
Learning development for the iPhone

Hello, I have decided to enter the iPhone App development arena and as such have a couple of questions: Coming from a business management background and having no experience/knowledge whatsoever in developing, what would be the right way to start? I am aware that I should learn Objective C, to begin with; as well as OOP etc... will re...

Cool applications for WebGL?

The recent SIGGRAPH 2009 saw the announcement of WebGL - a port of OpenGL ES to javascript. The application that immediately came to my mind is web-based 3D first person shooters with AJAX as basis for communication. I think this has the potential to answer the long awaited promise set forth by VRML a long long time ago... Can you thi...

PVR Texture Compression Tiling (exposing edge context)

I've got PVR texture compression working all happy and good in my iPhone game, but I've got issues when tiling multiple textures together. Basically, I've got a very large background which is split into multiple 512x512 tiles, all PVR compressed. Then they're drawn together to look like one big background image. The way PVR works, becaus...

How to make OpenGL apps in 64-bits windows

OpenGL experts, My project compiles, link and run in xp32 then I tried to cross compile it to x64 and I came across a lot of questions. There's no native x64 instalable OpenGL SDK so I link against what? I saw someone saying that x64 apps use 32bits opengl dll. I tryied to run my compiled 64-bits app in a xp64 with drivers to my video...

OpenGL or DirectX?

I know this is probably a very subjective question, but I just want to start with the one which is the easiest and fastest to learn, so that I can get started with a small project of mine as fast as possible, it's a a little 2D game, to start with at least.. Which one would you recommend me to go with? And I'm using C++ ...

How to keep track of OpenGL state across function calls?

Since OpenGL is a state machine, I am constantly glEnable() and glDisable()-ing things in my program. There are a select few calls that I make only at the beginning (such as glClearColor) but most others I flip on and off (like lighting, depending on if I'm rendering a model or 3d text or the gui). How do you keep track of what state th...

New to SDL OpenGL on Linux, whats wrong with this?

I have written some code to experiment with opengl programming on Ubuntu, its been a little while but I used to have a reasonable understanding of C. Since c++ i'm told is the language of choice for games programming I am trying to develop with it. This is my first real attempt at opengl with sdl and I have gotten to this far, it compil...

OpenGL for Android and iPhone

In discussion with some colleagues we were wondering whether OpenGL work developed for Android or iPhone are effectively interchangeable given that both support the spec. Or is the reality of sharing OpenGL between the two platforms more a case of quirks, tweaks and not as easy as one might have hoped. ...

OpenGL vs Antigrain Geometry ?

Rebol (600 Ko only) is based on antigrain geometry library which is Opensource It seems really great, can OpenGL do better ? ...

OpenGL Windowing Library for 2009

Trying to decide on a library for creating a window and capturing user input for my OpenGL app, but there are just way too many choices: GLUT (win32) FreeGLUT OpenGLUT SFML GLFW SDL FLTK OGLWFW Clutter Qt Others? GLUT is simply outdated. I liked GLFW but it seems you can't set the window position before displaying it (I wanted it cen...

How to handle multiple keypresses at once with SDL?

Hi, been getting myself familiar with OpenGL programming using SDL on Ubuntu using c++. After some looking around and experimenting I am starting to understand. I need advice on keyboard event handling with SDL. I have a 1st person camera, and can walk fwd, back, strafe left and right and use the mouse to look around which is great. Her...

How to use OpenGL ES on a separate thread on iphone?

The OpenGL ES rendering loop is placed on a separate thread in my iphone application. Everything goes fine except that the EAGLContext's presentRenderbuffer method fails. The result is a blank white screen. When the same code is run on the main thread, presentRenderbuffer succeeds and the graphics is properly shown. What is the correct ...

How to fix weird camera rotation while moving camera with sdl, opengl in c++

I have a camera object that I have put together from reading on the net that handles moving forward and backward, strafe left and right and even look around with the mouse. But when I move in any direction plus try to look around it jumps all over the place, but when I don't move and look around its fine. I'm hoping someone can help me ...

Do I need to use OpenGL in my 2D Java sim game?

Hi all. I have recently been developing a sim game in java, as many of my questions show, and it's come a long way! Graphically, it is somewhat lacking, and at current I'm using shapes for items, people, rooms ect. I was looking at other similar projects, and noticed that one was using OpenGL. I have been reading CokeAndCode "space inva...

GL_POLYGON not filled properly?

Why are those lines appearing in my shape? I'm initializing OpenGL like this: glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDisable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glEnable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0); And drawing the shape like this: glClear(GL_CO...

Porting project to my laptop results in a blank screen

So I'm making something in openGL using SDL. I'm about to take a long flight, and I can't seem to get the project to work on my laptop. I've used SDL on my laptop before, so I'm left thinking it is openGL's fault. The laptop is on win xp pro, and has an intel 945 graphics "card." I've tried updating the drivers, but to no avail. The imag...

Removing OpenGL texture artifacts

Hi, I am creating a simple opengl application which obviously includes some 3d-objects and textures. My problem is however that artifacts appear on every texture. These come in the form of triangles along the edges. I have noticed that it disappears as soon as I move the view-point closer to texture it renders perfectly. Therefore I ha...

What are the error messages for breaking the GLSL shader instruction limits?

We're a small dev team working with some GLSL that may be too large for older graphics cards to compile. We want to display a sensible error message to the user (rather than just dump the info log or output a generic 'this shader didn't work' type of message) when this happens based on the type of error. The question is, ATI and nVidia...

Rotating OpenGL scene in 2 axes

I have a scene which contains objects located anywhere in space and I'm making a trackball-like interface. I'd like to make it so that I can move 2 separate sliders to rotate it in x and y axes respectively: glRotatef(drawRotateY,0.0,1.0f,0); glRotatef(drawRotateX,1.0f,0.0,0.0); //draw stuff in space However, the above code won't wor...

Start with a scene graph engine or with opengl direct?

I am a professional developer working mostly with Java but on my spare time i like to play around with different languages and libraries. The thing is that i want to start learning how to develop 3D enabled applications or games. There are alot of engines out there but im afraid that by using those directly i will fail to learn the basic...