
Replace occurences of NSString - iPhone

Hi everyone, I have a long NSString in which I m trying to replace special characters. Part of my string looks like this: "veau (c\u00f4telette)","veau (filet)","agneau (gigot)","agneau (c\u00f4telette)","b*\u0153*uf (hach\u00e9)","porc (hach\u00e9)" I would like to replace all the \u0153 with "oe". I ve tried: [response stringByRepla...

Sort an array with special characters - iPhone

Hi everyone, I have an array with french strings let say: "égrener" and "exact" I would like to sort it such as égrener is the first. When I do: NSSortDescriptor *descriptor = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"name" ascending:YES]; NSArray *sortDescriptors = [NSArray arrayWithObject:descriptor]; NSArray *sortedArray = [myArray sor...

Capturing a NSParseErrorException

Could someone tell me how I can capture a NSParseErrorException? The Situation: my app downloads a small .plist file. I convert this into dictionary using the string method -propertylist. This normally works fine. I check for a connection before going to retrieve the file, so it works fine if I've got a connection to the internet, a...

Objective-C: How to access methods in other classes

I have what I know is a simple question, but after many searches in books and on the Internet, I can't seem to come up with a solution. I have a standard iPhone project that contains, among other things, a ViewController. My app works just fine at this point. I now want to create a generic class (extending NSObject) that will have som...

Monotouch/C# version of "stringWithContentsOfUrl"

I'm trying to convert a piece of Objective-C code into C# for use with Monotouch and I have no idea what to use to replace stringWithContentsOfUrl Should I use something like: HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create("http://www.helephant.com"); HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse) request.GetResponse(); if (r...

objective-C : Reset tableview loaded with feltching objects (core data)

hi, i have a tableview application loaded with core data feltching objects and i wanna know if it is possible to reset the table with a simple button. Thanks code to add an object : NSManagedObjectContext *context = [fetchedResultsController managedObjectContext]; NSEntityDescription *entity = [[fetchedResultsController fetchReque...

Core Data: Keypath "objectID" not found in entity

I'm using NSFetchedResultsController with a predicate to load a list of Documents in my application. I want to load all the Documents except the currently active one. I am using Rentzsch's MOGenerator to create a _Document class and then I put all my custom code in the Document subclass. _Document generates an objectID property with typ...

Search for a string between two known strings

Hello, I have a String with this content: href="http://www.website.com/" /> [...] [...] I just want to get the central part of the string. How is it possible to get the part between @"href="" and @"" />" Note: Even if it looks like xml-code, it is inside of a NSString. ...

Serious Application Error

I have a TableView controller class that uses a fetched results controller to display a list of 'patient' entities taken from a Core Data model. The sections of this table are taken from a patient attribute called 'location'. Here is the sort descriptor for the fetch request: NSSortDescriptor *locationDescriptor = [[NSSortDescriptor all...

Optimising local image loading/rendering on iPhone

Hi, I'm looking to create an interface where the user can navigate through large volumes of images. Each image has a thumbnail of 128x128 that I wish to display and will be kind of similar to coverflow in operation. I have this all working in principle but am becoming stuck when navigating through content at speed. The interface begins ...

Let the user choose what type of document to open

I'm creating an NSDocument application, with two document types: Website and Web Service. This is in my Info.plist: <key>CFBundleDocumentTypes</key> <array> <dict> <key>CFBundleTypeName</key> <string>Website</string> <key>CFBundleTypeExtensions</key> <array> <string>website</string> </array> <key>LSTypeIsPackage...

Undocumented Mac Calls

I'm working on a couple of mac products, and in order to do what I need to do, I'm using some calls to undocumented methods on Mac Classes. Like IKImageView's doRotate:(id) and PDFDocument's (NSPrintOperation *)getPrintOperationForPrintInfo:(NSPrintInfo *)printInfo autoRotate:(BOOL)doRotate; How common is it for Objective C pr...

How to place UIBarButtonItem on the right side of a UIToolbar?

I have designed a view with a toolbar that appears modally in Interface Builder. I have a UIBarButtonItem that is on the left hand side, which I would like to appear on the right hand side of the toolbar. How can I do this in IB, or via code? ...

Subview of custom NSView is resizing itself to fit within its superview

I have a custom NSView which contains a subview—for the purposes of solving this issue, the top level view is simply acting as a container and automatically resizes to fit within the window. Its subview draws a rectangle 10 pixels inset from the edge of the window, except for the bottom, which should get clipped by the window until it's ...

Dealing with the lack of closures in Objective-C

Maybe it's just the fact that I've been using http://nodejs.org/ lately, but the lack of closures in Objective-C (iphone) has been really hard to work around. For example, I'm creating service classes. Each service class can have several methods, each of which makes a different URL request. I can use the delegate pattern, but that mean...

Debugging NSoperation BAD ACCESS within graphics context

I tried everything to debug this one but I can't get to the bottom of it. This code lives in a subclass of NSOperation which is processed from a queue: (borders is an ivar NSArray containing 5 UIimage objects) NSMutableArray *images = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < 5; i++) { CGSize size = CG...

MKMapView - viewForAnnotation not called while loading more results

Edited to Add * I haven't found a solution for this one yet, can anyone please help? My problem is similar to this but the answer posted doesn't t work for me - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1190270/mkmapview-refresh-after-pin-moves *End Edit I have a search enabled map view. When user hits search, my custom annotations are added t...

EXC_BAD_ACCESS when executing ABAddressBookSave !

Hi everybody, I'm trying to create a new contact and add it to the AddressBook but when I get to the ABAddressSave line of code I get EXC_BAD_ACCESS. I cannot see what am I doing wrong, I enabled NSZombie to check if this is a memory related error but it didn't spot any. Can anybody tell me what is wrong with this code? Thank you in adva...

Cocoa AppKit - Dismissing a modal window (i.e. popup or contextual menu) and pressing the button currently hovered above

Basically I want to create the effect of that provided in the system's menu bar. A user presses on one of the menu headings, and as he moves across the different headings, the menus open up automatically. The snag is that if I open a pop-up menu for a button, the user has to click again to dismiss it. The entire runloop is on hold as I ...

@property, setter and getter question?

NSString *statusValue; NSString *currentValue; @property(retain, nonatomic) NSString *statusValue; @property(retain, nonatomic) NSString *currentValue; @synthesize statusValue; @sythnesize currentValue; Given the above, if I am setting one variable to another should I be doing ... [self setStatusValue: currentValue]; or should I u...