
Iphone sdk : Where to put code for a grouped table.

I have a root view controller with no nib file, I tried adding this at cellForRowAtIndexPath as that passes in a UITableView as tableView. So I put : tableView = [[UITableView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame style:UITableViewStyleGrouped]; It ran with no error but it didnt seem to change anything. ...

iPhone: Proper use of View and View Controller

I've recently been doing a lot of Objective-C programming, and just got back into doing more iPhone development. I've done a lot of programming using MVC in other languages/frameworks, but I just want to make sure I'm using MVC properly in my iPhone Development. I created a new iPhone Utility Application, which creates two views: MainVi...

Objective-C library recommendation for AES-256 in CTR mode

Hello, I'm looking for recommendations on an Objective-C library for AES-256 encryption in CTR mode. I have a database full of data encrypted with another library using CTR and seems the included CCCrypt only supports ECB or CBC with PKCS#7. Any idea on the best portable library I should use? I'm not looking to port the original implem...

Collision detection on sub views contained in 2 separate parent UIViews?

Hi All, I originally setup some conditions using CGRectIntersectsRect for some collision detection which worked fine. In the greater scale of things I only need part of the view to be detected. So originally within the ViewController it was comparing 2 UIviews. Now what I need to do is collision detection of subViews within 2 differe...

Iphone : what do I need to do to a nib file to an exisitng object

I have tried using an outlet to connect my tableview controller to my object, setting the nib name in IB and setting the class in IB but it still wont link? I know this as im trying to set my table view to 'grouped' Thanks very much. ...

How to change size of UIButton

I'm trying to resize a UIButton in my iPhone app. I have a UIButton synthesized and when I call the following code, it moves on the screen, but the width & height of the button never change. button.frame.size = CGRectMake(104, 68, 158, 70); For example, when I change the height (70) to 40, the height of the button does not change. I...

Why does Adding Core Animation slow down drawing of my NSTableView?

I have a simple App that displays a list of items using NSTableView. There are usually about 15-25 items in the list, and the table has 10 columns, all but one of which are text (the other's an icon.) There are simple data transformers on a couple of the columns. So nothing taxing; you'd expect it to run just fine. And as it stands, it ...

Cocoa: getting a Table View cell to send action messages

I'm really having trouble getting a Cocoa Table View cell to send action messages. At the most basic level, in IB there is an action assigned for the NSTextViewCell object, and after editing and pressing Return nothing happens. So I have an IBOutlet hooked up to the NSTextViewCell, and have been experimenting with NSActionCell messages...

Cocoa: how to nest a button inside a Table View cell?

Take a look at the top pane of the Xcode window. There's a table list, with checkboxes in one of the columns. That's the interface I want to do. So how do you nest a button in an NSTableView cell? ...

Back button of Navigation Controller does not work!

For some reason, if I try to go back to the main menu using the back button on the upper left corner, only the title returns to the previous menu, but not the view controller. View controller would return to the previous menu only if I explicitly call popViewControllerAnimated using some other button. Is there anyway to solve this? I th...

Dragging Files on the Dock Icon

I know how handle dragging of files on the dock icon, and it has been asked before. However, I'm wondering, can I somehow get more control? For example, can I make the dock icon reject files that are not in the user's folder and allow only files that are in the user's folder? I'd rather do that instead of the app appearing as if it ha...

Objective-C I can access self.view but not self.view.frame

I can access and show self.view and see the frame in the log but when I try to access self.view.frame I get null. Below is the log output of NSLog(@"Show self.view:%@",self.view); NSLog(@"Show self.view.frame:%@",self.view.frame); - 2010-03-28 11:08:43.373 vivmed_CD_Tab[20356:207] Show self.view:<UITableView: 0x4001600; frame = (0 ...

adding UIImageView to UIScrollView throws exception cocoa touch for iPad

I am a noob at OBJ-C :) I am trying to add a UIImageView to a UIScrollView to display a large image in my iPhone app. I have followed the tutorial here exactly: http://howtomakeiphoneapps.com/2009/12/how-to-use-uiscrollview-in-your-iphone-app/ The only difference is that in my App the View is in a seperate tab and I am using a dif...

I dont know how or where to add the correct encoding code to this iPhone code...

Ok, I understand that using strings that have special characters is an encoding issue. However I am not sure how to adjust my code to allow these characters. Below is the code that works great for text that contains no special characters, but can you show me how and where to change the code to allow for the special characters to be used....

How to add info button to UIToolbar

Hi guys, I need to add info button to toolbar. can any one help me to solve this. Thanks in advance. ...

Convert C function to Objective C or alternative way to include C library?

Background: I'm new to Objective-C and I've never touched C before. I'm trying to include a C library in my iPhone/iPod Touch project and I could not successfully compile the library's source code using the included instructions, so I've resorted to including the .h and .c files in Xcode. The library is for Hebrew Dates and correspondin...

Figure out function argument from custom struct?

I have a function which takes a custom struct as the argument. how can I figure out what the argument should be? I know it is a date format of sorts... (C library imported to Objective-C...) Struct: typedef struct { /** The number of day in the hebrew month (1..31). */ int hd_day; /** The number of the hebrew month 1..14 (...

How do browsers know there is an RSS feed present for a given URL

Hi guys, I get a URL from a user. I need to know: a) is the URL a valid RSS feed? b) if not is there a valid feed associated with that URL? Using Objective-c Can any one help me to solve this. Thanks in advance. ...

Can not change UILabel text color

Hi, all I want to chang UILabel text color,but can't change it's color,This is my code. UILabel *categoryTitle = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 46, 16)]; categoryTitle.text = @"abc"; categoryTitle.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor]; categoryTitle.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:12]; categoryTitle.textAlignment = UI...

Adding image together with text in a picker view

Can we add image together with text in a picker view? Anyone please help! ...