
Custom URL Scheme from settings.bundle

Is it possible to set a custom URL scheme to launch my app from a link but make this a user defined setting? My app relies on a user defined server url and I would like to be able to set a URL scheme to launch my app using the users custom URL from lets say an email link. I noticed the info.plist has these references ${EXECUTABLE_NAME...

Objective c key path operators @avg,@max .....

arr = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init]; [arr addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:4]]; [arr addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:45]]; [arr addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:23]]; [arr addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:12]]; NSLog(@"The avg = %@", [arr valueForKeyPath:@"@avg.intValue"]); This code works fine, but why? valueForKeyPath:@"@avg.intV...

Text encoding problem between NSImage, NSData, and NSXMLDocument

I'm attempting to take an NSImage and convert it to a string which I can write in an XML document. My current attempt looks something like this: [xmlDocument setCharacterEncoding: @"US-ASCII"]; NSData* data = [image TIFFRepresentation]; NSString* string = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]; //Put stri...

Background image for list view still shows white behind text for cells.

I wanted to put a background image partially visible behind a list view. I created a list view in my nib with an image view behind it and made the list view background 20% opacity. This allows the background image to show thru but my text in the cells show a white background behind and if I create the cells in cellForRowAtIndexPath th...

When is NSCopying needed?

I know it's needed if your object will be used as a key in an NSDictionary. Are there any other times like this that NSCopying is required? If I think I don't need my model objects to conform to NSCopying, am I probably wrong? ...

Issue passing NSMutableDictionary to a method

Hello all, I've got a chunk of code that's passing an NSMutableDictionary (amongst other things) to a method in another class: [self.shuttle makeAPICallAndReturnResultsUsingMode:@"login" module:@"login" query:credentials]; The NSMutableArray credentials is previously defined like this: NSMutableDictionary *credentials = [[NSMutableD...

Urban Airship - not receivng push notifications on device?

I just installed everything to my app and tried to push, but no messages appear. The token for my device is saved so that's working. When I push, the website says it sent, but no message are received on the device. Right now I'm using a production certificate for push notifications, with a developer provision and not the distribution ce...

Obj-C combining strings

this must be such a simple problem but can someone tell me why this doesnt work: visibilityString1 = @"the"; visibilityString2 = @"end"; visibilityString = (@"This is %@ %@", visibilityString1, visibilityString2); Every time I try to combine strings this way, it will only return the second string so what I get is: end ...

How do I set an array in one class with another array in another class

I've populated and array with data like this in one class... PowerClass.h NSMutableArray pickerArray; @property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray pickerArray; - PowerClass.m @synthesize pickerArray; @implementation NSMutableArray *array = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"stef", @"steve", @"baddamans", @"jonny", nil]; pickerArr...

Converting NSDecimalNumber to NSString

I'm retrieving a key from an object that looks like this: po obj { TypeID = 3; TypeName = Asset; } The key value is being retrieved like this: NSString *typeId = (NSString*)[obj objectForKey:@"TypeID"]; Rather than typeId being an NSString, it is an NSDecimalNumber. Why is that? How do I convert it to an NSString? ...

using objc_msgSend to call a Objective C function with named arguments

Hi all, I want to add scripting support for an Objective-C project using the objc runtime. Now I face the problem, that I don't have a clue, how I should call an Objective-C method which takes several named arguments. So for example the following objective-c call [object foo:bar]; could be called from C with: objc_msgSend(object, s...

How can I use this animation code?

I'm a newbie and I need some help. I want to display a popup image over a given UIView, but I would like it to behave like the UIAlertView or like the Facebook Connect for iPhone modal popup window, in that it has a bouncy, rubbber-band-like animation to it. I found some code on the net from someone who was trying to do something simil...

How to hide a tabbar at the app startup?

So, I want my app starts with a UIViewController(without seeing a tabbar), and then enter a UITableView with navigationbar and tabbar. the problem is that the Tabbar is visible at the app starts up, anyone can help on this will be very appreciated... ...

Is is possible to derive currency symbol from currency code?

My iPhone app formats an NSDecimalNumber as a currency using setCurrencyCode, however another screen displays just the currency symbol. Rather than storing both the currency code and symbol, is it possible to derive the symbol from the code? I thought the following might work, but it just returns the symbol as $: currencyCode = [dictPri...

Getting Console Logs for My Cocoa App

I'm making a crash reporter, and I can read the crash reporter files just fine within ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter. However, I want to also send along with the report any console (NSLog) information that was printed to the console (the stuff that one can see both in Xcode and in Console.app). However, I want to make sure I get only the ...

Stream multiple files in _one_ ASIHTTPRequest

What is best practice to stream multiple files in one ASIHTTPRequest? Right now, for one file I use: .... ASIHTTPRequest *request = [[ASIHTTPRequest alloc] initWithURL:someUrl]; [request setShouldStreamPostDataFromDisk:YES]; [request appendPostDataFromFile:someFilePath]; [request startSynchronous]; How to stream multiple files withou...

How to retrieve Directories size including all sub-directories?

I have stored images from the net like this Documents/imagecache/domain1/original/path/inURI/foo.png Documents/imagecache/domain2/original/path/inURI/bar.png Documents/imagecache/... Documents/imagecache/... Now I'd like to check the size of imagecache including all it sub-directories. Is there a convenient way of doing it — preferab...

Decode received multipart/form-data request in Cocoa

Hi: I wonder if there is any possibility to explicitly decode an incoming multipart/form-data POST request. Is there any lib to handle this safely? Several files are embedded in this request and I want to save these files individually. NSData *data = [(id)CFHTTPMessageCopyBody(request) autorelease]; Content-Type: multipart/form-data; bo...

Simple maths in Objective-C producing unexpected results

I'm doing the following in Objective-C and expecting 180 as the output but I'm getting 150. Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong? (360 / 100) * 50 ...

Webservices on iPhone - wsdl2objc - Sample Code?

I have recently downloaded the most recent build of this awesome tool WSDL2OBJC from google code here: http://code.google.com/p/wsdl2objc/ After a bit of tweaking and downloading the latest version of the trunk from the svn repo I got a version that created the code for a WSDL I am using and compiles great and actually installs on my ph...