Hello, I am new to Objective C and I am trying to implement an async library which works with callbacks. I need to figure out a way to pass callback methods as args to my async methods so that the callback can be invoked when the task is finished.
What is the best way to achieve this in Objective C? In Python, for example I could easily...
Hey Guys check this code ( My Custom Keyboard) :
-(IBAction) updateTextBackSpace:(id)sender
if([txtview.text length]>0)
NSString *deletedLastCharString = [txtview.text substringToIndex:([txtview.text length]-1)];
[txtview setText:deletedLastCharString];
return nil;
i want to create a custom callout bubble on MKMapView. But i want to create the call out bubble in the same manner of default bubble. So how to create a View look like annotaion in this image
I want a custom custom view which look like "Parked Location" annotaion in the following image. with custom width, height etc. P
I am not able t...
I am trying to acquire the file path of an item within the NSMenuItem object. Using [objectname action] i am able to properly acquire the action (cmdOpen). But [objectname target] returns a null value. According to the documentation in the apple developer website, if the value is null, the action is sent to the first-responder. I want to...
Basically I want to copy the behavior in iPhone's Calendar where the day of week (Mon, Tue, Wed) is on the left side of the table's section header (left justified) while the formatted date (Apr 1, 2010, May 1, 2010) based on locale is on the right side of the table's section header (right justified).
I was thinking of inserting a variab...
Hello everyone!
I have created an alert view with two buttons using the following code:
UIAlertView *alertView = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle: title
message: msg delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"Replay" otherButtonTitles:@"Highscore", nil];
[alertView show];
I want to run some code when one of the buttons is clicked.
In order ...
Can i create a single project in XCode such that there are 2 targets, one using C++ and another using Objective-C??
Some important part of my code is running in viewDidLoad and I was wondering is there was a way to unload an UIView so that when my controller calls it again it must go through viewDidLoad again?
Thanks a lot!
I have several buttons on my app that are being created dynamically. They are all pointed at the button click event when pressed. When the button pressed method is called, the sender's tag (int value) is parsed into the controller's house ID. It works with one of the buttons — the first one created, to be specific — but the others throw...
I am looking for a solution to create a "virtual" webcam device under OS X (that acts just as a normal hardware webcam, but the application has full control over what to output). I'm fairly experienced with C++, but not so much with Objective-C and OSX/Cocoa programming.
Anyone that can point me in the right direction, where to look and...
I am using Cocos2D for my main framework. In some cases, I want Cocos2D to load a nib file and have that be the view:
window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]];
TargetPlayerViewController *myController = [[TargetPlayerViewController alloc]initWithNibName:@"TargetPlayerViewController" bundle:nil];
[window ...
I am adding objects (NSNumbers in this case) to an NSMutableArray and I wanted to check what the best way is to check for duplicates in the array before adding. (i.e.)
Number to add
if (NSMutableArray does not contain Number) {
add Number
Many thanks, I had a good luck at NSArray this morning but totally missed "containsO...
I'm writing a OSX PDF Workflow in ObjC and C. A single executable ("UNIX Tool" as named in the Apple reference), that reads in the spooled PDF file, does some parsing.
I'd like to give more functionality by enabling a key-down event handling, meaning
- when user opens print dialog in an application
- and chooses to left-mouse-cl...
Hi, I am trying get float value with UITextField.
On the simulator V3.1.3 in English, I have to use '.' to separate my float values.
But on my Iphone 3GS V3.1.3 in French, I have to use ',' to separate them.
If I use '.' on my Iphone 3GS, my float is troncated : 3.22222 => 3.0000000
Is there a solution to detect the language version and...
I am trying to determine if a UILabel was touched and if so do something. Give ..
UILabel * site = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 185, 320, 30)];
site.text = [retriever.plistDict valueForKey:@"url"];
site.textAlignment =UITextAlignmentCenter;
site.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
site.textColor = [UIColor whit...
I have a ViewController that has its own NIB. I would like to embed that NIB inside of another master NIB. How can I accomplish this in Interface Builder and how do I reference it in code?
I am developing an iPhone application and I use HTML to display formatted text.
I often display the same webpage, but with a different content. I would like to use a template HTML file, and then fill it with my diffent values.
I wonder if ObjectiveC has a template system similar to ERB in Ruby.
That would allow to do things like
I have a set of classes to represent some objects loaded from a database. There are a couple variations of these objects, so I have a common base class and two subclasses to represent the differences. One of the key fields they have in common is an id field.
Unfortunately, the id of an object is not unique across all variations, but wit...
Hello Everyone,
The following code is causing me some problems. The third line causes a program crash... it doesn't happen the first time I step through but somehow later on in the program. If I comment out that third line, the program runs smoothly.
NSString *myRequestString = @"text";
int i = 1;
myRequestString = [myRequestString st...
Hello all,
I've been working on an iPhone for several months. It's a 2d shooting game akin to the old Smash TV type games.
I'm doing everything alone and it has come out well so far, but now I am getting unpredictable crashes which seem to be related to CoreFoundation forking and not exec()ing, as the message __THE_PROCESS_HAS_FORKE...