If this cannot be done, then is it possible to return all the selectors that an object will respond to? I'm looking for something similiar to the "metho...
I can not seem to figure out how to count the number of seconds to 6:00 pm for the current day. Need it to set the limit of a date picker so that the user can only pick a time from now until 6pm.
Working with NSDate seems to be painful at best.
hi, there is a method called viewDidLoad that execute a code when the view is loaded is there a method that do the samething but each time the view is shown?
I am implementing view controllers that shall have different behaviour. They have a common base class, which we will call "SuperClass".
In SuperClass there is a method A which sends a message to method B.
Let's say i create a SubClass and overwrite B.
If i now create an instance of SubClass and call A, will A call B from SuperClass or ...
Given the UINavigationController delegate methods:
-(void)navigationController:(UINavigationController*)navigationController (will/did)ShowViewController:(UIViewController*)viewController animated:(BOOL)animated
How do you tell or compare which view controller instance is relevant to the event?
I am developing an app that renders tou...
I am a little confused by this snippet of code (presented in the CocoaFundamentals guide) that overrides some of the methods when creating a singleton instance.
static id sharedReactor = nil;
+(id)sharedInstance {
if(sharedReactor == nil) sharedReactor = [[super allocWithZone:NULL] init];
return sharedReactor;
Hey all,
my problem is that i want to rotate the uiimageview of a uibutton.
The transformation itself is pretty easy:
super.imageView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation((M_PI*120)/180);
(I subclass a button, but it doesn't work with a normal button either.)
So, it rotates but looks not very pretty: http://img534.imageshack.us...
Hello all. I am developing an app which plays interactive real time streaming video. I use FFMPEG (don't worry, I'll be releasing my source code) to decode a MPEG2/H264 RTP stream. I simply cannot get the iPhone 3G to draw a screen full of pixels faster than 5 times per second.
I've tried a OpenGL texture which was just a slow. I've...
I'm eiter a bit overwhelmed by the complexity of NSDate or I simply don't understand the concept of it :)
the only thing I want to do is to create an NSDate Instance representing todays date and a fix time of 20.00h respectively 8pm.
this can't be as difficult as creating an Instance holding the current time and afterwards either subtr...
Does anyone have any preferences or comments about using either ...
static id sharedReactor = nil;
+(id)sharedInstance {
if(sharedReactor == nil) sharedReactor = [[super allocWithZone:NULL] init];
return sharedReactor;
static id sharedReactor = nil;
+(void)initialize {
if(sharedRandomReactor == nil) {
sharedRandomReactor = [[...