
Why might changes be populated from one NSManagedObjectContext to another without an explicit merge?

I'm working on an object import feature that utilizes multiple threads/NSManagedObjectContexts, using http://www.mac-developer-network.com/columns/coredata/may2009/ as my guide (note that I am developing for iPhone). For some reason, when I save one of my contexts the other is immediately updated with the changes, even though I have com...

SOAP, REST or just XML for Objective-C/iPhone vs. server solution

Hello, We are going to set up a solution where the iPhone is requesting data from the server. We have the option to decide what kind of solution to put in place and we are not sure about which way to go. Regarding SOAP I think I have the answer, there are no really stable solution for doing this (I know there are solutions, but I want...

iPhone Development: Get images from RSS feed

I am using the NSXMLParser to get new RSS stories from a feed and am displaying them in a UITableView. However now I want to take ONLY the images, and display them in a UIScrollView/UIImageView (3 images side-by side). I am completely lost. I am using the following code to obtain 1 image from a URL. NSURL *theUrl1=[NSURL URLWithStr...

IBOutlet is NIL when using Forward Declarations to call a class?

I have been having huge issues with this, so I drew a diagram... I successfully get to the CLASS A - METHOD B but at that point, IBOutlet Z is Nil? :( Any ideas? note Somebody told me it might be an Overrelease and to use NSZombieEnabled but that confused me ...

Convert UIViews made programmatically to UIScrollViews

So I have a bunch of UIViews that I made programmatically and placed a bunch of content on (UIButtons, UILabels, UINavigationBars, etc.), and most of these views are going to need to actually be UIScrollViews instead. Now keep in mind I made all these through code not the Interface Builder. What I first tried was to just change each dec...

Stream video with MPMoviePlayer while streaming separate audio file in background, all from remote URL

So we want to be able to stream a video from a website. We also want to be able to do the same with a separate audio file. The reason why we need them to stream separately and can't integrate the two into just a video is because we need the user to be able to scrub the video however the audio should keep playing. Is there a way to get ...

Hide button on first of two UIViews, but have it visible on second...

So I have a UIViewController (main application controller is a TabBarController). On this there is a UINavigationBar, and a UIBarButtonItem. I'm PRETTY sure I hooked up everything correctly in the Interface Builder and that the outlet in the code is connected to the button in the .xib. It should be because the method works correctly. No...

WebView load css from local file

[[self mainFrame] loadHTMLString:@"<html><body><link href='main.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' /></body></html>" baseURL:nil]; I am trying to load a css file called main.css from the application Resources folder as below from a WebView, how do i get the path of the resources folder correct so i can load the css? ...

Problem dismissing multiple modal view controllers

I am having trouble getting my modal view controllers to display properly. I have a parent view controller that is the delegate for modal view A. In modal view A I am presenting modal view B, and having the delegate dimiss modal view A. When modal view B appears it seems to display but the screen dims, and the UI locks up, but the app d...

get rotation direction of UIView on touchesMoved

this may sound funny, but i spent hours trying to recreate a knob with a realistic rotation using UIView and some trig. I achieved the goal, but now i can not figure out how to know if the knob is rotating left or right. The most pertinent part of the math is here: - (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { ...

Extending Python and Objective-C

I'm a fan of clean code. I like my languages to be able to express what I'm trying to do, but I like the syntax to mirror that too. For example, I work on a lot of programs in Objective-C for jailbroken iPhones, which patch other code using the method_setImplementation() function of the runtime. Or, in PyObjC, I have to use the syntax U...

Objective-C method not being called

It's either because of the fact I'm tired or because I'm doing it wrong, but for some reason I can't get it to call a method. Here's what I'm trying to call: -(void)newHighScore:(int)d Which right now just does an NSLog saying "yea I'm working!" I'm calling it like this: [highscore newHighScore:score]; highscore is what I called ...

UIKeyBoard resize on orientation change to landscape

This is very rookie question. I have a UIToolBar at the bottom which is supposed to animatedly move up and down with key board when the UIKeyBoard is displayed. I got that working with the help of UIKeyBoard Notifications. The view we are talking about has split view enabled. When device orientation is landscape, both the views as column...

how can i get an offline version of the iphone development handbook?

how can i get an offline version of the iphone development handbook? ...

NSPredicate of special characters - iPhone

Hi everyone, I'm trying to make a predicate that includes special characters For example: [[myIngredients filteredSetUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"name BEGINSWITH[c] %@", [alphabet objectAtIndex:idx]]]; Here I will get all the ingredient which starts with (let say for idx = 5) 'e'. As I have to do my app in englis...

How to play animation/movie instead of iPhone splash screen?

I want to play an animation(Gif) or a movie instead of Default.png. Is that possible? I tried what is described in this blog :http://www.cuppadev.co.uk/iphone/playing-animated-gifs-on-the-iphone/ but I don't know how to play a Gif animation instead of Default.png ...

Problem adding UIBarButtonItems to a ToolBar

I have a UINavigationController with a UITableViewController in it. I want to show a ToolBar on the bottom with UIBarButtonItem's. The ToolBar is showing up, but the buttons won't appear. Anyone knows why? - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; [[self navigationItem] setTitle:@"Selections List"]; [[self navigatio...

exc_bad_access on insertNewObjectForEntityForName:inManagedObjectContext

Update I wrote a minimal code example of the issue I am having. I implemented the background work two ways: manually spawning threads and letting NSOperation handle threading. In both cases I am creating NSManagedObjectContexts for each thread/operation. When I spawn the threads myself with performSelectorInBackground:withObject: eve...

Extracting images from a PDF

Hello ! every one. I am having a little query regarding Extracting specifically images ( only images ) from a supplied PDF document in iPhone Application. I have gone through the documentation of apple - But I am failure to find it. I have done following efforts to have the Image from PDF Document. -(IBAction)btnTappedImages:(id)send...

WebView load css on the fly

I have the following code which loads and html file into a webview - (void)awakeFromNib{ NSString *resourcesPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath]; NSString *htmlPath = [resourcesPath stringByAppendingString:@"/main.html"]; [[self mainFrame] loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:htmlPath]]]; ...