I'm using the following method in my code:
- (NSMutableArray *) newOrderedArray:(NSMutableArray *)array ByKey:(NSString *)key ascending:(BOOL)ascending {
NSSortDescriptor *idDescriptor = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:key ascending:ascending];
NSArray *sortDescriptors = [NSArray arrayWithObject:idDescriptor];
i am new to the world of cocoa programming, i want to add applescript support to my app.
Also the example at apple's website seems out of date
I have three Views, Splash, Login and List.
From Splash I just wait and then Push Login View, with the Navigation Bar hidden.
In Login I Show the NavigationBar, hide the BackButton1 and add a new RightButton1, then I check if Settings.bundle "login" and "pass" are set. If so, I push List View. Otherwise I stay in the Login view waiting...
Hi all,
How can i convert int64_t to NSInteger in Objective-C ?
This method returns into score an int64_t* and I need to convert it to NSInteger:
[OFHighScoreService getPreviousHighScoreLocal:score forLeaderboard:leaderboardId];
Thank you.
I have the following methods in my simple Custom Parser Class, when I execute CALLED: on my data I get ...
Found: OK
Found: 046 3433 5674 3422 4456 8990 1200 5284
My question is how would I go about adding to this so that I can specifically pick out the information for the data element (see below), is there anything I can add to the -...
have an app that finds your GPS location successfully, but I need to be able to compare that GPS with a list of GPS locations, if both are the same , then you get a bonus.
I thought I had it working, but it seems not.
I have 'newLocation' as the location where you are, I think the problem is that I need to be able to seperate the long ...
Hi folks
Sorry if this is an easy one. Basically, here is my code:
#import "FlipsideViewController.h"
@interface MainViewController : UIViewController <UIWebViewDelegate, FlipsideViewControllerDelegate> {
IBOutlet UIWebView *webView;
IBOutlet UIActivityIndicatorView *spinner;
- (IBAction)showInfo;
I'm trying to write an IF ELSE statement to enable shipping, If user doesn't add an address the array contents remain as "-" & "-" for the two items in the array. I want to check to see if those are in the array, if they are then I want to enableshipping.
Here is the code for getting the array:
NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirector...
textfield.returnKeyTYpe = UIReturnKeyDone
So the above makes my Return button on the keyboard to say Done. I have seen Apps with Blue color button on the UIKeyBoard. Is that simple enough to do? How do I change the background color of the Return key?
I init a navigation controller with:
UINavigationController *navController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:firstViewController];
I wonder if the navigation controller retains firstViewController or that I need to keep it alive. When I release firstViewController, the navigation controller still works. That...
My iPhone app is using the MFMailComposeViewController class to send an in-app email with an attachment.
The app will only attempt to display the mail composer dialog if the "canSendMail" method of class MFMailComposeViewController returns true (YES). Specifically, if the following method returns YES, it shows the mail composer, otherwis...
Is there a way to have my app's window receive keyboard and/or mouse events (i.e. user clicking on window's buttons) while still retaining focus to another, unrelated app?
I've tried configuring my window at different levels, including [myWindow setLevel:NSPopUpMenuWindowLevel] to no avail.
I am working in xcode on an ipod app in objective C, and I have a field (navigationController) in one of my classes (rootViewController). How do I reference the instantiated rootViewController's navigationController from another class? For example, how would I do this if I want to reference the navigationController from the FirstVi...
Given a string such as: "new/path - path/path/03 - filename.ext", how can I use NSScanner (or any other approach) to return the substring from the last "/" to the end of the string, i.e., "03 - filename.ext"? The code I've been trying to start with is:
while ([fileScanner isAtEnd] == NO){
slashPresent = [fileScanner scanUpToString:...
I call:
[[ UIApplication sharedApplication ] setIdleTimerDisabled: YES ]
on the applicationDidFinishLaunching event.. I set a breakpoint on it, which fires so I know it's getting called.. I've also called this function in other places as well.. Basically, a 3G iPhone will still go into sleep mode, but my 3GS won't. Has anyone seen th...
This is Objective-C, in Xcode for the iPhone.
I have a method in main.m:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
//I want to call the method here//
int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil);
[pool release];
return retVal;
static BOOL do_it_all () {
//code here//
Hi Guys,
Here I am fighting with a problem couple of hours.
My problem is
Here is my code in appdelegate didFinishLaunching method.
#import "CorkItAppDelegate.h"
@implementation CorkItAppDelegate
@synthesize window,isPicker,isFirstTime,winTyp,winTypId,wineCatName,wineRegName,theViewController,catId,regId,facebookObject,isGetWin...
I am new in iphone I am developing a application which is connected with sqlite database.
When we build application in simulator it show value from database to tableview in simulator. When we build that application in device this is not show the value th tableview. I am not understand what problem.
I am doing iPhone development and what I want is a custom map framework (not route-me, not Google Maps). So far I found CATiledLayer and UISCrollView are helpful. But I am still not clear about the stuff(any kind of view, or anything from CoreAnimation framework, or anything else?) which would be perfectly fit this.
So far I've just mad...
I'd like to add a header view to an UIWebView similar to the address/search bar in MobileSafari and the excellent Articles.app by Sophia Teutschler. More precisely, I'd like to create a "pull to fix orientation" view above a UIWebView, just like in Articles. Articles does use a UIWebView, so it seems to be possible. Is there a way to acc...