I made a toolbar with two buttons on it. I then created two outlets in my class controller. Then I hooked the the controller to the buttons and selected the outlets.
Finally I rewritten the class files (that added:
IBOutlet id next;
IBOutlet id previous;
to my .h file).
So now, everything looks okay. But then I try somewhere in...
when i launch my app, on trying to do something, it will crash after a couple of seconds. I have warnings of warning: incorrect implementation of "downloadTextViewCOntroller. I also have "method definiton for -timerFinished not found and"method definiton for -timerFinished not found" this is my .m plese help me. the .h is also t the bott...
I have an MVC application. The model has a property that is a struct NSSize. It is writable like this:
- (void)setSize:(NSSize)aSize;
The view sets this NSSize using key-value-coding. However, you can not key-value-code a struct, so I wrapped it in an NSValue-object like this:
[theView setValue:[NSValue valueWithSize:mySize]
Hi, I have an iPhone app and for some reason it is moving all the UI elements up the height of the status bar, and they are going under the status bar.
And I have set up the UI with Interface Builder
I have a modal view that is presented and dismissed fine when my device is in vertical orientation. I have problems when my modal view is presented in the vertical orientation, but dismissed in horizontal orientation. The entire app switches back to vertical orientation automatically. How can I ensure that if I am in horizontal orientati...
I have a grouped UITableView where not all sections may be displayed at once, the table is driven by some data that not every record may have. My trouble is that the records that don't have certain sections show up as blank spaces in the table (see picture)
There are no footers/headers. Anything I've missed?
- (NSInteger)ta...
I'm trying to use the select and copy feature of the IKImageView. If all you want to do is have an app with an image, select a portion and copy it to the clipboard, it's easy. You set the copy menu pick to the first responder's copy:(id) method and magically everything works.
However, if you want something more complicated, like you wan...
I have an int* of rgb data,width, height, and scanlinestride where i would like to create an NSImage.
i have looked around and found that i need to use NSData?
what is the ideal way of doing this?
I've run into the same problem as found in this question. However, I have a follow-up question. I seem to be in the same situation as the original asker: I have a plist with a hierarchy of dictionaries that define a configuration screen. These are not mutable and will stay the same throughout the application. Since the original discussio...
Im currently working on an iPhone project. I want to enlarge dynamically an UILabel in Objective-C like this:
How is this possible? I thought I have to do it with CoreAnimation, but I didn't worked. Here is the code I tried:
UILabel * fooL = //[…]
fooL.frame = CGRectMake(fooL.frame.origin.x, fooL.frame.origin.y, fooL.fr...
is there a way to change the font size gradually in a UILabel? I tried it with:
[UIView beginAnimations:@"foo" context:nil];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:0.8];
uiLabel.font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:144];
[UIView commitAnimations];
The problem is that the change of the font size happens instantly.
I'm getting weird EXC_BAD_ACCESS errors. I thought that I didn't need to retain objects if I was didn't need them after the method exited, but I want to double-check that. In the following, do I need to retain "tData"?
TouchData *tData = (TouchData *)CFDictionaryGetValue(datasByUITouch, touch);
I have a UIWebView in my app which shows the clients webpage, however I would like to retain the user within the app if they choose to browse the webpage.
Can I prevent it breaking out to Safari when a link is clicked?
How do you make a CLLocationDegrees? It's not a float, so what is it?
- (IBAction)startDownloadingURL:(id)sender
// create the request
NSURLRequest *theRequest=[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.apple.com/index.html"] cachePolicy:NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy timeoutInterval:60.0];
// create the connection with the request
// and start loading the data
My iphone app called Google Local Search(non javascript version) to behave some search business.
Below is my code to form a url:
NSString *url = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/local?v=1.0&q=%@", keyword];
NSMutableURLRequest *request = [[[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] init] autorelease];
I'd like to be able to read keynote presentation files on the ipad, and convert them to a series of images, one per slide. Is there an easy way of doing this? I briefly took a look at the internals of a keynote presentation, and the huge xml wad looks pretty daunting. Is there a library that can do this?
I am doing iPhone development and how to make CGRect return double value? I found there was a macro "#define CGFLOAT_IS_DOUBLE", but how can I change it?
Hi, I am getting the leak at this allocation
filteredListContent = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[showList count]];
EventListAppDelegate *appDelegate;
UIApplication app = [UIApplication sharedApplication];
appDelegate = (EventListAppDelegate *)[app delegate];
contactList = [appDe...
Hi, I am getting leak at:
NSString *firstNameStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s",firstNameString];
+(NSString *)getValueForProperty:(ABPropertyID)propertyId
forContact:(NSString *)contactId
if (addressBook == nil)
addressBook = ABAddressBookCreate();
ABRecordID contactInt...