
Is it possible to make OpenGL draw GL_LINES with a pen-like stroke?

What I mean by a "pen-like" stroke is this: when you draw on a paper with a circular bud pen. You will get a line with a round beginning and ending. In case, my explanation isn't good enough, please see "Join Round" and "Cap Round" at In Java, we can set the stroke a...

How do I put my OpenGL app into fullscreen mode?

I'm new to OpenGL but I've written a small application that runs fine in a window. Now i'd like to run it fullscreen. There is this from the FAQ, but it seems to require GLUT, which is not open source. What's a good method for putting an OpenGL app into fullscreen mode? On Windows XP for now, but I'll be porting to other platforms. ...

gluPerspective vs. gluOrtho2D

I have looked at the documentation on MSDN about these 2 functions. However, I don't exactly understand the difference between these 2 functions, other than one is for setting camera view for 3D, and the other one is for setting camera view for 2D. It would be great if it can be answered. Thanks in advance for comments. ...

How can I blend between my UIView and my EAGLView?

I have an opengl scene rendering on an EAGLView layer and some other elements (circles and such) rendering on a UIView (which is a sibling of the EAGLView, positioned above it). Is it possible to blend colors between the two layers? I'd like to do some difference blending to get an inversion effect on the colors from EAGLView. I've ...

Unicode Input Handling in Games

This is a C++ SDL OpenGL question. Hello, I have a game that requires me to allow players to chat with each other via network. All is well, except the part where players can type in Unicode input. So, the question can be split into two parts: When players type, how do I capture input? I have done this before via the game input handl...

SharpGL madness

Hello, I've ported 1-1 this code from C++/OpenGL to C# SharpGL: float[] cameraAngle = { 0, 0, 0 }; float[] cameraPosition = { 0, 0, 10 }; float[] modelPosition = { 0, 0, 0 }; float[] modelAngle = { 0, 0, 0 }; float[] matrixView = new float[16]; float[] matrixModel = new float[16]; float[...

opengl in C# using Tao.OpenGL

I am working on an OpenGL project for a computer graphics course, and I have not been actively programming for around a years time (military training). I am drawing an absolute blank on how to include a source file in C#. I know in C++ you use #include . I have no clue how to use the figure class I made in my form. ...

OpenGL Alpha Stack

Hi, I'm somewhat new to OpenGL. I've used it for extremely simple stuff like rendering Textures(2D) and basic MODELVIEW transformations, but now I want to modify the alpha values in fashion similar to the MODELVIEW stack. I basically have a glTex class, which renders a texture at a certain point after applying certain transformations to...

Just installed QtOpenGL but cannot import it (from Python)

I just installed it with apt-get on debian linux with apt-get install libqt4-opengl the rest of PyQt4 is available, but I cant get to this new module. from PyQt4 import QtOpenGL raises ImportError. any idea what to do? ...

OpenGL - moving camera with mouse

I'm not sure exactly how to explain this but hopefully you'll understand what I mean. Basically I've drawn a cube and want to drag the mouse around to view all the sides. Rotating only horizontally or vertically is fine, but if I try to combine these then things go a little weird. e.g. if I rotate 180 degrees vertically (to get 'upside...

OpenGL absolute coordinates

I'm very new to creating games (and working in OpenGL in general). I'm trying to make a 2D game but have come upon a stumbling point when trying to get my head around collision detection. Lets say for example I translate the current matrix, the rotate and translate again and then draw a point. How do I know where that point is in relat...

OpenGL game development - scenes that span far into view

I am working on a 2d game. Imagine a XY plane and you are a character. As your character walks, the rest of the scene comes into view. Imagine that the XY plane is quite large and there are other characters outside of your current view. Here is my question, with opengl, if those objects aren't rendered outside of the current view, do...

OpenGL Texture Combiner - gradient texture

Hi, I've got 2 RGBA8 textures: A) The "main" texture with data for display in all channels B) The "gradient" texture that only has meaningful data in alpha (of course this should really just be an A8 texture) Using OpenGLES 1.1 texture combiners, I'd like the resulting texel to copy RGB from texture #A, and use an alpha modulated from ...

3D Rotation in OpenGL and Local Rotation

I am trying to prototype a space flight sim in OpenGL, but after reading many articles online I still have difficulty with getting the rotations to work correctly (I did have a quaternion camera that I didn't understand well, but it drifts and has other odd behaviors). I am trying to do the following: 1) Local rotation - when the user ...

Problems Building my java app using JOGL in Netbeans

I'm using Netbeans 6.7.1 and I have an application which uses the JOGL libraries. I can run my application just fine, but when I try to build it, I get this error: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\RAGEUI\nbproject\build-jogl-template-impl.xml:12: The following error occurred while executing this li...

Prerequisite to know before working on cocos2d-iphone or game programmign in general

Ok i am also one of those who are trying to make their first game esp for Iphone but i have no clue from where to start. I never work on such application before (graphics stuff). It's totally different paradigm for me. I google around, and came to know that opengl will be required, then it cam out there is something called cocos2d-iphon...

Getting started with OpenGL ES 2.0 on Windows

This is a very specific questions about the steps necessary to Build a simple OpenGL ES 2.0 program on the Windows platform. The environment is Visual Studio with unmanaged C++. I go to the site and, frankly, find it a bit opaque because it reads like something written by a standards body. I don't want to download a "refer...

OpenGL glPushName meaning?

What's the meaning of doing that in OpenGL? Does that reset all the names? ...

Specific OpenGL Resources Required

I try to avoid asking school specific problems on Stackoverflow, but I've ran into a bit of a problem, and was hoping someone here might be able to point me in the right direction. I'm currently doing a Graphic Programming class in college independently (no class, just me, a book, and the teacher). However, the professor doing this is ...

openGL and STL?

hi, I am using openGL and am currently passing it a vertex array. The problem is that I have to create many vertices, and add them in between one another (for order). This means that using a regular array is pretty annoying/inefficient. I want to use a data structure from STL so that I can efficiently (and easily) put new vertices at a...