
What library emulates OpenGL in Javascript

I would like to put a texture on the surface of 3D models. I heard that there is a solution which allows to make it through OpenGL. ...

Plotting a large number points / lines with zoom

I need to display a graph with thousands of nodes so that the user can scroll and zoom to view it. The nodes need to behave like dimensionless points, and the edges, like one-dimensional lines. That is, zooming in, the circles representing the nodes move farther apart but each one stays the same size, and the lines connecting them get ...

Hide command line / shell when using GLUI

Hi everyone, I'm working on an openGL project and have chosen to use GLUI for my interface. Was just wondering if anyone knows how to hide the command line / shell when running? Cheers! ...

OpenGL antialiasing isnt working

I'm using the following code in order to antialiase only the edges of my polygons: glHint(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_NICEST); glEnable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH); But it doesn't work. I can force enable antialiasing by the nvidia control panel, and it does antialiase my application polygons. With the code above, I even enabled blending, but ...

3d max integration with c++, Cal3D where to start?

okay i'm making a game using c++ (for the engine) and openGL, now i've had lots of trouble using cal3d library for importing my 3d max models into my c++ project, as a matter of fact i dunno where to even start, i can't find any decent guide and their documentation is pure shit really. i've been searching and trying stuff in this for ov...

Algorithm for converting Latitude and Longitude to World Coordinates (OpenGL)

I have a set of latitude and longitude co-ordinates which are to be rendered in a GL program I'm working on. I have information such as the number of units per latitude and longitude degree (I have the co-ordinates in decimal degrees, eg, 27.1234) - for example, 15 units per longitude, and 10 units per latitude. However, I've had problem...

OpenGL Rotations around World Origin when they should be around Local Origin

I'm implementing a simple camera system in OpenGL. I set up gluPerspective under the projection matrix and then use gluLookAt on the ModelView matrix. After this I have my main render loop which checks for keyboard events and, if any of the arrow keys are pressed, modifies angular and forward speeds (I only rotate through the y axis and ...

gluProject on NDS?

I've been struggling with this for a good while now. I'm trying to determine the screen coordinates of the vertexes in a model on the screen of my NDS using devKitPro. The library seems to implement some functionality of OpenGL, but in particular, the gluProject function is missing, which would (I assume) allow me to do just exactly that...

Determining intersection with frustum in GLScene

Hello, using GLScene in delphi I need to find the intersection between an object (a line or plane is enough) and the visible space, to determine what part of this object is currently showing. I tried getting the view frustum but I couldn't find how. I was thinking of using camera's position, direction and field of view, but I suspect the...

Opengl version trouble glew.h

I am developeing an opengl application and need to use the glew libarire. I am useing Visual Studio C++ 2008 Express.I compiled a progarm using gl.h, glu.h, and glut.h just fine and it does what it's suppoesed to do. But after including glew.h it still compiles just fine, but when I try: glewInit(); if (glewIsSupported("GL_VERSION_2_0")...

OpenGL gluUnProject object section

Hi everyone, I'm using gluUnProject to cast a ray into the scene and adding a primitive there. What I'm trying to do is now accurately pick existing primitives, so if I have 3 spheres I could click on one to delete it. I think the solution would somehow check if the ray intersected with an object and check if its the closest to the cast...

Rendering OpenGL FBO Texture to GLXPixmap

I'm writing some code which is intended to: 1. Render into an OpenGL texture using an FBO. 2. Draw from the FBO texture to a GLXPixmap, which is attached to an X Pixmap. 3. Draw the X Pixmap to a window on the screen. Step 3 works great, and step 2 works fine if I replace the FBO texture with normal OpenGL drawing. But if I do what's a...

OpenGL mipmaps cut out?

Is it possible to cut out the last 3 miplevels, so it wont use higher miplevels than max-3 ? I have problems with high miplevels, they look really bad no matter how much i pad my textures. ...

Cannot find OpenGL headers

I programming an app for the Iphone that uses a 3d object loader. the code of this loader is uses: #include <OpenGL/glu.h> the compiler is telling "no such file or directory", but I can see the file "glu.h" inside the OpenGL.framework under "External libraries & frameworks". I am using Xcode 3.2.1 what am I doing wrong? ...

OpenGL + Mesa 3D + MinGW

Hello, I program C++ applications on (Ubuntu) Linux and compile them to 2 operating systems: natively to Linux by using "g++" (GNU C++ compiler) and cross-compile them to Windows by using "i386-mingw32-g++" (MinGW C++ cross-compiler). Now, I am trying to cross-compile "OpenGL" applications (from Linux to Windows) - for that I need some ...

a quasi-raskinesque zoomable, mostly text interface + 3d, cross platform and open; where do i start? (opengl?)

hi everyone, in this browser and bitmap graphics dominated world - after decades of macintosh-ish richly decorated windows and pretty components - I'm looking for a way to render fixed size character text, draw an extremely simplified "gui" onto 3d panels that can be zoomed and interactively resized making the content tiny and not wrapp...

OpenGL: Rendering more than 8 lights, how?

How should I implement more than 8 lights in OpenGL? I would like to render unlimited amounts of lights efficiently. So, whats the preferred method for doing this? ...

Is there a middleground between writing raw OpenGL versus using a full-blown game engine?

I'm playing around with OpenGL and I'm finding myself writing code that I feel like I shouldn't have to write. GLU and GLUT are nice but not really what I'm thinking of. Code to load .obj models (vertex and normal vectors) from Blender and render them. Code for collision detection. Code for navigation/camera stuff. Code for simple ter...

Why can't I run my OpenGL program outside of Visual Studio?

I have an OpenGL-program using GLSL, that I can run just fine with the Play-button in Visual Studio (2008) -- both in the standard Release and Debug configurations. However, when I try to run the executable from Explorer, all I get is a flashing cmd-prompt with no text in it to indicate any kind of failure loading something. I have tri...

Drawing many spheres in OpenGL

I want to draw many spheres (~100k) using OpenGL. So far, I'm doing something like for (int i=0; i<pnum; i++){ glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(bpos[i].x, bpos[i].y, bpos[i].z); glCallList(DListSPHERE); glPopMatrix(); } Before using proper spheres, I used GL_POINTS. That allowed me to call glDrawArrays with an array co...